Practice Gratitude!

in life •  7 years ago 


We ALWAYS have problems. This life is crazy; Things always go wrong. Sometimes in ways, we'd never imagine. Sometimes it seems like nothing ever goes right.
But there is always something to be grateful for!

It's A Habit

Being grateful is a habit! It's seriously something that takes practice, And if you are starting from a place of negativity, it will take a while for you to build the habit of feeling grateful.
Being grateful for SOMETHING in even rough times Will make it easier for tough times.

Just remember it will end at some point.

Savor The Positive

There is a positive trait to every bad event.
Be mindful of everything around you. Try to appreciate even the small things. Everyone has something. Sadly, When we have something great for a long time, It can be hard to appreciate it. The longer we have something, the more the value goes down.

As I've gotten used to having a car, I've somewhat forgotten what it's like not to have a car. I then am reminded by coworkers, How I'd bike 6 miles to work each day, In the rain or snow.
And I find myself appreciating my car 10x more.
We often forget how nice it is to have certain things. Sometimes its good to take those things from ourselves for a bit, to help ourselves remember what it's like to have that thing.

Don't Be Entitled

You are entitled to NOTHING!
Yes, it's true.
No one owes you anything.
When you order food, Be grateful for it when it's brought over.
When You go to the store, be grateful for the employee who is ringing up your stuff for you.

Entitlement is a big reason people are so unhappy these days.
It's easy to get upset when you don't get what you want, Especially when you think it's supposed to be handed to you. When you don't get what you think you rightfully deserve it's easy to feel cheated, and stolen from. Even though no one owed you that in the first place. But when you instead come from a place of being grateful for the thing, Service or whatever. You can experience feelings of joy that come from that. Plus people love doing for others when they feel appreciated in return. Your grateful attitude will just make them want to do more for you.
See everything as a gift! Rather than something owed to you.

Be Grateful For Small Things

We often forget the small things in our daily life And forget to see their significance. It can be as simple as the sun is out, Or the fact you got to eat today, Those little things add up. And can keep you in a good mood all day long! We often underestimate the power of those little things.


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I used to to be like why is this happening to me , and what not but I don’t realize that there are people out in the world with nothing . I should be thankful for a house , for food on the table for family . Everything is so temporary in this world

Exactly! I feel like we all have those moments where we feel somewhat sorry for ourselves. We all have those hard times!

Please and thank you goes a long way too. At least even if the person doesn't care, you can feel good knowing you have used your manners and be grateful for bringing that positive influence to the world. :)

Exactly! So many people don't know manners anymore haha

There are so many people who don't even have the privilege of eating food or wearing good clothes.
We should be grateful to God for everything that we have
Instead of complaining of various things.

EXACTLY! Most people don't even have the essentials.

We attach less importance to things that matters. When we don't get what we want we are mad, we feel disappointed but we forget one thing has to be in place before every other things follows. What is that?


Of all things we must be grateful for the life we have to pursue our dreams and vision.

Exactly! We can get what we want at some point if we work for it. But often it doesn't come when we think it will.

You always have wise words :D !

I think the same about gratitude and I have actually made 1 or 2 posts about this.

Adopting a sense of gratefulness also allows us to maintain a more positive attitude in our day to day life, which in long term can mean big changes in what happens to us. Besides, feeling good can also work as an energy boost which help us increase our productivity.

Cheers @kaylinart!

Remember that life is only one moment and that time is like water! If you live in a lost state in your dreams, you will miss valuable moments. Focus on the moment and live every day with optimism, desire and strength.
I also noticed that Steemit followed me. You gave me my share support the other day. This made me very happy. Thank you @kaylinart

Hey Kaylinart,

Thank you so much for this life lesson. I am about to sleep now and I am happy I got something good to consume before I hit the bed.

Gratitude is very important and plays big role in the happiness of your life. Just imagine you have a problem or something went wrong, so now you are angry and your whole day or sometimes whole weekend will go wrong and unproductive while if you just accept it, remain positive and try to solve that problem it would be more fun.

