Accomplish Your Goals FAST!

in life •  7 years ago 

I've been so guilty of overthinking for the last few days.
I have a job interview today. It's weird that something I did impulsively that my heart was screaming for is now panning out.

I may give up my self-employed freedom for a few months to go back to my old job. I feel that because of all the craziness that happened this year, My old job would help me regain my footing so I can start charging at my life goals again. Plus the pay, And the exercise, Hence weight loss that I've been wanting will happen. If this job works out.
But it also sets me back a bit on my business, But I decided that might still be a smart option overall.


I've rarely found a time where overthinking helped with a situation. You obsess and cause yourself so much anxiety. And then you realize that it wasn't' even half as bad as you were expecting.
Yesterday I walked out of the building in one piece.

I was half expecting to be beaten half to death with baseball bats by management, Limping bloody to my car.

All because I'm asking for my job back, When I was a damn good employee...
Ridiculous right?

Overthinking is unnecessary, it's one thing to prepare. Then it's one thing to obsess ** I need to read what I just wrote 10-20 times to drill this shit into my head.

Overthinking only prevents you from accomplishing your goals. Have you ever had those tough decisions where you just "Can't" decide? Later you end up waiting too long to make your decision, And you lose the opportunity to make a choice, And the decision is made for you?

I feel like this happens pretty frequently. And overthinking can cause us to procrastinate and hold off on what we want. Until we lose it all together.

You ALREADY KNOW The Decision

After weeks of thinking and deciding. I made the choice that I WASN'T going to get my job back; It seemed silly and stupid.

But why did I come up with the idea in the first place? Something was there....

A day later after making my decision, I found myself at the library with my laptop impulsively applying.

So weeks of overthinking and wasting my time overthinking, Didn't prevent me from doing the exact thing I had spent all that time considering.

Because deep down I kept having the "What If's" And it's something my heart wanted.

The "What If's"

I've changed the way I make decisions. If "What If" Is involved. I usually just go for it.

What ifs, are some of the worst regretted things of my life.
We usually say no to certain opportunities and then regret it later. It seems less common when we just go with the chance, Then regret doing so.
Regret Is a scary thing, Don't let it happen

Never Settle

There is nothing wrong with loving what you do. But having goals is a great feeling.
I remember when I first became self-employed. For a minute, I felt heart broken and disappointed when I realized I had just accomplished one of my biggest goals.

At that point, I felt like there was nothing left to do. The feeling of "finishing" everything.
So at that point, I had to find new goals to pursue.

When we settle, We allow time to fly, And then we don't accomplish as much as we'd like to. That's one of the reasons whenever my schedule feels too easy or comfortable I kick it up a notch.

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Overthinking has being on of the biggest ways I use to hold back myself to, and have already lost uncountable opportunities in life due to overthinking, so it is indeed something I feel like working in me in order to be better.

Nice to know you got your old work back, I do agreed that have our own business is better, but sometimes we need to work for others first in order to save some money before do it. I`m completely sure you will soon be working for yourself again soon =)

see ya dear @kaylinart

Right? Overthinking just ruins everything!

Right? I'm still going to do both! So I am just going to be super busy.
Thank you for stopping by Andy ehhehe :)

good writing

it is better to regret what you have done than regret what you did not do

Exactly! LIke they say, It's better to ask for forgiveness, Then ask for permission.

exactly. although it is more difficult to do that than say it

Good luck with the upcoming interview !

I'm sure you'll do great and be re-hired right away :)

Steem on ! :D

Thank you so much! I just got the job heheh :)

See ? :-D

Congratulations !!!

If only there was an on and off switch on our heads. Pretty amazing that our wonderful minds can actually screw us up! Being aware and taking control is a thing we don't even realize we can do. This is a great post. You are a very good writer. Thank you.

Right? Thank you so much! I wish there was. It would be really helpful.

Lately I feel like my problem is second guessing the decisions I've already made, even though I feel like I'm just overthinking everything. I need to step back and take a breath and just trust that everything is going to be okay and most things aren't irreversible. Good for you for going after what you want. You are inspiring!

Yes if you work a few months you can earn money and maybe buy more Steems ! 😆

I totally agree with “what if” i really hate that question!

Right? It can drive you crazy.

@kaylinart I just want you to be HAPPY no matter what your decision. You are my Favorite Honda Lady..........

