The sound is the primary contact mode human being to the world. Through speech, we express our emotions, feelings and needs and receive others' communications.
In addition to it, other forms of sounds - like music and mantras - act on our physical body and our emotional. The seven main energy centers of the body - called chakras - are activated by sounds
For this reason, we can use the sound as a balancing instrument, healing and contact with our divine consciousness, also called Buddha Consciousness, Christ Consciousness or presence.
... Listen to the song of life. Life is a melody; existence is musical - for several reasons. Existence is harmony; It is not anarchy. It is not chaos; It is a cosmos, a unit. So complex, so vast, but still united. And life pulsates - from the smallest atom to the highest star.
The wavelengths differ, the pulsations are different frequencies, but in deep All pulses Community, in harmony. Plotinus called it the music of the spheres. The whole existence is a song.
She is also music in another direction. Yoga, Tantra and all schools have been working esoterically on the inner journey of human consciousness say that life consists of sounds; the existence consists of sound.
... Science says that the basic particle is electricity and not the sound. But science also says that sound is a way of electricity, a sort of electrical expression - that sound consists of electrical particles.
The world remains the same; but when you change, everything changes. According to you, your universe becomes different. If you are rooted in the divine, all existence is rooted in the divine.