Eliminating the 12 Biggest lies in life can reveal the truths about us.

in life •  last year 

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Living is as a process which may turn back on itself, or simply follow a predetermined plan, but in the end, it is the combination of these experiences that makes up the human being. Yet, it is when these preconceptions appear in our route of exposure that they are incorporated into our view of the world. Let's unravel the 12 biggest lies that life may throw our way:

  1. Abundance is Scarce
    Contrary to the notion that resources and money are few. being enough are, in fact, plenty, and the world has limitless potential. Acknowledging the potential for abundance could lend itself to mountains of new experiences.

  2. The Here after Paradox of life
    The idea, we will cease living when we die is something that alot of people can't still comprehend completely. whe we die we become energy and return to the universe with the knowledge that we have gained and if we have learned what was need we move on to the next life path.

  3. Predetermined Paths
    As life is a worthwhile not scripted trip ; it's a dynamic journey. It's the idea that everything is decided beforehand which makes us worse prisoners of the aging process and we are not in position to find a different freely chosen way. we have set markers to meet and will be always given a choice.
    Embracing your life's uncharted paths and take active involvement in the construction of your story.

  4. The Endless Grind
    Paradoxically, work does not mean producing or going to toil incessantly until death; prioritizing a balance life dictates enjoyment of all its forms. Actually, your passions are major keys to success and are of paramount importance.

  5. Purposelessness
    The theory that your life had no reason to be born, not only sounds weird, but it also is absurd. Going deep into the reality of life and searching for the life-fulfilling path is an individual road which every person must take each time we come back.

  6. Emotional Stigma
    It is fine to be sad or scared; those are part of the human life. It is not ment for us to live there. Vulnerability is the key to becoming more resilient individuals and engaging in authentic relationships with other people.

  7. Birthplace Determines Destiny
    Your birth place doesn't make you any less successful. Though experiences differ, a slight sense of invincibility and iron determination can exceed any obstacle. Choose your strong sides and mark out your goals.

  8. Fate's Role
    "If it's meant to be, it will be," is one of the oversimplified depictions of the real world difficulties. Success more commonly is as a result of making the first effort, being able to learn from errors, and persisting through difficulties with strength.

  9. The existence of God
    Thereby God being a subjective and individual notion. Whichever way whether one accedes or not to spirituality, tolerance for various outlooks will enhances your world and give you a brighter outlook.

  10. Illusion of Control
    However, only a certain level influence is in your power, being a full control is an illusion. being open to change and mastering the art of improvising and patience will give you true control over your life.

  11. From the Ashes Rise a New Dawn
    (Your past does not define you)
    The future is not based on your past. Experience, learn lessons, grow, and shape the path of your life. Change is always constant it just requires action for it to move in a direction

  12. True Wealth
    Material things don’t make you rich. Relationships, experiences and children are just some of the elements that bring true wealth to your life.

Life especially its trip is varied as well as multi-faceted. Through defying such falsities, we can move towards an informed and empowering standpoint that will provide opportunity for self-development and broader knowledge of the world outside.

Life's journey is complex and multifaceted. By challenging these falsities, we can embrace and move towards an informed and empowering standpoint that will provide opportunity for self-development and broader knowledge of the world outside.

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