How to Overcome the Fear of Risk Taking...

in life •  7 years ago 

Are you sitting endlessly on the fence wondering whether to take the first step or the next step in your career or life ?

 Are you scared that you will make a terrible mistake ?

 Do you keep playing and replaying all the negative scenarios over and over again in your mind until... 

You  feel immobilized and incapable of taking any concrete actions towards achieving your dream goals?

Remember, life is a risk. To do or not to do something is an equal risk. And not doing something is the greatest risk of all. If you do it,  you could lose . And if you don't do it, you will never know the benefits of having done it, or whether it will even  work or not. So not risking is the greatest risk of all.

So if you are sitting on a fence wondering to jump left or right, wondering to do something or not, wondering to take some risk or not... Do not indulge in this risk taking behavior.

Tip: Take Karina's Advise -- Just Do It -- Don't get  endlessly stuck in the paralysis of analysis

Is it a Risk Worth Taking?

Weigh the benefits of doing some thing against the loses of not doing it... What is the maximum loss you could experience?; What is the maximum benefit you could experience?. Take the risk if the benefits far outweighs the loss.

If you are still feeling apprehensive about taking the risk and immobilized by the fear of making a mistake, remember...

 You learn from your mistakes. So even if the risk doesn't turn out well, you will still have a positive learning experience. Let's re-emphasize that point:

If the benefits of taking a risk far outweigh the losses than go and do it. What is the most that will happen...

You will lose and have a positive learning experience or

You will win and achieve all the desired benefits.

There are simply no negatives in this scenario.

Take a Calculated Risk -- Value at Risk Theory and Practice -- What is the Value at Risk?

Another way of looking at this is to assign a monetary value to the risk... Say for example if you take the risk... it costs $500 and it could help you change the direction of your life which is priceless. If it doesn't turn out well, what is the most that you will lose... only $500,

You will still get a great learning experience,

You will still get the peace of mind that comes from knowing that you did try doing something.

You will still get the knowledge of how not to do something, and your mind will now be freed up to start working on other ways to find a solution for your problem.

So go take a calculated risk today, right now!

 Reframe the risk and turn pessimism into optimism

Look at the big picture of why do you need to take this risk in the first place... is it to solve a certain problem, is it to reach a dream goal? if you don't take this risk, you will always be stuck right where you are; you will always have your problem; you will never attain your dream career goals. At the end of your days, you will only be left with regrets, wondering how things could have been different if you had just been a little bolder...

What the heck... if it is a healthy risk, go and take it anyways... what have you got to lose except the cost of implementing that risk... It will not be the end of the world for you... if anything, it will open up new avenues for you to move towards.

If you evaluate the risk, and consider it to be a healthy risk, stop replaying  the negative pessimistic scenarios about it in your mind. Replace the negatives with positives -- turn pessimism into optimism -- Start imagining...

 Imagine You have taken the risk. Now you are enjoying the positive benefits of having done so. As soon as any negative thoughts come into your mind, blast them away, and start thinking the positive thoughts... imagine how you are prospering, how it is good for you, how all your friends are noticing and envying you as they see you enjoying those incredible benefits... how you are having  the time of your life...

Approach the risk with a positive mental attitude and strong positive expectations... slay the dragons of negativity as soon as you notice them creeping up into your mind. Then take the risk with an intensely strong belief that you will succeed.

If you approach the risk with a success mind set and the right mental attitude, more often than not you are going to succeed.

 And if it is not right for you, you will start noticing your intuition giving you certain messages, more information etc. about it that will help you make the right decision.

Remember, you live life only once. Life is too short to be wasted on things you don't want to do. Don't live on the sidelines. It is better to be burnt while trying to cross certain barriers... at least there will be no regrets... you will die knowing that you did the best you could. So take healthy risks... release all negative fears and replace them with positives. If you believe you can, you can. Get Risking.


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no risks, no winnings 👍

You are right, thank you for your comment)

Which is why I say this to someone if he or she seems stuck under any circumstances: 'there is no failure in life, it's either 'success' or 'an effort that didn't go as expected'. Either way, you'll learn and that's what makes a difference in the longer run.

Nice ................ it