Dear America; an open letter.

in life •  5 years ago 

I don't know you.
You don't know me.
I mean, unless you actually know me or are a stalker.
You don't know the events and environment which formed my perspective, and likewise,
I don't know yours.
I probably hold beliefs that you may find not to your taste,
and likewise, you probably have some some of your own that others don't prefer.

And that is more than okay.
Variety is the spice of life.
I don't want to be surrounded by people who think like me because that holds me back from growing if I'm stuck in an echo chamber.
It's a novel experience, I highly suggest everybody try it.

If we're for diversity, if we're for tolerance, if we're for inclusion,
then violently wiping out that which we don't agree with isn't tolerant, inclusive or diverse.
It's the bastard child of communism and fascism.
It plays out what's written on the Georgia Guide stones.
It enables horrible people to get away with doing horrible things.
Do you think that the people who shut down investigations into child sex abuse really give a flying fuck about civil rights?
Spoiler alert: They do not.
But they will exploit a tragedy to push an agenda.

I have some harsh truths for you, my fellow human.

Lets face it:
There's not just a single problem in this country.

There are a lot of problems in this country.

There are problems with people excusing corruption, especially when it's their team doing it.

Those who mock “But her emails!” I'm looking at you. Treason is a pretty big deal. Selling state secrets to other countries, also a big deal. To enable treason is a pretty serious charge. You may want to consider that. I know that the news media told you it was a nothingburger, but they lied. They are under no obligation to tell you the truth.

There are problems with systematic abuse; not just cops being abusive, sadistic dicks, but of human trafficking on a scale you really can't wrap you head around because you've been conditioned to dismiss icky topics in favor of fluff and mind-numbing rot.

There are problems with groups of people engineering mind-numbing rot for the specific purpose to fuck over people, to pit them against each other. Because as long as we're fighting each other, we aren't fighting THEM.

There are problems with people turning a blind eye to the systematic and ritualistic sex abuse of children, because again, icky, and those same people who participate are the same ones pitting us against each other. If we don't turn our attention to the people actually doing the horrible things, then we enable. Go look up the Finders. Read The Franklin Cover Up by John Decamp. Understand that Pizzagate was Franklin Cover Up 2.0 with internet. Read Trance Formation of America by Cathy O'Brien. Then read Thanks for the Memories by Brice Taylor. Understand this shit system is entrenched in our society. The only way to actually fix it is to bring attention to it and not dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. If law enforcement did their jobs regarding Epstien back in 2007, then think of how many sex abuse victims could have been spared. But no... Rich people don't have a pimp specializing in children, sadism, or ritualistic torture and Bill Clinton didn't take 26+ trips on the Lolita express.

There are problems with corruption seeping into law enforcement, politics, medicine, military, hollywood... hell, name an industry and you'll find one where people are groomed to be monsters; blackmail, brownstone ops, and honeypots are a thing. For people in power to do horrible things, they must have enablers. And those enablers come in every socio-economic status.

There are problems with the media abusing the Smith-Mundt Act repeal, because before it was repealed, it banned the use of propaganda on the domestic population.

There's a problem with people not understanding the severity of that prior statement as their eyes glaze over in want of mind-numbing rot.

The Smith Mundt Act forbid the use of propaganda on Americans. It was repealed by Obama in 2013.

Obama legalized propaganda and it got a total of 20 seconds of airtime. Can't let people know they're about to be lied to!

There are problems with people in the government loyal to those who espouse the notion that corruption and deceit are the way to operate, who will stop at nothing to abuse American people, include LYING to them in order to force them into a direction they would not normally go themselves.

There are problems with people too caught up in emotional abuse by propagandists to understand that what they advocate for is their own demise.

There are problems with people not doing their own research, relying instead on the propagandists on tv who tell them what they must thing, how they must feel, and what they should do. They do not understand that they are being manipulated into their own demise.

There are people who listen to words but fail to research the history to see if those words hold veracity. They repeat them on and on, programming themselves and others around them into believing the propaganda. And they cannot see that they are being propagandized, gaslit, abused, and emotionally baited to suit the wants of those who literally wish to kill America.

