Environmental Pollution

in life •  7 years ago 


Pollution: It is the process of introducing various pollutants into the natural environment system, causing disturbance in the ecosystem and harming the natural surroundings of the environment in general. The sources of these pollutants vary. They consist of natural substances but increase their levels beyond acceptable limits lead to a general defect, It is worth mentioning that the high level of pollution in the air has very serious effects on humans, animals and plants, in addition to the large material losses of the industrial countries that export this pollution, Thermal, chemical, noise and other pollution in various forms of energy.

Causes of Pollution

Causes of pollution Radioactive contamination, which is one of the most dangerous types of pollutants so that it enters the human body and other living organisms without feeling or even a warning and there is no indication of its presence at the beginning, and this type of pollutants can not be seen and smell. The number of vehicles operating in engines is an internal combustion engine estimated at millions, which means that it is one of the largest responsible for causing environmental pollution at a high rate of up to 50 percent or more. Polluted areas Forests and areas planted with trees and plants are exposed to massive fires that extend for long hours and possibly days to extinguish them, adversely affecting the ecosystem. The occurrence of earthquakes and volcanoes of the main causes of environmental pollution, because the occurrence leads to the payment of large amounts of ash in the atmosphere and this is very dangerous. Hurricanes, caused by the circulation of cold air by hot air, are caused by a strong cyclone, storms and strong winds that move from one area to another, carrying dusty, polluted environments, creating a huge percentage of environmental damage. Some countries produce deadly chemical weapons, such as caustic gases, tear gas, gas gases, light gases and suffocating gases, which are used by their armies against others, thereby causing the greatest environmental pollution. Particles of solid and liquid form, consisting of highly complex materials and highly polluting, are produced from many sources of mechanical work and carry the most dust and heavier types of dust, as well as ash and industrial dust. The various industrial activities which contribute significantly to the pollution of the atmosphere, they are the second largest cause of environmental pollution of the large numbers, and the variety of types, and the huge volume of the amount of smoke emitted by the result of the process of combustion of solid fuel is coal, in addition to gas, liquid fuels, And petroleum.

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