Living through Liver Cancer | Our family's story on dealing with it

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)

"You have stage two Liver Cancer." the doctor told my 2nd sister. She was shocked and the first person that she called was me. "Baby Brother, sit down as I have something to tell you." she said with her voice trembling.


From Unsplash -

She talked to me how for the past few weeks she has been feeling extra tired and drained. At first, she attributed it to stress and a heavy workload but had taken the time to visit a doctor who recommended further testings.

I felt a lump in my throat and tears welling up as she said what the doctor told her. Yet her intention to call was to ask me to get myself tested for it too. Even in this situation she thought of me.

My sister and I never really saw eye to eye when we were growing up. We had an age gap of 8 years and for the longest time she thought she was already the "bunso" (the youngest) then I was the first boy in the family as well so all attention went to me.

Our nickname for our sister was "Amazona" because she played volleyball for her school and was so strong. We have a heavy table made of Narra and it takes three people to even nudge it a bit but she can push it on her own.

Another Amazonian trait she had was a seemingly impervious skin to bullets as one fateful New Year's evening when she was struck through the foot of a falling down stray bullet. I still remember her howling in pain as we all rushed in her room and see a still smoking bullet next to her. I remember laughing and getting chased down by a very enraged sister. To describe our relationship as mere sibling rivalry is too mild. We had a love/hate relationship with lots of physical pain.

Even boys did not escape her fury as we once saw her punch a guy who was apparently being too fresh.

Since she was older she always ordered me around and nagged me for every single thing. She nagged me about brushing my teeth, feeding the dog, fixing my bed. She would nag me from morning till night and I truly hated her so I usually bunked with my eldest sister who I got along really well.

Our Matriarch would always that for two people who looked like each other so much we hated each other's guts. She would shake her head every time she would see us fighting.

Eventually, we outgrew the need to physically hurt each other when I reached my growth spurt and became serious in martial arts and football. It wouldn't look well if I smack my sister with my strength and she became more ladylike because of boys.

It wasn't just physical appearance that we shared. Apparently, we also had the same genetic disposition to depression and scoliosis. So she having this meant I had a greater chance of being afflicted as well.

We also had our Pops(father) die from liver complications so I was really at risk.

She has a husband, four kids, a business to run, countless responsibilities and she felt it was the end of the world because she was given 5 years to live. She cried each night as my niece recalled. Yet she never forgot to remind me to take the test. Even then she would still think of me.

I was afraid to know the truth. I buried myself in work. I would not respond to her messages to get tested. When she called I always diverted the conversation back to her and how she was doing. I was not acknowledging it because ignorance is bliss.

I remember her threatening to sit on me if I did not do it. I laughed and cried at the same time as it has been years since the last time she physically threatened me.

She was getting weaker and she wrote her will and asked us to take care of her kids. Look after them when she is gone. She was frail. A shadow of the Amazon she was in our youth. She was not responding well to treatment and she complained about the sores.

In between lucid moments, she would ask for my forgiveness for beating me up when we were kids. I told her I love her and would make sure her daughters who look like us were never get hurt by any boys. They would go through an uncle sporting a shotgun before they could court my nieces.

She cried a lot. My Matriarch cried a lot while she beseeched God to spare her daughter. so many teardrops fell on the hospital floor each day.

She was switch between different treatments and the Matriarch's belief in the unknown turned to alternative means.

Her voice raspy and dry she asked me again if I had myself tested already. I shook my head while trying to blink away the tears because she still nagged me in her weakened state. I finally relented and had the doctors test me.

The results came back and she wanted to be there when it was read. The doctor explained that there was a tumor. I eventually had a biopsy and returned to her to inform her that it was benign.

"Benign" she whispered and she smiled. She was tired and fell asleep.


From Unsplash - Elijah Hail

We really did not know what happened but she started to respond to treatment. She, like the rest of the women in our clan, was strong-willed. She was tired of feeling sorry for herself and her family, she was tired of crying and feeling helpless, she was tired of not doing anything.

With Amazonian strength of will, she got up and declared herself to get better. It could be any of the treatment she underwent, it could be the prayers of the Matriarch or one of her weird alternative medicines taking effect. It could be the sheer love she has for her family or even knowing that I would live in a weird sense of sibling rivalry she wanted to live as well. She got better.