There's a problem with people not understanding that this shit system in America, of the abusive cops, child abuse, wealthy people trafficking children... its all tied together. It's social engineering designed to fracture us until we break.
There are people in out government who do not give a shit about us, and if your first inclination is to chime in with TRUMP! Then allow me to tell you something:

If you are low income and live in California, you can get the state-funded health insurance, Medi*Cal. In the 2020 edition of California's Medi-Cal handbook, it states that you can request that your private health information not be given to third parties. You can request in writing that they not share or sell your information, but they are under no obligation to honor your request. The kicker is that the next page says that one's private health information may be given to organ procurement organizations, and transporters.

Think about that. California is harvesting the organs of the poor, like China. You can ask that they not, but they are under no obligation to honor it. I was told that was a violation of HIPPA, but, hey, it's California, and California has been fucking over people for a long ass time. This didn't happen because of Trump. California is Democrat country. All those cities burning are Democrat country. When will you people recognize that the party that was in power for 8 years doesn't want to give up it's power and has in fact sold out America and it's people-- including the most vulnerable?

Let me tell you a little story.

Let's pretend there's a super corrupt government doing horrible things-- like worse than anything you can think of, and there's an election coming and they're so damn sure they got it in their pocket. They got a law repealed a few years before which allows for propagandizing the American people. They invested in some various 'freedom fighters' overseas, and traded in armaments, drugs, and people. They especially love kids as currency. 800,000 kids go missing every year. Harvested from the streets, homes, malls. They even have their own pimp who got caught but they pulled some strings and gave him what equated to a slap on the wrist with a feather because he was too important in his role as blackmailer in chief.

These people are so damn corrupt and they have their own corrupt candidate running, someone with her own blackmail ring, and her divisive record as Secretary of State left a country with open air slave markets. Her foundation harvested Haiti of it's people, trafficking them, and when one of her trafficking minions was caught, got bailed out by the candidate's husband, the ex-president, and now works for Amber Alerts. Their corrupt assets were in every department, every hierarchy in the government. That way, if there was a scandal or something that needed

They had the media in their pockets, and asked them during the election season to drum up a couple of the other team's candidate's as pied pipers, with emphasis on one in particular. Play him up hard as a viable candidate to throw off the corrupt candidate's same party competition, someone who drew the people in a way the corrupt candidate could not do. And so the Dogs of Media War were unleashed, going so far as to show the pied piper candidate's empty podium rather than cover a speech by the same-party competitor. They put him front and center, and he blew the competition out of the water.

And then it turned out the corrupt people didn't have their assistants finish reading The Pied Piper of Hamlin, because at the end of the story, the Pied Piper gets revenge on those who tried screwing him over.

Despite media manipulation, and voting booth manipulation, the Pied Piper Candidate won.

He wasn't supposed to win; the corrupt candidate was supposed to win.

Oh shit.

Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit Oh shit!

His top choices were men of ethics and integrity and knew where the bodies were buried. The Pied Piper candidate was an existential threat to the corrupt institution. But that was okay; they corrupt had assets everywhere and already had gathered intel on the incoming president's family, those who were working for him, or going to work for him.

And so the corrupt institution unleashed the Dogs of Media war again, this time in an onslaught against the incoming president because they knew from his picks that he was going to gut the corrupt system. Not just the gun, drugs, and human trafficking but the social engineering programs. He wanted to unleash the hidden tech kept locked up in black projects, and try to do what JFK attempted.

He wanted to give Americans and the world a Star Trek future that was kept from them by the corrupt. Imagine replicators for food and textiles being freely available. A world without want. And to the corrupt, that's just not acceptable.

There's only one type of currency that is recession proof: information. That is why blackmail is so successful. If one is trying to undo the shit system that subjugates humanity to an extent most people can't comprehend because they'd rather watch cat videos, you can bet that those who invested into the system, built the system, maintained the system and slush-funded the system wouldn't go down without a fight. We've seen that everyday since Trump won the 2016 election. Every single day, the media whipping the disappointed and gaslit masses into a frenzy of Bad Man Orange.

Those trying to fix the shit system, to put good people in positions of power so they can muck out decade of rot, are slandered and abused because those participating in the system don't want it to end and their crimes found out.

How would it make you feel, New York City and Minneapolis small business owners, if I told you that destroying your business was a part of the corrupt plan? Not just chaos of greedy little shits, but a means to destroy your community so a new system could be instilled. Without income, you're dependent upon them, and their shitbird ideals mean you cannot own a business. A business is communal, and it's profits go to all.

Small businesses and communities destroyed in these protests-turned-riots, because to those infiltrating and instigating, businesses are for bootlickers and bootlickers need a reeducation, gulag style, if not outright execution.

