Youth and Mass Shootings

in life •  5 years ago  (edited)

proxy.duckduckgo.jpgEl Paso
It’s not Trump’s fault. It’s not the NRA’s fault. When will our nation wake up and realize we have a youth mental health crisis likely caused by over-medication, absentee parents, and a culture that glorifies infamy and notoriety above God, family and community?
Virginia Beach

Las Vegas


Parkland, Florida

Profile of a mass shooter

  • Between the ages of 16 to 24 on average with some exceptions.

  • Usually white men

  • Loners with anti-social, domestic or mental problems.

  • Do violent video games and Hollywood gory movies desensitize these young minds?

  • usually no criminal record... enabling them to purchase firearms.

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We can’t wait for the Government to do something! Each family needs to do their part! Each church, school, business office, anyone who treasures life needs to do something!

Posted using Partiko iOS

There is no easy fix...


The "Manifesto" of the recent shooter is being touted as proof that Trump fanned the flames of anti-immigration lunatics, but the shooter wasn't even a Trump supporter, and he called for Elizabeth Warren to unlock the dentention camps, and he demanded more action on Climate Change. Likewise, a senator recently told voters that Trump's message to the children of Baltimore is that they're losers who have no hope of getting out of the ghetto. That is so far from what Trump said, it's scary that this senator could read between the lines and come up with such a bogus message. People who don't read, who let their elected officials read and misinterpret what's actually been said, who let others do their thinking for them, who blindly accept whatever they're told as the truth--scary how many of them there are.

Tell a lie often enough, report the news with bias then you have an up-side down view of the truth... Good to see you are thinking for yourself @carolkean

Trump says so many ridiculous things in such an offensive way, there is no need to put a diabolical spin on his words and read into his comments things he never said. I'm speaking as a writer, not as some MAGA-hat wearing fan of the most tactless, undignified American president in history. As a writer, I hate it when people read into my words things I never thought or ever would have imagined. (My neighbor, e.g., who somehow takes my war on garlic mustard as a personal attack on her. WTF?)

Thank you for this. Mental health, sanity, and logic are becoming an endangered commodity . Lauren Weiler (thanks for the link) nailed it: the vast majority of perpetrators show scary behavior before they ever get their hands on a gun... the Virginia baseball field shooter "threatened his family, punched his neighbor, and lived an isolated life out of a van"...the Orlando night club shooter "beat his wife and threatened co-workers prior to the act. Even the mass shooters without violent backgrounds were typically known for their antisocial, strange behavior."
And in so many shootings, the guns are not legally purchased. The sheer quantity of guns and ammo on the planet seems beyond control. Banning them won't stop guys with 3D printers from making more of them. It's like Prohibition's attempt to stop drinking. It's like the war on drugs. It's like the laws against illegal anything. People Break Laws. Stop looking to the government to legislate, consfiscate, and control, and start paying attention to our neighbors and co-workers and our children.
Yes, I lean Libertarian, and I rarely express a political opinion because it never leads to intelligent, respectful discourse. I get shouted down or shunned.
Thinking I should hit cancel, not Post, here....