It has been three years since that happened. It was one of the scariest things we had to face as a family. Yet we are still here as dysfunctional as ever and with our own weird sibling love to one another.

She messaged me this morning that she visited the Sirao Flower Farm in Cebu. She described the tulips but said she liked the sunflowers. It always looked like hope to her.

"We should always live our lives with hope" she said with tears of joy in her eyes.

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Read the post first before flagging. Then you will see the true story and feel the emotions that come with almost losing a sibling to cancer. Have a heart. So many people use bots. Find something else to do with your time. Your negative time is not wanted here.


Thank you so much FS for the wonderful support!

Always! I don't understand how this person got so many votes when he flagged you down when this post is most deserving to be seen, read and upvoted and resteemed. Can't people see that before they vote? Or is this guy just using his bots wrongly....Kind of paradoxical...

oh snap! Grumpy is at it again! dang

Reading your story, my heart felt it was pierced. I understand what you felt as my sister had cancer. It wasn't as bad but it was hard to hear. I was not able to be there with her. But I was with her every step of the way as much as I could be through the phone. I supported her, talked to her doctors even. I took her daughter while she was at the hospital for treatments. It was hard on everyone.
I feel the love you have in your family, the bond is as strong as your sister is. Thank you for being you and for your sister to be as strong as she is. Love that she came out of it. I was scared and was mentally preparing myself to read a dreadful moment but she came through! Feels like I just went on a rollercoaster ride lol. Happy days my friend!
P.S. Do you check up once in a while on the benign tumor?

FS you move me with this comment.

I was not able to be there with her. But I was with her every step of the way as much as I could be through the phone. I supported her, talked to her doctors even. I took her daughter while she was at the hospital for treatments. It was hard on everyone.

You did so wonderful by being there and doing that for your sister.

Sorry if you felt it was a rollercoaster of emotions!

Yes I have annually :) just to be on the safe side.

Don't be sorry. It's what it is like when a family member deals with a dreadful illness. That also means you can express what happen and how you all felt profoundly, making us feel like we were there with you both.
So happy that you get tested annually. I would have given you lots of trouble just so you would. :p

Man. That's quite the story. Seemingly impossible odds, this could have gone a dozen different ways and none of them good.

And then, whabam! A happy ending. So far, which is about as good as it gets in many cases like this.

Awesome. I'm glad that medicine, God, and her will all worked this miracle, and that you were cancer free, too. I hope all of you continue to live long and prosper.

I know this wasn't the purpose of the story, but as someone who likes to write, and hold people's attention, just let me say, you did it. Edge of my seat. The whole time. :)

Thank you Glen and to say that about my writing is really great.

I admire you as a writer and the way that you out together your stories and thoughts are superb.

Even your comments are well thought of and better than most posts out there.

As I've told some others, I've been at this for virtually all my life, so at least 40 years. I've wrote novels, off and on blogged and been on social media for more or less 15 years and I published newspapers for that long a time, too. So, with the experience I have, if I haven't learned how to put together coherent thoughts on paper or in a text window, I never will. :)

As it is, though, I think the secret is a love for reading, knowing how things are written grammatically (or at least written clearly, which the two are often the same thing) and editing. We need to read our own stuff more than once, otherwise, we'll miss things that need to be corrected or that could be worded better.

You are one of the better writers I've come across, too, so whatever you've done to get here, it's working and is definitely paying off. :)

You are one of the best that I have seen as well and I follow each post although I might now be commenting in all but know that I am always reading your thoughts.

Beautiful true story of hope, love, and prayer. Thank you for sharing!

Eagle UpComm.jpg

Thanks ES it is awesome when I know that people like you are behind me

Whoa, where have you been? yes I am always behind you ... don't look now!! Buahahaahah :p

Bwahahha snap you always make me laugh!

yay for laughter!! miss you boo boi!

The story of you and your sister is really impressive and also brought tears into my eyes but I loved the happy end.
I've also had my grandpa with 3 different types of cancer who died a few months ago and my cousin who won the battle of cancer.
The thing is that we never realize how strong we are until we are very down fighting for our living. That's the only moment when we realize that inside us is a hero who never lets himself be broken.
Thanks for sharing you family story, the cancer it really is a rough thing to fight with in life but I'm very happy for your sister and I wish you both all the great things in life.
Stay blessed! :)

Thank you so much Gabriela and your kind words and the story you shared about your family means a lot to me.

