Nature Beers!

in life •  7 years ago 


Hot clanking pachinkos!!! It's the weekend! Beer Saturday by crikey and what a well-deserved beer Saturday it is! I have had a hoach on me as big as the Pink Panther for some days now and it is time to get all Inspector Clouseau.

We are changing things right up this week. We are getting back to nature. That's right, I mean we are going to the ends of the flat earth to seek out beers which have got grass and bits of leaf in them.

Sound crazy? Hella crazy!

So let's get stuck in!


The Wild Beer company have been a brewery that has consistently let me down but like a benevolent God, I have put away the smitey stick and instead am holding out yet another olive branch for them. Can they pull it all back with this funky looking beer aged in Sauternes Casks with mad things in it like samphire and pine?


What the fling flang? I am getting flashbacks to that twoddle I tried last week that just poured foam?

I got a bad feeling about this.


Finally, by pouring more slowly than a snails ejaculation I managed to get something other than sheer froth into the glass. I am surprised by the ruddy redness of the beer. Could be good?

What say you video man?

Rye, dirt and something else. I think that is pretty succinct. At first, the rye made it almost ok but as I drank it became more and more honking.

This rarely happens but in the end, I couldn't finish it and down the plughole, it went.


Oh no! 3/10 booms! I guess the colour and the initial rye flavour saved it from ZERO BOOMS!

So what now, will the Gods of beer come down on foamy chariots and save the day?


I can barely pronounce this one, Pohjala from Estonia. Goodness, that's far away, isn't it? I mean, is it? Hell, I don't know. Someone tell me if I can get the bus to Estonia because otherwise, it's far away. And not yesterday's bus, please. :O)

This is a Forest inspired, black IPA with blueberries and pine once more. It had better be better than the last one! I might stamp a foot if it isn't!


Oh, that is satisfying! Look at the colour of this cheeky little todger! It froths up a big foamy tan head but not a ridiculous one like the last one. Admittedly it does get a bit too frisky and gallop over the edges of the glass but I will forgive the hussy this one time.

How does it taste, shall we see in the flesh?

Ah, that is lovely. When I say turpy as in the fabulous stuff that you clean brushes with I mean that particular astringency you get, say with Retsina. One of my favourite wines! Ah, glory days. I don't get any blueberry notes whatsoever but it is a fine toasted malt and caramel beer. A hint of toffee coffee about it. If only it had had some of that blueberry it would have been a stonker! 8/10 booms!

Well, I have had my ups and had my downs and now it is time to gobble down some more tasty beers and salute the end of the summer! I bid you a good weekend!



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Undoubtedly, one of the greatest inventions in the history of mankind is beer, but there are beers that do not pass through the throat.

Those would be very peculiar beers indeed!

I'd like to see you do a series where you critique all the cheapest, shittiest beers over there.

Hahahah, you know I was genuinely thinking of doing something like that!

I will remember to pore my exotic beer snails ejaculation pace!

It seems like it's the only way!

Don't know why I missed it. Genuinely was looking out for it after the football. I enjoy your sense of humor and always bring a smile. Find your descriptions hilarious and this week the pouring at the apace of a snails ejaculation had me ,especially after the frothy one from last week.

Lol, I couldn't believe I got two frothers in a row!

Estonia? They make beer there? I wouldn't even know it existed if it wasn't for Encino Man, geography with Paulie Shore and Samwise Gemji ;)

Ha, I had no idea they did either, nor where it is! Lol, I had even forgotten that movie!!

It's the only time I've ever heard the name until this post I think!!

Just posted about my trip with the girls, complete with embarrassing videos, haha!

Lol, I know, I am watching one of your pals do the splits in a rubber ring and you show off your huge feet paddles, hahahah!! :O)

That's my favorite one, oh my girls are the best- aside from me they are all 'professionals', Maria, the loud laugher, is a physical therapist, Mary, the blonde, is a teacher and Heather is a therapist. But when we get together we are fifteen again lol!

