How to be determined and proactive towards your goals

in life •  3 years ago 

Many leaders and talented people tell us that they want to do more than just their basic responsibilities, but that their company lacks or fails to communicate a clear vision or direction for the future. This is a major issue for people who regularly do a good job, are dependable, and need more to remain committed and motivated.

If you don't want to wait for someone to tell you how to be more constructive and contribute to the potential growth of your business, you'll have to think for yourself. Without a simple vision to direct you, here are five tips to help you and your team become more proactive, agile, and strategic.


Even without a structured road map, a proactive individual may decide the course of the company's growth. They understand how to remain ahead of the curve and are prepared to contribute to the company's success even before they are asked to make changes or improvements.

To begin, simply take a step back and consider the overall business strategy. Every company has a plan, though some have a very straightforward, well-thought-out, and well-targeted strategy, while others can find it out over time.

When embarking on an active journey, make a list of your talents and strengths, as well as any shortcomings and significant gaps that must be filled. Before starting a new project or embarking on a constructive strategic journey, you must first gain a comprehensive understanding of the situation. You'll need to know your weaknesses, how much you can afford to pay, and how to boost your change readiness.

It's important to choose strategic priorities to pursue because you and your team need to stay in contact with the organization's direction and maintain a clear goal or proactive direction.

Create a strategy for your initiative, but don't place too much pressure on yourself right now. The pursuit of perfection will lead you to create a strategy that is completely feasible. Everything you need at this point is a good plan of action to get started on your own journey.

Consider it a rough outline for your strategy or plan. This entails giving careful thought to specific circumstances and evaluating the "headwinds" that can stifle your creativity as well as the "headwinds" that will aid it. The most important thing you can do is find out how to take the first move, or how to get started with the program and gain momentum.


You must be bold, but not overly so, while paving the way for yourself and your squad, mobilizing and launching a campaign. To keep things running smoothly, focus your attention and money on one or two action items. After that, when you gain experience and work with the team, you will be able to speed up.

An enterprising person has the willpower and dedication to complete and maintain this journey. They adapt easily to new situations and keep themselves and others accountable. Personal ownership and ability to better manage their own situation are critical to the strategy's success. Rather than robbing your company, you must be willing to add value to it.

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wow, youve got me here, actually i was thinking about something of this nature.. Thanks for the wonderful post\