I always say, In anycase we have to live so why not live happily than being sad.

This post just reminded me of one of sponge bob square pants episode where he made a song with gratitude for grumpy sqidwards..(hope my spelling is ok)

So sponge bob sang a song a actually made a rhyme saying

you gat to show gratitude of attitude

although its just a kids show but it has teachings, gratitude doesnt knows size nor money, just show.
it gives you a good attitude
nice write up @kaylinart

OMG I Love that! That show is the best lol. Silly Spongebob always so grateful for everything. hehe.

I’m sure there’s a ton of other things you can do, but to be most helpful practice the above to build the foundation in your subconscious mind. What I can say from experience is that once you start doing these things you’ll find that neural pathways open up, cortisol levels drop, and an overall appreciation for everything in your life starts becoming the norm.

Gratefulness is a virtue. Only those that master it can really express it. It shows you know the value of the good or the favour that has been done for you.
He that is grateful for little will be given even much more. There's also nothing too little to be grateful for.

Nice post @kaylinart

really useful information and beautiful picture thank you ! @kaylinart
this is my new artwork, can you see it if you have much time <3

Thank you :)

Thank you @kaylinart for reminding me more about the power of gratitude.

I really like your composition.. And i am grateful to you, for your effort, i enjoyed when i read, Thanks!

Thank you :)

Excellent post dear friend @ kaylinart, how many reasons you have to mention "Gratitude" that word so easy to pronounce and so difficult to put it into practice.
If we were all a little more grateful, things in the world would be very different.
I am a descendant of the indigenous community The Guaranies, our ancestors were in charge of teaching us to be grateful for the light that illuminates us, the rays of the sun that keeps us warm, the water and the nature that feeds us.
Thank you very much for expressing this reflection
I wish you a good start to the week

These teachings can help save humanity from the greed of materialism promoted by our modern culture. The conviction happiness relies in simple things become outdated to most of us.
Thanks @jlufer for sharing.

I loved this one of your quotes:
“There is a positive trait to every bad event.
Be mindful of everything around you. Try to appreciate even the small things.”
I completely agree with you.
Great post!

To avoid curiosity.
I like you post. All great points and lessons for an honest life. Here are some my grandma always said to me: To speak as little as possible of one's self, to mind one's own business, to pass over the mistakes of others, to accept insults, to accept being slighted, forgotten and disliked, be kind and gentle even under provocation, never to stand on one's dignity, choose always the hardest.

Dont be entitled! You're entitled to nothing!
This mindset woyld reduce half the streas you put ourselves in emotionally.

Positive mind, positive vibes, positive Life. Gratitude always goes a long way. Thanks for sharing this wonderful post with us! :)

Yeah, the little things are the most powerful :) only after you appreciate those, you can truly enjoy the bigger things as well :) I love the post and the pictures, they are so spring inspired :D and the last pic => so unique and great :D

On the off chance that you live in a lost state in your fantasies, you will miss important minutes. Spotlight on the minute and experience each day with positive thinking, want and quality.
I likewise saw that Steemit tailed me. You gave me my offer help recently

You're nicely explained these motivation post. Sure.. We all have to take best idea from your post. I most stunning with it.Gratitude is a mood that grows with age. It is extremely rare properly to delight in flowers or a quiet evening at home, a cup of tea or a walk in the woods when one is under twenty-two. There are so many larger, grander things to be concerned about: romantic love, career fulfillment. Nice you decided to sharing @kaylinart.

Nice picture thanks for sharing Enjoy your life i wish you all the best

Thank you :)

Your post is v nice i love u 😍 @resteem

Thank you :)

Wellcome.. chek my posts

Great post and very true on all fronts.

There are many days I am down and have things to complain about. Bad weather, too many meetings at work, too many chores to do around the house. The list can go on.

Truth is, most of the things I am complaining about in my head are really blessings. Yes I have a lot of chores and projects to do around my home, but I HAVE A HOME! Not everyone can say that...and it’s should not be taken for granted. Many would kill to have a safe home in a safe neighborhood.

