in life •  7 years ago 

WhatsApp Image 2018-02-01 at 7.09.23 PM (1).jpeg

Abres los ojos,

un nuevo día,

agradeces estar sano, despierto, vivo...

Te estiras, levantas y te diriges al baño,

te ves al espejo, tú cabello sorprendentemente está arreglado, hasta bonito y todo,

te lavas la cara y cepillas los dientes,

no te bañas porque lo hiciste en la noche anterior,

haces tus necesidades, lavas tus manos y tu cara,

vuelves a tu cuarto y sentado frente al closet, piensas en qué usarás,

decidido, te arreglas, sales y desayunas.

Otro día de estudio y trabajo,

llegas a tu destino, saludas a las personas que conoces y a las que no también, les sonríes.

Horas después, termina la jornada y regresas a casa,

sales a trotar un rato, haces un poco de ejercicio,

regresas a merendar o quizá preparar la cena,

te bañas, comes y te acuestas,

piensas y agradeces las cosas que hiciste durante el día, las personas que conociste, todo...


"¿Y si hacemos algo diferente?"

Open your eyes,

a new day,

you're grateful to be healthy, awake, alive...

You stretch oneself, get up, and go to the bathroom,

you look in the mirror, your hair surprisingly is arranged, pretty and everything,

you wash your face and brush your teeth,

you don't take a shower because you did it the night before,

you do your needs, wash your hands and your face,

you go back to your room and sitting in front of the closet, you think about what you will wear,

decided, you make up pretty, go out and have breakfast.

Another day of study and work,

you arrive at your destination, you greet the people you know and those who don't also, smile at them.

Hours later, the day ends and you return to your home,

you're going to jog a little while and do some exercise,

you come back to have a snack or maybe make the dinner,

you take a shower, eat and lie down,

you think and you're grateful for the things you did during the day, the people you meet, everything...

You sleep.

"What if we do something different?"

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