
in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

Earlier on today, my mum asked me to help her out with some chores. I was pretty lazy to do my chores so my mum gave me options and said I could pick one chore from the list of chores. The list consisted of sorting out the washing, doing the dishes or sweeping the floor. From the above list of chores, my least favorite is sorting out the washing!!! so that was definitely out. I was left with the option of doing the dishes or sweeping the floor. I chose to do the sweeping. 

While sweeping and watching the dirt collect, I watched how I swept it all into the scoop. I actually felt calm and relaxed even though I was doing a chore! as weird as that may sound, it wasn't that bad. However, sweeping the floor is not bad, sweeping carpets are a nightmare! So while sweeping, it made me wonder who would have thought of inventing a broom? 

I decided to do some research for interest sake on who invented an object to sweep dirt away and why call it a broom? I came across some information about a man by the name of Levi Dickenson who was a farmer in Massachusetts and made a broom for his wife in 1797. He made the broom using sorghum which is a type of grain. The word broom originates from the name of a shrub used for sweeping. 

Levi Dickenson's wife had spread news about her husband's invention and had great things to say about it. That created a demand for it and that is how brooms came along! Thanks to Levi Dickenson, I think we all still use brooms even though the invention of a vacuum cleaner came about. I think brooms are easy and simple to work with and very helpful!  

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