Thursday Thoughts: Words

in life •  7 years ago 

What were your first words? Most of us it was mom or dad maybe a siblings name. Words are important to us starting on the first day we are put on this earth. At first, we aren't so good then as we get older we get better learning how to express are feeling and thoughts. Words can get us out of trouble or can get us in more trouble than you could imagen.

Some of the most important things I remember from people are what they say and how they say it. When you flirt with someone most times you use words, joking with them or telling them how beautiful they are to you. If you hate someone you let they know by speaking you words louder with more authority letting them hit your opinion like bullets. Shyness can sometimes get the best of us making us say nothing and we can regret the words we never spoke.

We hide behind a screen typing out the words and stories we sometimes wish we could say in real life. With every move of a finger, we could uplift someone's day or make them feel lease than adequate. I few simple words could change someone's day even change their lives forever, for better or for worse. In my worst times, I remember the stories my gran use to read to me making me smile. Other nights I stay awake thinking of one phrase someone told me still running in my brain might not have meant anything to them but the words are in the brain. You words are beautiful and cruel, the minute you speak something you can never take it back. Remember words are a gift and a curse.


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I can see you have a lot of deep thoughts when you let your mind wander. It's a great way to look at the world. I love this post. Unfortunately I don't know my first words.

I don't​ know mine either : )

Amazing post!!

Thanks you!