The mouth and Destiny

in life •  7 years ago 

One of the things we need to come to the understanding of is that talking creates an unusual opportunity.

There is power in the words we speak because the impression it gives to the mind is quite impressive. That is why it is usually said that "A closed mouth is a closed destiny". Until we start talking, we never can tell the gravity of what is readily obtainable. Now when we say talking , what do we actually mean? Are we suppose to just talk about anything at all? Or are we to say random things to people?

One thing we must understand, talking as an act can be:

  1. Talking to yourself:

This will help you to define the kind of person you are. It is one good method to clarify your thinking process. When anyone engages in the act of talking, one must care to avoid saying negative things, as they can have a lasting impact on the sub-conscious mind, whatever is said, whether good or bad. In order to go in the direction of success, we must make sure we engage in talking positively. When a man talks to himself in the form of positive affirmations, there is no limit to the level of success.

  1. Talking to People:

This is how we connect to the world around us and it is one way to which our needs are projected. We must learn to be open when we are trying to reach a goal. Talking is one of the skills we should develop in order to be a success.

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