The same outlook can be applied to several things people might complain about on a daily basis.

It’s important to remind ourselves that, it’s really not that bad, and to always look on the bright side FIRST.

Smile, be nice to others, and apply the golden rule whenever possible.

Cheers, thanks for posting!

be grateful for small things
appreciate yourself
believing that small things can create big things
appreciate others efforts too the greatest people who know people value.
hope you accept my humble shot as gift for sharing great content

@kaylinart, I absolutely agree with tour points. Grateful is a best attitude in human lifes.It’s easy to become immune to, and much less grateful for, the small things in our lives. We allow our feelings of being overwhelmed and our yearning for achievement and material satisfaction to overshadow the precious little gems of life that are all around us. When you talk to anyone who is very sick or who has had a near death experience, they will tell you that the things you usually think are big are, in fact, relatively insignificant; whereas the things you think are small are, in fact, what’s most important. Thank you for sharing best life experience thing with us.

wooow super photo

Thanks :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I read your articles using google translate. nice post..
from the food you eat, from the drink you drink, from the music you listen to, from the falling rain, from the sun shining ... to be happy

greetings from Turkey

Thank you :) hehe.
Exactly! You should be grateful for all those things.

This great motivational.... i appreciate this blog.
keep it up

Thank you :)

Most welcome

is a great post, thank you friend

@kaylinart Best way to escape from your problems is to solve them & Don't be Pushed by your Problems Be Led by your Dreams :)

Gratitude is something in our heart and not in our mind.
Your post reminds us that we have been given so much ... and we take a lot of things for granted.

Mother Theresa had said that the best way to show my gratitude is to accept everything, even my problems, with joy.

Keep posting ...

Thanks for a nice reminder.

It's a must have daily routine to stop for a while
Gaze and wonder
Be thankful for every spell you are under
It is within you to spell out your wonder
Create pattern of words bringing thunder
Manifest your dream, no surrender.

you really did a great job @kaylinart I enjoyed ur posting and yes I agree we often forget the small things in our daily life !!!

Thank you hehe :) We do!

"When we have something great for a long time, It can be hard to appreciate it. The longer we have something, the more the value goes down." very well said and articulated diving to the core of the problem.

The addiction of comparing oneself to others is another reason why we can't be grateful for what we already have or what we already are. Giving the truth that the more we practice comparison the more we need to compare.

Thanks @Kaylinart for that in-depth approach.

You already know I do this one! :-) One cannot be angry and grateful at the same time

The contents are highly motivational!

See everything as a gift! Rather than something owed to you.

When utilized, we have a positive attitude towards everything and every person around us.
I know how I feel within when am appreciated, in that light, we do well to do the same to others.
Well thought out piece @kaylinart!

Nobody owes you a damn thing, right, but at the same time, you don't owe any damn thing to anybody either.

Also, gratitude to whom? Whatever you get(good or bad) is the result of your Karma, so the only person you should be grateful to is yourself.

You're entitled to what you have(good or bad), you deserve it.

Excellent post! Listing a few things that I am grateful for every morning immediately puts me in a good mood and sets me up for a great day.

Good job @Kaylinart. Another powerful piece of motivation. Thanks so much for being such an inspiration. Really, there is a shortage of acts of gratitude in this world and it can affect us if we are not careful. My humble suggestion is this: Never let ingratitude rob off on you. Yes, many people stopped doing good because the recipients seem not to care. You helped him or her and they couldnt say Thanks. Should you stop? Dont! Keep doing good whether people returned it or not. There is always a reward for that. NEVER LET YOURSELF BE CONQUERED BY EVIL, BUT KEEP CONQUERING EVIL WITH THE GOOD. GRATITUDE DO SAVE LIVES!

everything will go wrong but you always have to get up despite all the problems and keep going, that's my idea every day.
the things that we want we can obtain them I will work hard and little by little I will have it, but truthfully I do not demand anything in life with the few things that I have been happy.