The magical thing about good friendships!!

Oh how the mighty have fallen! Wild Beer had such a promising start with their logo way back when. But, logos can only get you to the door. Me thinks they've read the instructions only up until that point and just winged it. Down the drain they go!

Yes there is a lot of singing it on their part I think too. Perhaps they just be stuff belt and know it, selling it to the public because they will assume it's meant to be that way!

Pft! The public shall learn of the truth, and when they do ohoho you know eh

My god, I looked at my auto corrected response above and it's gibberish!

I wasn't going to say anything, but yes. Yes, it is. I guess I've adapted to Boominese so well that I think beyond the clutter.

Wayhay, I will now bring out my own language!

The subset of the English language it wishes it deserves!

WTF was that first beer? If a beer pours with more foam than liquid you are already on a path to disappointment. They should be required to have a warning label. "Foamiest beer on the planet". Thank god for that beautiful dark IPA saving the day. So with the summer ending the beer tasting will have to head back inside. MAybe you should do some scotch tasting. LOL Could get a little pricey though.

If it wasn't for the price I would do it! Although I would end up in quite a state I suspect!

I couldn't believe the foam, I was like, man where is the beer!?!

I can't say I am fond of anything that tastes like dirt or pine Not my favourite tastes by any means. Perhaps next week you can catch me with a fine beer or two...

Dirt, I know, I mean, I have heard people say earthy in a good way before but it just tasted like soil. bleh!

Next weeks will be awesome. I am almost certain!

Oh what is it with those ginormous heads lately LOL. The second offering looks divine, though...looks earthy and alive and full of secrets :) Hope the Booms all have a lovely weekend!!

I seem to be attracting them?! Yeek!

I am sure we will an dI hope you do too!!

oh my the facial expressions are hilarious! The first video....It tastes like dirt. LOL At least the bottle looks kind cool on the outside. I like how you referenced the previous bus post too, keeps it connected. And anyone how read the last post would instantly get the joke. :) Another fine taste testing my friend. :) Makes me want to do my root beet tasting video. haha

I like to throw in the odd self referential bit!!

The bottle was cool but it was so bizarre!

Cheers dude!

lol yeah I bet if it was bizarre, if it tasted like dirt, rye, and something else. Last night at a party, I tried some rye brownies....what is it with people using non-traditional ingredients? lol kidding....kinda. okay I understand people trying to be more health conscious, but come on! lol sorry for the tangent on rye. lol I am sure it is a fine ingredient, it just won't find its way into any brownies I make. haha

Yeah, it has its place and there it should remain. Never in cookies!!

hahaha I mean rye bread is great. but stay out of my brownies and cookies for Pete's sake! haha Do you guys use that phrase in the UK? "For Pete's sake" or is that just American jargon? haha

Hehe. We use it but we are a foul mouthed bunch so not too often!

LOL that is hilarious. haha

You say that first one was a bit earthy (dirt actually) if you had drank it all and not pourd it down the plug hole as you say, if there wasn't a little wormy wormy in the bottle?

upvoted and resteemed

It was fair sedimenty at the bottom. I'm kinda glad I didn't drink it too far!!

EWE!... Like drinking from a mud puddle.

The Wild Beer company has returned to disappoint you, the drink ended in the sink, I think you should not try again, luckily the second turned out to be good
Happy Saturday beer dear friend@meesterboom

Yes, I wonder if they will surprise me by one day having a good one?

"Cin-Cin" on such a Broody day!!!

Hehe, right back atcha!!! :0D

The second one looks good. Terpentine, but in good way...!? 😁 Cheers mate, have a great one!

Lol, I am very glad the second one came through for me, cheers dude!

I knew things were going south when I saw the picture of the gusher. Like by father-in-laws homebrew. Good thing the Estonians came to the rescue. Thank God for the Estonians.

It's not said enough but yes, thank God for the Estonians! :0)

The second has a great dark color! at least a good one