Non tippers are the worst!

in life •  7 years ago 

Working for tips is quite possibly one of the most frustrating experiences of my life. I get it, there are far more important jobs in the world. That doesn't mean that I am not important and shouldn't make money. I am after all making sure that people eat and in a timely fashion. I take pride in my work. I have always been a customer service advocate. After all, I also pay for food at restaurants and I like to receive good service as well. That said, it truly bugs me when people do not tip me. Yes, for every person that doesn't tip there are 5 more that do, so at the end of the day my money usually evens out. But that doesn't excuse the fact that several times per day I perform a service for someone without being paid. I'm a delivery driver so time is money. I hustle the entire time during rush to try and get to each customer as fast as possible. So not only am I not being paid when someone doesn't tip, I am also missing out on precious time that I could have been serving a tipping customer. It bugs me to my core. It's not just about me missing out on money, it's also me questioning the person. Why can't you tip? Why would you expect for someone to deliver food to you and you think, "oh well, I'd rather not pay you for your service." I hope that I never accidentally become friends with a non tipper. Not tipping means that you think people should work for free. Do you work for free? No!!! So tip those who provide a tip based service for you.

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