I’ve fixed a bunch of stuff on our flat and sloped roofs. Rooves? Anyway...it’s been a learning experience for sure. Below is the last obstacle in my way to a leak free roof:
One 4ft x 4ft mother of a dome skylight. That’s a big skylight. Plan is to custom order a new one, remove the old, and install the new. Should be fairly easy. I’m a bit worried about the flashing and ensuring it’s water right...but as long as we do it right it shouldn’t be a problem.
This is a Velux dome acrylic skylight. Comes in clear over clear, bronze over clear, and white over clear. Mainly used for commercial buildings...this one sits on top of my house. It’s about to go away though, as it leaks, and has been a big problem for many years. I’m amazed the previous owners never did anything about it.
Out with the old and in with the new.