Rain stopped gardening, nothing else to do so chilling with my daughter.

in life •  4 years ago  (edited)

My day has been a wash out, another day of rain, was hoping this would pass over quickly but seems its going to hang around for a few days. Thankfully i didn't have much to do in the garden other than water the plants but Mother Nature has done that for me Thank You Mother Nature. The temperature has dropped quite a bit, its a lot colder than it has been, i think i will have to get my jumpers out again.

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We had to go and pick some shopping up and drop of a couple of things for hubby's mum, i bought her a couple of bunches of flowers, she loves her flowers and always buys herself a bunch when we used to go out shopping, with her living alone and being isolated she can't pick any up. They put a smile on her face which i am thankful for as i worry about her being by herself.

Home, shopping put away, still raining so still no gardening. I opened my green house earlier hoping for some sun unfortunately the sun didn't show so closed it up again as didn't want my seedlings to get to wet.

There is no change in the greenhouse, nothing is ready to get planted out, i am hoping the weather improves soon as don't want to lose the seedlings i have already re-potted. I am going to take cuttings from some of my older plants White Rose Bush, Buxxus Bush these have grown really well and now i have the rooting compound i mentioned in my last nights post i am hopefully going to have a good chance on them taking root.

I am also going to start growing herbs, i tried a few years ago with success, they grew out of hand way faster than i could use them. Hubby is doing all the cooking now and wants to start practising with flavours so i am going to start a few small pots of different herbs for him. I will have to check what's available online.

Me and Nichola were supposed to have a girls night last night, face mask and a movie, its now been moved to tonight, face masks on, movie on standby until we get comfortable. We are watching Get Hard I do enjoy a good comedy, Nichola says she has seen this and thought it was hilarious.

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Hope the above photo didn't scare you or gives you nightmares. ❤❤

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