When was the last time you offered yourself any gift? A physical gift?
Can you remember gifting someone else? Can you recall their happy faces?
Ask yourself these questions and you will understand why it's necessary to gift thyself. Yeah, it's not like no one is offering your gift that's why you are trying to it yourself. Rather it's more like embracing what you have done alone with others.
Recognizing our achievement is very necessary. It's a passive way to keep us motivated. Remember, the outer world may not consider everything you consider as your success. Then do it yourself. Recognize it and celebrate it with a small gift.
Now the question is what you can give to yourself?
I think, anything you love can be a gift to thyself. A cup of coffee, visiting your favorite place, a concert ticket, a good bath, a nice dress or perfume or even a gift card.
Think and say something nice to you. Appreciate your own work.
Embrace every struggle you had through to achieve what you are now.
It's like showing your support through a 'real-world' thing. It may seem very silly. Especially if you are expecting the gift from someone else. But believe me, once you achieve the courage to not wait for 'someone' to give you, rather you yourself can gift you; you will feel a lot better. It's like having more control in our own life in a positive way.
Try it. I can assure you it will help you at least a little bit!