RE: Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!

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Let's Talk About What We Aren't Supposed To Talk About... Religion!

in life •  8 years ago 

Reading the comments I'm struck by how close-minded we are. Instead of assuming the other guys, or the ancient guys, were all stupid, misguided villains, maybe we should assume that they were trying to tell us something, but in a different way or language than we can immediately understand. So if they are real people, who saw and described something real, and this is what they wrote, what is it they saw? What is it they experienced? Who is the other guy, whether today or 3,000 years ago? What was life like in their shoes? Because if one thing's for sure, what they're saying made sense to them, it was important to them. If so, start from asking how what they say could possibly be true, rather than closing off in all the ways it doesn't fit the experience of a guy who drives to a 9-5 in a car, dials his iPhone, and types online in 2017. What we do, our experiences are very, very unusual in history! Try to extend the courtesy to ask, what do we do with all the thousand experiences, stories, the ones that are true and happened to people, the ones that don't fit? If not, we run the risk of being self-centered, self-absorbed, close-minded, and frankly, mean. Is that what any of us want? How can this be true, not false? Brainstorm. Explore.

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