The thing is that we never realize how strong we are until we are very down fighting for our living. That's the only moment when we realize that inside us is a hero who never lets himself be broken.

This is such a beautiful line. Thank you.

Thank you too :)

Beautiful story, thank GOD it was benign.... steem on

Thank B.A. we take the test annually and so far so good

Oh omit my question on my post. Just found the answer that you test annually. Awesome!

Yeah annually I get tested because I have so many risk factors.

This was beautiful!! I was prepared for a sad ending - and i'm so glad that it was a miracle in the end!!!! :)

So many times cancer wins the battle. I'm so glad that there are more of these victory stories against cancer!!! :) Thank you for sharing !!!

Thank you Capt! Indeed we are one of those that had a good story.

My sister is happy and is doing well.

such an emotional story and thanks for being open enough to share with us, so glad it ended with good news wishing you and your family good health moving forward

Thank you Jay it is an emotional story but one that became a good one that show my sister is a survivor :)

Yes indeed it was a good story and great your sister came through it OK

Have a great day

I am so glad this story had a good ending and your sister has no signs of the cancer now! The best of luck to her, and thank you for sharing this touching story of your family with us! 💙


Thank you so much @thekittygirl and indeed it is a good story and hopefully inspires people.

I wish i could send her one tulip, i will keep her in my prayers and rest i dont know what to say here..

Thank you so much just to have someone say that gives comfort to us.

Glad that she's doing great now! Having a sick member in the family is really one of the worst situations a family could face. Been there done that. But it will also get everyone together. It's with tough times that the strength of a family is tested.

But hopefully we won't be facing any more situations like this. God bless you and your fam sir Mav!

Indeed it does and we have been all closer because of it. Family will always be there for you.

Thank you so much Chinita!

I hate cancer with all my being because it also runs in our family. This is such a beautifully written story, Mav! Thank you. <3 Happy that your sister's a survivor!

Thank you so much. I'm happy that you liked it it means the world to me when you say nice words to me.

She is a Wonderwoman indeed.

Man this was beautiful to read.

Its normal to fight and have constant wars with siblings especially in the first years, but as you said, once people become adults, we realize that we actually love our family.

Facing cancer mus't not be easy my friend, and having a strong family around can be of huge help for the person suffering from this.

I was happy when reading that your sister managed to get better over time :)

Thanks man coming from you this is such a compliment!

Families who are there by your side during the lowest point of your life is very important.

Hopefully this continues and she prevail over Cancer.

100% upvote for matriarchal energy and alternative methods... well of course her spirit no doubt was the key. Blessings.

Thank you so much for that! Indeed we can never discount the possibilities of thinks unknown to us.

I'm so sorry to read of this... did the cancer fully recede?

So far so good Max and no signs of remissions so we are keeping our fingers crossed.

What a powerful tale, thanks so much for sharing! You two really do look a LOT alike lol!

Haha if not for teh age gap we might have been twins.

Thank you for liking my tale.

Wow.... I really had tears drop from my eyes. This touched my soul. Wow... Siblings love, the ones you fight the most, you love the hardest. I hope she's fully recovered. And once you see a new light, it tends to bring everything to life. I also believe healing sometimes is psychological. When you find a reason to live,most times, your body starts responding. And I also think eating healthy and using some nutrient supplements quite helps build your walls against ailments I for one, I have been prescribed to Trévo supplement.

Yeah it's an amazing journey that we have and indeed eating healthy and taking supplements is key to being fit.

That was quite heartbreaking to read.. I can't imagine how I'd react in that situation. I hope she fully beats the cancer (did she beat it fully?). Spreading the hope!

Well she has not had any remissions and has a cheerful attitude so we are hoping she really beat it

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Yay TR!!! We love you ... as I've said many times. Just wanted to say it again.

@eaglespirit...thank you!


you are so very welcome! :)

well what can I do I am merely a redfish and even with a thousand like me there is simply no way to fight back.

@maverickinvictus, no problem.

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Cancer is a disease of the times
We wish you safety is really unfortunate this news
hope to get well soon

Well i am not sick


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