Building Wealth

in life •  4 years ago 


Real Time

Real wealth is gaining back your time by developing passive streams of income. Businesses, Rental Real Estate, Shares of Businesses that yield dividends, Etc.

The goal is to use your money to make money instead of using your time to make money.

Spending your time as you see fit will bring you more satisfaction than spending your money.

How will you do it

Will you go the conventional or traditional route of real estate or business. Or will you be developing Crypto Savvy, like staking Ethereum.

There are so many possible routes out there, but you do need to take one.
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Good Health – Evan Pantazi ‬ ‪Posted on eSteem‬ ‪ #Kyusho‬ ‪ ‬

‪Image Credit: dnaindia

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