After getting up at half past five for half a year, the change brought to me

in life •  7 years ago 

Not long ago, talking with a few school friends, the topic turned to our present life.

We have not been connected for a long time, talking about the situation of everyone.

Xiao Chen has been engaged in career editing in his hometown. He works very busy from nine to five every day. He feels very tired after work, watching others live everyday, and wants to learn, but he always has no time.

Xiao Liu is now the two child's mother. Besides working, she spends almost all her time on two children. She takes her children back from her parents at night, prepares dinner, and sleeps the kids. It's ten o'clock in the evening.

She said, "I really hope that at weekends, children can go to grandparents. If I can sleep more or learn anything, I will give up early. If I have children, where can I live for myself?

They admire my life so much that they are so regular every day, not sleeps, no pressure of life, and can do what I like.

In fact, I did not achieve the degree to which they envied them. I only know that today's own, in a little bit change, which contains the early rise.

For half a year, I got up at half past five every day, and I got a change.

From the idea to the practice.

I like a lot of people, had a very decadent period of mourning. At that time, I had just entered the college entrance examination, and came to the undergraduate school with the light of undergraduate examination. My life is very relaxed. There is no pressure and the endless exercise questions in the period of the promotion.

My life is like opening the gates of the water, such as laissez faire.

Natural sleep wake up every day, my eyes, The sun is three poles high., struggling to get up from the bed, a look at the mobile phone, it's half past ten, wash finished, with a slightly tired body to go to the cafeteria to eat lunch early, and roommate chat.

Afternoon time is a nap, until evening, at night holding a computer to see the variety.

Yes, this is my undergraduate life. I never know what it feels like to read, and what is self-discipline?

At that time, I was in class, the next class was chasing the Korean drama, and the days went into the appearance of retirement.

When I was approaching the exam, I began to be nervous, the textbook was new, the focus, the beginning of the night and the back of the book. Six a week before, every morning to recite words, brush, do Zhenti night, the results are still defeat.

I even give up the entrance examination, and forget the original intention of the original promotion.

The most frightening thing is that for a long time, I gradually accustomed to this life, around the students are like this, and why?

I know the truth, but still a muddle along without any aim.

Like a lot of readers ask me a question: I want to learn, but I do not have time, I want to write, but the roommate is too noisy, affecting my thinking.

We are all the same, understand a lot of truth, but always stay in the place.

All ideas, only in action, will become meaningful, or they are only moved by themselves.


Until last summer, a chance, I joined the book group of left students, 70 small partners each day good morning, the weekend to share reading experience.

In the communication, I learned, the left story.

His achievements were not by chance, but by countless efforts of day and night. For many years, he insisted on getting up early, taking advantage of the morning time to exercise his body and studying reading.

I began to change my mind, and I began to reflect on my life. Is the present state I want?

The answer is negative.

I try to change my state, and learn how to make use of time to gain more.

Because of the working relationship, I chose to study in the morning. From July last year, I began to get up at half past six every day and change to half past five.

It took an hour to read, from July to August, every Monday, and did three books to share. When I'm not reading, I like to stand on the windowsill to listen to the music and do the stretching.

Work normally during the day and go home in the evening to write a movie.

The thought of the early will make me depressed, but the stick, terribly fatigued, that would make me a day early reasonable clock full of go, not only have more learning time, more importantly, I quit bad habits Aoye, the skin is good.

If we get up two hours earlier than others every day.

In the two hours, we can finish writing a 2000 word essay, read one hundred pages of books and make notes, and make a delicious breakfast for ourselves, and do an hour's exercise.

I still get up from half past five to five forty every day. When it's cold, I sit on the bed and memorize words. After that, I get up and wash up and start working and living all day.

Some of the changes began in our actions every day.

Early rise may not bring us a lot of practical benefits, but it is enough to change our life in a subtle way.

Getting used to getting up early also makes me develop a good time management ability.

The habit of getting up early is more than half a year. In this half year, I read forty books and wrote two book notes.

Because of the early evening reading, I have more time to do their own things, not to write this evening, I love painting, watching movies, watching the watercress score more than 8 Movie sixty, finished two this illustration.

This year, I began to learn the hand account, use time management, and record my own plans in the hand account.
Some things, not we do not have time, but we are too lazy, always think a lot, do very little.

In an English learning group, I know a treasure mother.

Like a lot of people, she works six days a week, the mother of a seven year old child, taking care of the children and housekeeping every day.

But she was the envy of a lot of people.

When the child gets up at seven, she starts to make breakfast for her children, drives her children to school, works normally during the day, returns home at night, cooks with her husband, tutor children's homework, till ten o'clock at night, and the child sleeps.

This is her day's "work", many people will ask, how did she live to be the envy of others?

She gets up an hour earlier than the child every day, guarantees that she reads forty minutes, twenty minutes in the morning, exercises in the morning, uses the lunch hour at noon to learn English, and at night wait for two hours to prepare for postgraduate study.

A lot of people will question her, how can it be done, won't be tired?

The mother said, "at first, it will, but not now. There are many things to do. If you want to do it, you will find all kinds of fragmented time to finish it, unless you just think about it.

Whether we get up early or not, every one of us has what we want to do, a kind of person we want to be.

The new year set up a pile of flag, tested 46 levels, a year to read one hundred books, early exercise, weight loss success...

But most of the time, we looked at his big ambition, but I took.

Learning is so tired, playing games and reading books. This day is so cold. Let's wait till winter passes. I'll get up early and do exercises. In a few months, I will take the 46 level. I'll catch up with these TV dramas before I'm ready.

We always used to search for various reasons for their own, but we can not deceive ourselves, that we just lazy. The reason why we are really confused and let us envy other people's life is that we always stay in the place and look at the efforts of others.

No matter what kind of status you are now, college students, workers, or married people with families.

To change, not to be late at any time, rather than to live a life in the envy of other people's life, as from today, do some try.

Want to do and do, one word, but have different results.

As Lu Sihao wrote in his book, "many things are like traveling. When you decide to start, the most difficult part is actually completed.

From now on, do a person that makes you look different, do not envy others, and do not have to regret themselves.

This is a long way, and I'll be on the road and walk along with you.

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