My Journey To Becoming a Professional Designer At The Age Of 22

in life •  9 years ago  (edited)

In 2011 I was a senior in high school. I was graduating in a couple of months and had no plans for college. I had always loved drawing and considered myself a creative guy. I actually made a little money in between classes by drawing other student's names in graffiti. Other than that I had never really pursued art, that was until I took my first art class 2 months before graduation. In this class the teacher made us do much more than draw peoples names, we had t0 draw portraits, sculpt, paint and all sorts of things. Even though I had never really did much more than draw with markers, I started to notice that projects were turning out exceptionally well. Not to sound cocky or anything, but I was the star of the classroom. Everyone was always anxious to see my work when we would present and I even had a few kids ask for my help on their projects! One day the teacher, Mr. Carl, approached me after class. He asked if I ever thought about going to art school for college. I told him I really had not thought about it and he suggested I check out the Savannah College of Art Design. It turns SCAD was actually one of the top art schools in the nation. I talked with my parents (who were thrilled that I wanted to go to college) and decided I would apply. The next few weeks were spent building a portfolio to submit to SCAD. I did paintings, drawings and anything else I could think of.

After waiting for what seemed like forever, I received a letter from SCAD. I had been accepted! So in September of 2011 I moved to Savannah, GA to start my journey. I had been going through problems with my stomach and having terrible anxiety prior to moving there. I guess I was scared of change, scared of leaving everything I had ever known and starting over. New friends, new school, no parents, my girlfriend was back home, everything was going to be new. I remember my first night there, I woke up in the middle of the night in my dorm room and my entire body was shaking uncontrollably. I called my parent's and told them I wanted to come home that I wasn't ready. They talked to me and calmed me down and asked that I just give it one more chance and really put my mind to it. I battled the anxiety and stomach issues for several months, but I never gave up. As I started going to class and getting projects, my anxiety slowly started to fade. I stopped worrying. I stopped having night tremors. I started to realize that I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I was becoming the artist that I never knew I was.

As my first year ended and my sophomore year began to unfold, I really started to notice a difference in my work. My lines were becoming more crisp, my proportions were spot on. My mind was overflowing with ideas and the images starting to flow out of me. I was finally finding my style as an artist and I loved it.

I had always been a hands on artist. I always said I would never work digitally. Boy was I wrong. Halfway through my sophomore year I was forced to start working digitally.

My core classes like drawing and regular academic classes were about to be over and it was time to decide my major. I thought long and hard. I decided I would try my luck as a graphic designer. This is where my journey as an artist really began to unfold. I was working more and more digitally and actually started to enjoy it. I was learning things I didn't know could be learned and my skill set was growing fast. I was learning to work with typography and also learning that design can be applied to text alone.

I even got to do a project where bitcoin was involved! I designed what I thought bitcoin would look like as an actual bill.

My junior year is when my work really started to transform. I had found my style with hand done art, but now I was finally finding my digital style. I was designing logos, magazine layouts, movie posters, labels and all sorts of different things!

I was also the top dawg in all my classes! I was making the Dean's list every quarter as well..

With one quarter left to go at SCAD, I got my first job as a designer. I was an in-house designer for Coastal Canvas Products here in Savannah. I re-designed their logo, designed a 23 page brochure, did two vehicle wraps and many other things!

Aside from working as Coastal Canvas' designer, I also started my own business as a freelance designer. My company is called JPiper Designs. I design logos, brochures, websites and anything else my clients may need.

I graduated from SCAD 2 months later and continued working full time for Coastal Canvas!

After doing my own thing and working at Coastal Canvas for a year, I got a job offer at a design firm here in Savannah, Creative Approach. So on June 25th 2016, my birthday, I started as an in-house designer for them. I have been here for 5 weeks now and I have to say it was the best decision I have ever made. I am already putting smiles on my client's faces.

Looking back, I have came so very far since 2011. I went from a kid drawing graffiti in class to being a professional designer. I love my job and I love my life. Never give up what your dreams are. If you want to be an artist, go be an artist. If you want to be a teacher, go be a teacher. I almost left SCAD due to my anxiety and doubt but I stuck with it. Now I am going to work every single day with a smile on my face. Who knows where I will be in another year. Until then I will keep designing and keep striving to make people happy. This is my life as a DESIGNER. Some of the images are from my website, please go see my work at:


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Your type of art is so appealing! Awesome story!


Thanks :)

That is a great story and wonderful artwork!

Hey thanks Tom!