Hubby has his chef's hat on, my garden is moving a long slowly and the dogs are sound asleep. ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒผ๐Ÿ˜

in life โ€ขย  4 years agoย  (edited)

Its been another slow day, i am feeling really tired at the moment, i am not going to fight it as then i will feel much worse. I have to run with it resting as much as possible , listening to my body and doing nothing until i feel fitter. I had a long lie in, i would have stayed in bed all day but that just makes me feel worse. I managed to pull myself out of bed when hubby shouted dinner will be ready in 5 minutes.

I had to make the effort to get up as hubby was making Yorkshire Puddings from scratch for the 1st time. He has taken over the cooking with my health problems deteriorating, he has mastered Roast Potatoes and Roast Parsnip, he makes these better than i do so next was Yorkshire Puddings. Once i was downstairs he shouted for me and my daughter to come and have a look.

hubbys yorkshire.jpg

Its official he can now do these better than me too, he was so proud of himself, he kept asking us "Are the Yorkshire Puddings OK," "They are delicious." Had to tell him to shut up as he asked so many times. I had to send a photo to his mum and our oldest daughter. He will probably want it framed and put on the kitchen wall so we never forget.

After dinner i went out to check on my plants, I didn't have the energy to do much just to make sure they weren't dry or blown over as the winds are still strong. My garden was OK, nothing damaged nothing blown over. I then checked my greenhouse to see if there was much change.

seeds 2020.jpg

The Borage and Cornflowers are growing really well, the Roses seem OK and i do see a few poppy@s but nothing from the Petunia, The top shelf is showing the most changes where as there's no change on the lower 2 shelf's. Hopefully i will see something over the next few days. I am chuffed with the seeds that are growing.

We have all had a lazy day, even the dogs have spent most of the day lounging around sleeping. Its been a lazy Sunday for all of us.

dogs asleep.jpg

Hopefully i have a bit more energy for Monday as its the last week of Hubby being off work, his site opens up again next week so any heavy jobs around the garden need to be sorted this week. One more week before things stat getting back to normal here, hopefully the virus won't come back with an even worse second wave.

Its now bedtime, feels like i have been up for ages.

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ย  ยท ย 4 years agoย 

WOW that baking looks great - keep him in the kitchen!

Well done Hubby

ย  ยท ย 4 years agoย 

He's doing a good job, he is staying in the kitchen, bless him he is so proud Haha