What I Have Been Up To

in life •  6 years ago 

Mostly working, I am racking up lots and lots of overtime this month. Lots of commuting to, and trying to stay out of the middle of stuff like this:


No one was seriously injured.

We are getting ready for major improvements on the lower property. I will do an update about that sometime next week, hopefully. I had an unexpected day off today. I was put on call due to low census and so got to do an "unscheduled" chore. The upper property had a garage on it but the chickens had been given it for their home.

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This is an old photo by @fishyculture, all other are from my Samsung Galaxy cell phone.

The chickens were evicted this spring, and @warpedweaver's friend Dave spent quite some time and effort getting years of chicken "furniture" moved out. Today @fishyculture and I finished cleaning it up; swept it out, hosed it down, sprayed a little bleach over everything, and it is looking pretty good now!


My entire adult life, I have wanted a concrete floor to work on cars. I never had one.

My tools are scattered over 5 buildings on two properties but they will all have a new home soon, in here. It is pretty exciting, the very idea of knowing where to find my tools when I need them puts a little smile on my face.


I am having fantasies about little chalk outlines of tools on these walls.

I may have to pull the "feed room" wall out so I can get the rigs all the way in to work on them. For now, I can at least pull one end or the other and work on them out of the elements and on a solid floor. By the time the snow begins to fly I may get more motivated to be able to close the garage door but for now, I am pretty pleased. After all these years, decades...


I Have A Garage!!!

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Great job! Looks like the kind of place you can get some stuff done...
When we get back to the states, we're gonna come up and see it in person! :D
Much Love to you & Claire! :)

Hopefully I will be able to find what I need. Thanks, look forward to seeing you both.

Oh yeah man! No more lost nuts and bolts in the dirt.

Hi Ed. No worries I will find new and creative ways to lose nuts and bolts. I am worried how far my marbles will roll when I lose them.

Nice work evicting the chooks! And to have your own garage/workshop must feel awesome. It's looking good. Nice cleanup effort.

Thanks! I am pretty pleased!

@thealliance and this post brought me to you. Seems you have a lot of exciting tasks to do in the near future. May they put a smile on your face every day! Greatings, I'm folowing you!

Thank you, I appreciate the kind words and support very much!

You're welcome!

I have a garage too....it's called my front porch, lol, obviously my car isn't parked there but there's a number of big wheels and bikes. Congrats, that's one spiffy clean garage.

Thanks lets hope it stays clean for while.

Oh yay- that will make such a difference for you to have that space to work in with a sweepable, solid floor! I can imagine how much hard work it took to clear out after the chickens- we had them as kids, and boy, do they pong ;)

Enjoy your new space- I want to see photos of those chalk-tool outlines- that would be so cool!

E x

Woo hoo! How very wonderful for you both: you, because now you have a wonderful work space and @fishyculture because... now she can ask you to get things done for her in your new work space, lol! Love to you both, and congratulations.

It will be good to have a better "dog house" too, just in case. Much Love

awesome job!

Thanks more to come.

I would be excited too! A home for tools and a solid concrete floor to work on! No wonder you are excited! I am happy for you! Enjoy your new space!

I have always spent more time looking for tools than using them, I hope this is the dawn of a new easy find age.

It will be unless you have lots of helpers like I do! LOL

Indeed! One of the princesses actually seems to be a little mechanically inclined, she has been helping me sort tools when she visits. I just hope she never gets a notion to unsort them!

Great post brah

Thank you.

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