Inspire Steemit #10: My scuba diving adventures in! - Pt. 2! O(∩_∩)O我的潜水日志②- 【福利贴】六米深的游泳池中性浮力潜水训练

in life •  6 years ago 

The day before yesterday I wrote about my first experience of PADI OPEN WATER DIVE, and today I am going to continue my diving story! Welcome to pt.2 !Since I got back to Shanghai after diving in Thailand, I couldn't stop about thinking of diving again. I think it must have been this famous "blue poison", as people call it... I felt like I needed to do something about it! What did I do then? Well... I started planning my next diving vacation! ;-)


At that time the problem was, that there was no sea in Shanghai, just a small detail ;-) I felt kind of helpless about it, as I wanted to touch the oxygen bottle at least, not to mention having another diving experience. What I did was joining a WeChat group for divers and trying to figure out what can be done about it. Fortunately, people from the group were kind enough to share some information, and soon after I got invited for a diving practice in one of Shanghai University swimming pools – approximately 6 meters deep – a place where students have their practices. Of course it was not as big as the sea, but I think there was nothing more I could do at that time, so I took the chance.

PS. From what I can remember, the cost was about 400 RMB per 3 hours/person... acceptable I'd say.;-D



We made a decision to go to this 6 meter deep pool on Sunday. Caption this! The camera and all diving equipment are already waiting for me! I can't wait to jump into the water! ;-D


Even though the swimming pool was not that big, it was deep enough to practise diving and the water was really clean, so the swimming pool was very well- maintained. As soon as everyone put on their diving equipment, there was no more time to waste!



That' my selfie photo right before and after jumping into the water. ;-)


After my diving buddies jumped into the pool, the all looked like flying fish. All my friends, including me, were practising their neutral buoyancy skills hard that day. I missed the feeling of floating in the water, even though the scenery could not be by any means compared to diving in the deep sea. At least I could touch my diving equipment once again and have a little bit of practice once more. Fair enough! After all, I was in Shanghai that time so I could not ask for more. ;-)


The photos below show of me and the diving buddies. Haha, there are some photos with extra bonus at the end. Don't miss it! ;-)




Photos with bonus:





I was very happy with my neutral buoyancy dive training experience that day. I felt that my neutral buoyancy skills improved a lot, even though it was just one training! In my next post tell you about my other diving plans for the nearest future! Don't miss it and stay tuned! ;-)

Feel free to visit my previous post about Scuba Diving if interested!
Link below:

Inspire Steemit #9: Let's dive in...scuba diving Pt .1! O(∩_∩)O我的潜水日志①- 考取PADI开放水域潜水执照

昨天提到我的第一次考取 PADI OPEN WATER DIVE 潜水执照经历,今天来继续 说我的潜水故事 2! 自从泰国潜水完后回到上海,总觉无比的思念潜水的时光!我想,我是中了 “蓝毒”,这是病,得治啊!所以我就开始计划下一次的潜水计划!

但是在上海,没有海可以潜水啊,而我的潜水瘾又犯了,这可怎么办!即使没 有海可以潜,但至少可以摸摸 氧气瓶和 BCD 装备过过瘾吧!于是乎,我加入 了当地的潜水微信群,看看别人是怎么解决这个问题的,幸运的是,有的小伙 伴提议去上海某大学的 6 米深的游泳池练习中性浮力去,虽然泳池远不及大海, 但是我觉得至少可以解解馋!我记得当时费用是 3 个小时 400 元/人,还算可以 接受!

我们选择了星期日去那个 6 米深的泳池练习,哈哈,相机和潜水装备都准备很 齐全!我简直迫不及待想要跳进泳池了!

游泳池虽然不大,但是很深,水很干净!大家穿好装备后很快就迫不及待的跳 入了泳池了。



潜水小伙伴们进入泳池后,如同飞鱼一样各自畅快的潜水起来! 大家都很努力 的复习中性浮力技巧,哈哈,好思念这种在水中悬浮的感觉,虽然景色远不及 海里美丽,但是能够摸到我的潜水设备和复习潜水技巧,我就已经很满足啦! 毕竟我现在在上海,不能要求那么多哈!



真是一次很开心的中性浮力 潜水训练,感觉中性浮力技巧又提升了很多,我的 下一次潜水计划基本已经制定完毕,明天我会告诉大家!不要错过哈!


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  ·  6 years ago 



  ·  6 years ago 


哈哈~ O(∩_∩)O谢谢美女夸奖

  ·  6 years ago 


^_^ 那个,,,陈独秀同志请你坐下!😁

  ·  6 years ago 



  ·  6 years ago 



  ·  6 years ago 


You make swimming fun again hehe.

yes ^_^