These people are backed by regimes that kill gays, murder ethnic minorities to harvest organs, and want nothing more than to see America fall and every American who dares stand in the way of it's destruction, gone.

This is the reality.

And then they would have an excuse to bring in the UN. All those mayors kicking out the National Guard would probably jump at the UN guarding things. If you read the news about UN scandals, you would see why that's a shit idea.

The protests served as a means for malcontents to incite violence and push their agenda of destabilization and destruction. They don't care about George Floyd. He was a means to an end and that's all. A sacrifice to trauma program America into compliancy.

The protests lost many supporters once the infiltrators made their move, with pallets of bricks delivered to protest routes, and the wanton destruction of communities. How does stealing a cheesecake honor George's memory?

That's not how we change things.

If we want change and unity, it must be organic.

If we want change and unity, it cannot rely on virtue signaling.

If we want change and unity, it cannot rely on bulling, violence, and intimidation-- aren't those the same things people were complaining the cops were doing?

If we want change and unity, it must come from the heart.

Decent people want only good cops on the force, and bad cops held accountable to the same letter of the law as they themselves are held. Decent people want to see everybody thrive, and for people in all walks of life to have dignity. Decent people want to see communities built up, so they can keep their own flavor, and for the peoples in that community to excel at whatever it is they do.

Dammit people, there's many ethnicities, but there is only one race.

The human race.
We are all facets of a single gem.
As we have seen, the fate of one can affect us all.
Where we go one we go all.

Do we really want to allow those who wish destabilization to gain more of a foot hold in America? Do you like watching neighborhoods burn? Do you like watching cops being hunted? Do you like watching anarchy? Do you enjoy the fear programming? Because that is the path the deep state wants to push us. Fear this, fear that, be scared, be compliant, tremble in anxiety-- oh hey, our friends in Big Pharma have a pill for that so you can numb yourself a little more. Oh, and don't forget to wear your face hugging germ collector.

The same corrupt people who traffic and rape are the ones hiring the infiltrators and instigators, funding them, and because they are torching your communities, your stores and pharmacies, beating your fellow citizens... you can be damn sure they don't give a flying fuck about your civil rights.

The choice is yours. You can stand with treasonous child rapists who use minorities and children to carry out their dirty work of destroying communities in order to destabilize America, or you can buckle up and be a patriot in the Second American Revolution.

Are you ready to get re-educated in a gulag, or watch your kids be yanked away by the state because they feel that parents shouldn't raise their own children, as stated by the corrupted and failed candidate? Are you ready to watch more cities burn, be looted, and people kidnapped in the chaos? Are you in favor of gun free zones and defunding the police while thugs try to break into other people's homes?

That is not what Trump is doing. That is what Democrat Socialists are doing.

If you cannot see what is going on, then I cannot help you. I can show you the picture, but I cannot make you look at it in detail. People's disinterest in nuance within any given topic means that the systematic dumbing down of society has created a population without the cognitive abilities to process the information... and if you're one of those people, I am so sorry you got fucked over like that.

I don't care what color you are. I don't care what religion you practice (as long as it doesn't harm others by infringing on their rights and liberties) and I don't care what you do in the bedroom as long as it's between consenting adults. As an American Citizen, that is my expectation: you should be free to live a productive life without social engineering fucking you over.

I do not know you. I have never met you. But you're my companion on this blue marble in space. We're on the same team, the human team and as such, I want to say this:

Yes, you absolutely deserve dignity and respect. You absolutely deserve to thrive and not just survive. You absolutely deserve abundance in love and fiscal solvency-- we all do. You deserve to live a life free of fear. Free of hatred. Free of these social engineering hurdles designed to keep you down, enslaved in a system intended to keep you from rising above what they want you to be.

You deserve to be free to build a life you want.

But you've been sold out. Malcolm X tried warning people.

We now have states selling private health care information to organ procurement organizations and traffickers.

We have mayors letting their cities burn.

We have a populace so blinded by hate they cannot be reasoned with, and it saddens me that they cannot see the bigger picture. If they knew of all the programs, patents to manipulate brainwaves and central nervous system for subliminal control, of the networks of assets in place for generations to keep the social engineering programs running smoothly, of how children are deliberately attacked to keep them from fulfilling their potential as adults. Of contract torture to keep people in line.

If you want change, actual change and not some dystopia forced upon us, then make the choice to be the change.

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