My websites are under attack again. I know who is doing it, and law enforcement is alerted.

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

You can run, and you can hide, but you can't run and hide forever.

Sure, you can try to slow down the help I'm giving this community, for free. And you might even succeed in driving me away.

I'm sorry for whatever trauma you experienced in your past, but that's no reason to traumatize others. "Pay it forward" doesn't work that way.

But I know, nothing I can say can break through the trauma, so you'll just end up laughing at other people's pain, pointing and giggling.

Be notified, though, that logging is happening. Not only at my hosting provider, but also at the places you think you're using surreptitiously.

And, I've muted you so I won't hear anything you have to say in your defense. I don't intend to show up at the trial, either, so I won't hear that defense as well.

Keep pushing buttons that push other people's buttons. I'm sure you think you serve a useful purpose here. I'm not as convinced.

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Enjoy wasting your time!

I spend mine making money, not bothering with poor schlub's like you. I'll let my bot handle you.

Nice attempt at making up bullshit to try to get some attention since your posts are otherwise receiving NONE.

Pathetic twat, try again. You were off my radar, until now.

I also suggest you stop making baseless accusations. Very smart of you to be as generic as you were while still implying I have something to do with whatever bullshit website you run.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

HAHAHAHAHA so much for not reading my comments.

Again, enjoy wasting peoples time. You sure as shit ain't coming after me. Enjoy the sentencing, after it's all over I'll still be here and some other dumbass might be punished... Ignorant child.

When you stop making baseless accusations, I will stop the flagging. Just like I did before. It's not that difficult of a concept.

I believe that individual is too awful who need to back off the assistance you are giving this group, for nothing

I trust you have a superior intend to stop him yet other insightful we are with you and bolster all of you time and appriciate you for your great work and help other people in this comunity so nobody can stop us to stay with you @liberteyteeth

its hard to hear that how people want to stop others to doing good duty for others so i think that people not ashame on thier blody behaviour
its good to share with us and all other steemians hope if you need us in your hard time we will not see back and our helping and friendly hands always with you because i really like you to live with your followers like a brohter and always a good friend and maybe your this success make jelous some one like that person who want to attack on your sites

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@libertyteeth dude I’m so sorry you have to deal with that crap, I’ve seen a lot of good projects come to An end over the baggage people hold that’s not relevant to the project.

Good on you for alerting the authorities, taking the appropriate channels it’s not always easy but it’s the only safeguard we really have in place.

I’m a new follower, can I ask what triggered this?

Agree with you mate , there are some people who are jealous of others .

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

You should, it'll give me something else to flag.

Keep going on with your fucking pathetic attempt to gain some attention.

Ok I’ll ask you, please don’t shoot me for asking I’m new just trying to learn!

What is going on? I would like to believe your policing steemit in some way? Please take a moment and educate me? Am I on your radar? What gets you on the radar?

I have followed you though by the sounds of it that doesn’t matter anyways, your on a mission that I can tell!

I was first caught off guard while trying to disagree with Haejin and I thought he had downvoted me for disagreeing with him, I know that was not the case now that I’m a little more familiar with steem.

I know in this world there are necessary evils, would that be you?

i agree with you 100%...

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Humans with devastating inhumane ways!!. What does he/she tend to gain from such horrible act.
I hope he/she gets apprehended as soon as possible.

am in full support with you @libertyteeth...

life is full of ups and down, this. is. really sad, @berniesanders shouldn't be doing all this.
i have never seen you. help. the community once, he. just concluded a contest for minnows, have you help minnows once, but Flagging has become your. profession, its sad and i wish you nothing but death, you can flag this also.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

oh its bad and i think that person is too bad who want to slow down the help you are giving this community, for free
i hope you have a better plan to stop him but other wise we are with you and support you all time and appriciate you for your good work and help others in this comunity so no one can stop us to stick with you @liberteyteeth

Absolutely True. Can't run and hide forever.I think everything is moving cycle. So up and down, top and bottom, all are part of systems. Outstanding blog. I like your activities. Thanks for sharing me

so sad.catch him and puniched

I can't believe why are you still being targeted . You are only doing good for this community .

Why are people always Evil to their fellow human 😡 , let karma do what needs to be done. Accept my sympathy m8

No matter how obstructive we may be in our life, we will have to move forward without being upset. That's the key to progress. I hope you will succeed.


that is mean you're doing great don't care about 'em keep going

I am also not happy with what you experienced, hopefully everything is fine, and you if through all easily to eliminate trauma

Some people are shameless .

upvoted and resteem done...

It’s not gonna last forever, we’re already in a world of ups and downs, happiness and sadness, times of friendship and time rivalries, but please I’m soliciting for peace and harmony.

Reconciliation is always better then retaliation!

I’m sorry for the attack @libertyteeth.

hello bruv, i am sorry about this, its a pity steemit is made up of junk heads Flagging a post isn't my concern, but how hypocritical can human be?
up voting your comments on a flag post.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment
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