πŸ”πŸ”Stop Letting Fear Dictate Your Life! πŸ”πŸ”

in life β€’Β  7 years agoΒ 

We all have fears, We all can let fears drag us down too. This obviously wouldn't be good. If you make the first thing that scared you, Stop you. We'd all be laying on our couches staring at the wall in fear. No one would ever do anything, and it would be sad.

We are often afraid of one of the most necessary things for our success: Change.

Change Is Scary!

Change can throw your whole life into a tornado. It can change everything that you once loved.
Change is hard to deal with, But it's so necessary for our success.
Stability is comforting. And we often lean towards that.

It's like boiling the frog

Have you ever heard the saying about boiling a frog?
If you drop it in scalding hot water, It will freak out and try to get away.
But if you put the frog in cool water, And slowly turn up the heat, You'll successfully boil it.
This can be applied to every area of your life. As sick as the saying is. We often stick with whats comfortable and what we feel is stable. As a result, we end up with a lot of regrets because things didn't turn out how we wanted them to.
We avoid change and get comfortable. Then years down the road, We realized we didn't get what we wanted.

We Worry About What Went Wrong In The Past

We do this all the time, Thinking about our past and how bad it was. Or how we made that mistake. While we don't want to repeat history over and over again. We often dwell too heavily on things.
Often, we need to change our tactics, so we can grow and get through the obstacle in front of us.

Don't Let Social Media Hurt Your Self Esteem

It's easy to feel like crap all the time.
Everyone posts about how great and perfect their life is. But they have bad moments too even if we don't see it.
We need to stop feeling insecure about what others are doing.

Conquer those fears

Stop letting the fear of something prohibit you from getting closer to your goals and what you want out of life. It's just a waste of time, and you'll never grow as a result.
Start being mindful of what you are afraid of.

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Fear can always be taken and used in a good way if you don't let it scare you off of things. It's definitely okay to have fear of things like uncertainty and choices that can take you on multiple paths, but letting it overcome you leads you usually down the wrong path and a sadder life.

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Beautiful kitty pic

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 


Great advice πŸ‘
Rad pictures in post too!

So powerful words, to change you have to stop fearing and live life as an advanture, thanks for sharing my dear and have a good day

Fear is something that drives me forward, not something that will stop me. If I fear something, I want to do that/try that.. I want to experience that moment when you're scared as hell but you need to use your brain to overcome that fear and learn from it, eventually lose that fear...

Really nice post!

I think I'm bewitched by you, @kaylinart and your words. You are right to say that we must overcome our fears. Fear can paralyze us and make us feel physically and mentally weak. When we find ourselves in a frightening environment, our instinct is to run, to run, without realizing that the idea is to face our fears. It was a pleasure to read to you!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I just feel like being fueled from a gas station now. Thanks for the great cheering post!!

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

I think that depends on how you fight against these fears because sometimes they can be so strong those experiences that even need the help of someone else to overcome them, however when they are fears you can control just have to propose that change without Place excuses in between, only so you will come forward I find interesting what you say thank you for sharing with us

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

The great problem in once life is fear, if one can conquer fear and stand to face it without looking back, then the sky is his starting point, because if we can dream it we can achieve it. Great post you got @kaylinart thanks for boasting my confident!

I definitely agree people's lives on social media is usually anything but transparent in terms of negative life events. Change is a hard thing to deal with but not all change is bad, it might be uncomfortable but these situations usually help one to grow

Β  Β· Β 7 years agoΒ 

Fear is good especially when it is the fear of sin. Beside this,nothing should make fear prvent us from achieving greatness..many this for your word today @kaylinart

Fear is the biggest holder back in life. I like to try and do things I fear occasionally once you over come that fear the feeling is amazing. From this I follow my gut instinct in life if something feels wrong or not 100% right I make an effort to change it promto πŸ’―πŸ’