in life •  7 years ago 

2018-05-20_20.43.29.jpgHealth tip: The acidic content in Oranges.
My last article talked about the importance of orange and this article will be telling you about the acid oranges contains.

The acidic content in oranges are not harmful to our health but are form of nutrients found in oranges. Over 170 phytochemicals and more than 60 flavonoid are found in Orange.

These acids are found in ripe Orange: ascorbic acid (know as vitamin C), folic acid, hydroxycinamic acid, citric acid, malic acid, oxalic acid and pantothenic acid. All this acid are useful to human and it helps our system to function better in one way or the other.

In my next post, i'll be talking about the importance of each of these acids and how the body make use of them and if there are other sources you can get them.

Remember to take at least an orange daily. 2018-05-20_20.43.29.jpg

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