Why is it that we work?
Most of us live in a world where we could get by with very little effort at all.
Simply standing on a corner, sticking our hands out and waiting for a kind soul to pass by and offer us sustenaince.
The profession is practiced by many with much success.
So why do we work?
Why do we put in 40, 50, 60 hours per week?
What does it really give us?
I know that a lot of my drive originally stemmed from a desire to feel good about myself.
if only I achieved enough ... then I could finally accept myself
It was something that took me a long time to see through.
I really needed to realize that, for better or worse, I was coping for something.
I'm guessing it stems from something in my childhood ... like all of these neuroses do. Someone must have given me too much of this or not enough of that at one point in time or another. Who knows why ... the point is I was struggling against and unbeatable pressure. Unable to truly satisfy this craving for self acceptance I created goals, did worksheets, read books, and continuously strived ... only to find myself back where I began, unable to really accept who I was as a person.
Now that I have seen this in myself, I've put effort into changing it. I've been able to make an impact on this portion of my self image and no longer feel the need to continuously push myself. The chip on my shoulder has diminished and I am appreciated life more.
What is it that's fueling you?
Is the work you are doing really satisfying your desire?