Most of our choices are bringing a new pack of things we have to do. Buying a new car – keep care about your property and learn how to drive. Deciding to give a birth to a child – stop being ignorant shit and be ready to give all your free time and not expect to have it back. Buying a milk – check the expiration date…
At a certain point, I found out that people are fulfilling their responsibilities only because they are afraid of something. If you are not paying your taxes, you will have to go to jail. If you are drawing your nickname on someone’s property (with the lowest sense of taste usually), then you have to pay a fine. If you killed a person, you may go to hell (or jail – it is up to your gnoseological way of thinking).
But why do you need to be afraid of something in order to be a good person?
Since when it became so hard to do what you just have to do. Or since when you stopped realizing that you are choosing what responsibilities you have to fulfill. Your achievements and goals should motivate you to fulfill the responsibilities, not the punishment for not doing it.
Responsibilities are indicators and drivers of our development. Just remember - “with great power comes great responsibility”. Our times show that we forgot how to follow this life-demanding part of our lives. We started to want more power, better status and a shit load of achievement with no concern about responsibilities it comes with. You may say that I’m hyperbolizing but look who are the presidents of the biggest countries and where does it go.
Duty is an obligatory thing required from us in order to be decent citizens, family members or just persons. The worst thing here is that fulfilling one type of duties won’t make you free from other ones. Being a good citizen doesn’t stop you from being a nice person. Our achievements also do not take off our even basic duties. You may be a great businessman but a complete jerk for your family. It is extremely awesome if you can achieve great results in your career but that has nothing to do with you being a terrible son and not visiting or at least calling your mom from time to time.
Maybe the responsibility is the main reason why most of the people are not getting out of their comfort zones – they found the perfect way to do everything and this “way” is a warm spot. Doing something new means leaving this spot, finding a new way of organizing your time, priorities, life, etc., for all the “must-do” things. Of course, sometimes we do need some time to stay in this warm spot, where your butt feels so comfortable already. However, stopping your Netflix’n’chillin’ at the right moment and hustling towards something better is the only way to develop yourself.
You define your responsibilities and the way you accomplish your responsibilities defines who you are.