Steemit Reblog Button

in life •  8 years ago 

I am guessing it is going to allow you to show your followers other users posts. Thoughts?


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why hasn'\t been this communicated? !
Again and again we ask: PLEASE TELL US WHAT'S GOING TO HAPPEN.
Sorry, huge new feature, mum's the word
"i'm guessing" is the best we got.

Do we get rewards for reblogs? Anyone know how this works?

P.S. Well done for spotting it, would never have noticed it myself!

No. When you look at a person's blog who has reblogged something, the author shows as the original. When you click it, it takes you to the original post.

yes you do, if you vote it before you re-post it ! than you will earn if your followers vote for it

Rip featured author posts. 2016-2016

I think it will work hand-in-hand, especially bringing attention to posts/authors 2-30 days after the original posting.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I tried it too. I'd like it better if I could add something to say why I reblogged it. Context is important!

Get in on my own posts, but get an error if I try to use it.

Also when I go to a comment from my list that one is highlighted

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

shoot... i tried it on someone else's blog, can you delete a reblog?

Removing it is still an upcoming feature. To me, I think they should have waited until they had that feature ready before rolling it out. I accidentally clicked on the button on someone's page and then found out I can't undo it.

Would like to know that too

You can't so far.

Check out my link it has the answer:

It's a fantastic feature, and yes, it basically takes a post from someone else and shows it to your followers. I reblogged this post, so now all of my followers will see it as well :)

I also noticed detailed author rewards - curation rewards when you click the voters list on - nice.

jesta does this count against the 4 post limit?


thanks ! just read dan's annoucement

Hi, how does your followers know when you have reblogged someone else's post?

Hmmm this could be really neat overall. I re-blogged your post, hope it brings you lots of upvote$! I was surprised that it doesn't indicate that it's a re-blog in my feed, but it does show your name of course. I think the best part is that it will help people get vote$ after the initial 24 hour "rush" of coming from their own feed, as others and especially the newest users find it organically in someone's feed.

like as twitter's re-tweet

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Nice idea! I tried it with your post here for the first time now. :)

Me too. The word has to get out somehow. Changes just appear and mystery sweeps over us all as nobody communicates anything .

Awesome :)

I think its great, just was thinking how can i for example unblog a post i reblogged

wow interesting!

i think this is to stop "sharing author" things, now you can just "reblog" them.

we will see what will happend to introducting of authors now.

is the reblogger paid ?

Nobody knows! That's the fun of it all. It was not on the list of radical changes for the delayed hard fork that is supposed to take place tomorrow.

question is: who gets the rewards ?

Original author. Look at my blog, my last post is a reblog. Notice how I am not the author and when you click it, it takes you to the original post. :)

This is a super cool option. Someone else can share your post on their page and when someone else clicks it, it takes them to your page. I like this!

I hope they also add a "don't show retweets" option like in twitter, I don't like my feed to be cluttered...

I'm a novice still at Steemit ~ And so far I've seen some beautiful work by other artists and interesting articles on places I'd love to see but more than likely never will, as well as information on health and healing ~ I would love to share items that peak my interest that I feel anyone who follows me will also resonate with.

it's the nice future but it's messing up my feed when I'm just getting use to it. many are happily testing that or reblogging many post.

It's certainly an interesting idea, given that many social media platforms have something similar. It's just another way to make Steemit that much easier to use, especially if, perhaps, you are leaning away from the drama you find on other platforms and ease into this one. It will now have at least perhaps "familiar" post functions so the crossover is easier to slide into. And I highly doubt it'll have an effect on featured author posts, mainly because the turnover of posts and reblogs will likely be in such high rotation that not everyone may see such posts, even the second or third time around.... so featured author posts can still come in handy to allow a post to really stand out, and even enhance the probability of reblogging.

I think it is a great feature (when fully implemented) - the chance is if you write a good post which fits to someones niche, you'll be rebloged (I hope so...)