I didn't go to Church today and luckily I had a valid reason to give my mum for not doing so. Slept for a bit today and did some reading here and there. I also watched a couple of episodes of Black Mirror. I installed Lumion 8 on my computer and realised I need better graphic cards. Spoke a bit of german to our airbnb guest and I guess it is improving my german by quite a lot.
Here are my goals for tomorrow
- Wake up at 4.30 am and practice the guitar for 30 minutes.
- Read 'The Intelligent investor' for 30 minutes.
- Get Ready to go to work and german class
- Listen to Pimsleur audiobook
- Listen to a stock market audiobook while at work.
- Relax at Dialogues Cafe till 9 pm and read "The Intelligent Investor."
Let's do this. Good Night guys!