The first thing I would do would be to research and read all the information I could find related to my goal. Knowledge is power. You have to know what needs to be done before you can start, right? Some goals just can’t be reached quickly. But you can schedule, organize, and prioritize your time so that you speed the process up here and there rather than slow it down by missing critical steps that you just didn’t know would be necessary.

Good luck on your interview darling! Knock them dead. Hehe :)
Nothing wrong with taking a step back in your current work to regain the footing you desire and getting a stronger foothold in your life and everything your do. Keep at it.

Your looking so beautiful...
Its a awesome post for me...i inspired this post...
Keep posting...
I like it

Thank you

Welcome @kaylinart...
i always like your post

Love the tip Kaylin!! Keep on going for your goals and setting them higher when you reach them! Always aim high and you will see what you will achieve! 💕

Stop overthinking and follow your heart. You will be happier in the long run. Overthinking sometimes leads to lost opportunities. You'll just drive yourself overthinking.

When the other person tells you something, suddenly it causes hundreds of thousands of events that cause the sentence to come to life in the form of cause-effect. These inexplicable thoughts push people from time to time into the world of thought.

But I think it is not always negative. Chaotic thinking sometimes causes you to notice things that no one else can notice. You will not struggle to explain. You smile at the simple interpretations of people. in short, the absence of a problem of overthinking is also a problem...

Nice post! Thanks for sharing.
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I would regard overthinking as a condition which I'm hardly able to get rid of..

This is an absolutely amazing and relatable post for anyone in this world. I have been in the same boat so many times. Frequently we are bogged down, simply by our thoughts, because we value planning and believe without it we can't see results. However, the second we overwhelm ourselves with our thoughts and over-plan, we can easily cause ourselves anxiety and discomfort, and it becomes crippling almost leading us backwards. You know what they say, the first step is always the hardest! Cheers and thank you for this! I truly hope your interview went well, with a positive attitude like this, I can guarantee you nailed it! Cheers!

Best of luck for your job interview....
Gud luck.

Thank you :)

quite often overthinking is like making a payment on a problem that we might never have 👍👍👌


Over thinking is the worst and it totally creates anxiety!!
Just do it!
I think it was Nike that said that but I think they are right!

Wow i felt you. Actually the truth is anxiety and stress makes us overthink expecially in a demanding Job. I do have a demanding job, believe me they makr overthinking inevitable.

Thanks for sharing your job experience i learnt a lot

Thank you very much!
Very usefull!

Honestly? Whenever I start to overthink things bad things happen. That’s when it’s time do go to my hockey cards and enjoy my hobby!

Sometimes we think too much that makes us slow and lose opportunity.

What do you want?
It's a simple question, it's not easy to find the answer always.
Don't just overthink. Do what you feel like doing. Take action based on reality, not just fantasy.
What I believe is, if you really want to do something, you can do it and make it happen sooner or later.
Best of luck! See you around, @kaylinart!

So true!! This is a really self-introspective observation you had there. Well done and repeat that lesson often :)

nice post

Thank you

They say there are three kinds of people ; The ones that WATCH THINGS HAPPEN, The ones that MAKE THINGS HAPPEN, and the ones look around and say WHAT HAPPENED???

Making things happen includes a risk and can be scary sometimes. But in my opinion it's much riskier being in the other two categories.

When you make rhings happen you shape the world when you watch things happen the world shapes you

Wow!!! it looks lovely...........
so nice of you,,,,,,,,

You tried, and you maybe it just wasn't the right time... I think the main thing is, that you don't give up. For now, I wish you good luck, but you never know when this past experience will help you again!

Overthinking is my biggest time killer. I know its good to think about my future or reflect on recent events but I always find myself worrying over things that I know I can overcome if I gain confidence

You are a rockstar @kaylinart

Yes, I've also heard it said, that we already know our decision and that deciding is just a form of procrastination.

Hmmm... your comment, "When we settle, We allow time to fly, And then we don't accomplish as much as we'd like to," resonates with me.

What is or was your old job?

kudos to you @kaylinart for always challenging yourself and not settling for just "easy". its true that when we settle, we're just letting time fly away and wasting it. i sometimes find myself guilty with this at times. having goals and dreams makes our life worthwhile and gives us a sense of purpose each day. not to mention the joy and happiness we get from accomplishing them. nice post as always kaylin! :)