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Quite a heart gripping read. I appreciate your boldness to share your story. Has all the ingredients to embolden a reader who is in his or her own trauma. Much love from Nigeria.

Thanks so much. I hope it does embolden anyone. It's been a long thirteen years of surviving physically and in my own mind.

Honored I had the chance to read your story before you decided to delete it. I respect your decision to take it off the immutable chain of steemit. Good luck in all you do <3

Thank you. It’s only deleted because I got in a loop of errors when trying to post it. I kept trying over and over to post but got the same error. Then later realized every time I tried it was posting!
🙁so I have a series of repeats.
I’m new...I’m learning 😉

Oh. I've seen that happen to many. It's just a technical glitch from Steemit's end. Nothing to do with your being new. I hope they fix it soon.