Mother Nature is on my side🌞 more pots filled more flowers on there way 🌸🌼🌺.

in life •  4 years ago  (edited)

We are having amazing weather at the moment, i heard that we are in for a few showers, i don't mind as long as they don't hang around and drown us like last year.I have done so much gardening done today, so many post filled and so many aching bones. I haven't stopped all day in and out of the garden adding more pots and adding more seeds to my greenhouse. I think i may have to order few more seeds to keep the garden growing plus i want a few green bush plants for a pot i have on the decking.

I also spent sometime on my fairy garden, i need a few more accessories before its finished, that will take a little while longer, i have a few items that i can attach. I have added doors & windows to the pot to make it look like the pot is the house.

Fairy Garden fixtures.jpg

I am waiting for more street lamps and i need a few more fairies, i want to attach few more fairies to the rim. I think it brightens up the garden, its a bit of fun for me.

I moved a few more pots around, the Bee section needed more Lavender for the Bee's so i added the pot i had on the decking.

Bee area.jpg

I have placed all my new pots in the place where they will get the Sun, once they are stronger and growing well i will put them near to the Bee section. Most of my seeds are growing really well but when i plant Petunia seeds nothing happens, i have tried a number of times still getting nothing. I won't give up.

It was time to get a few pots filled with my seedlings, I have re-homed quite a few seedlings. Borage, SweetPea, Nasturtiums & Poppy's, A couple of the pots fitted lovely into my Wheelbarrow and Bike garden ornament.

New Plants.jpg

I have added more seeds to my greenhouse, Borage, Nasturtiums & Petunias, I will have to ease off the garden for a few days as i am waiting for my Jiffy seed pods to arrive, they should be here around the 4th, i don't like using plastic pots for growing seeds, after using the jiffy pods there is no need for them. They are brilliant, seeds are a brilliant idea.

I had to keep sitting down and resting for a while but determined to get this done and out of the way, i then watered all my plants then zipped up my greenhouse. Tomorrow i will take my bucket, trowel and gloves to pull the weeds out, wish my plants grew as quick as weeds do.

Once the garden was done i had a quick shower then my online food order arrived from the supermarket. Hubby disinfected everything whilst i put them away, my fridge is overflowing due to us doing hubby's mums shopping that we will deliver tomorrow. With the isolation lifting when we deliver her shopping we will spend a little time in her garden area with her for a chat, we still have to keep a 2m distance but still be nice to get out of the house.

My garden is coming along nicely, i am enjoying what i am doing plus love seeing my seeds grow, they are my babies. I started gardening in 2017, its been 3 years and thoroughly enjoyed every minute. Every year i get a little better at it, every year there's always something new to learn. I will keep doing whilst my body lets me, dreading the time i can't do it.

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waiting for my Jiffy seed pods to arrive

i wonder why they are out of stock lol?

I ordered then online, waiting for them yup be delivered