Why Do We Prefer To Live In Megacities? / Neden Megapollerde Yaşamayı Tercih Ediyoruz?

in life •  6 years ago 


When I opened the window in the morning, I heard nice bird chirpings. I thought I owed these voices to a few trees on the site I am sitting in. Many people who live in big cities spend their lives without hearing the sound of a bird due to intense buildings. Why do a large number of people, migrate to big cities after birth in small cities despite disadvantages such as high house prices, traffic and intensive concrete? I remembered a striking statistic of the advantages of big cities. So instead of CRISPR technology, I decided to write about mega cities today.

Years ago, I read a formulation of "innovation and per capita income increases %10 when the population of a residential area doubles". I do not claim that this formula will give 100 percent accurate results, but I think the main idea of the formula is correct. The formulation matches my observations and the statistics I read about Turkey, and I don't think the situation is different in the world. The rate of increase in per capita income and innovation is valid beginning from the village, the smallest settlement. Starting from the village, the town, the city, the big city, the per capita income and innovation are increasing steadily towards megapol. We can use such a formulation when comparing residential locations within one country, because the culture of innovation and average national income differs greatly from country to country.

Why is the amount of income per capita and innovation increasing as population density in the residential area increases? Because it is possible to specialize in large populations. In Mega cities, it is possible to operate and receive services in niche specialized areas, which do not address the needs of general population. You can go to a ceramic or yoga course in Istanbul and similar Mega cities, find a cello repairer, see a doctor who specializes in nasal aesthetic. You can meet people who are interested in UFOs, review the latest UFO photos, hire a private detective to keep track of your partner. Cyber security experts, artificial intelligence workers and those who think the apocalypse is now imminent can come together and share their knowledge and experience.

The concentration of people on a small surface area is not only providing the possibility of specialization, but also the other benefits. Infrastructure that characterizes a city is being used more effectively as population density increases. Infrastructure investments, such as electricity grid, sewer, internet line, water distribution line, road network per capita are decreasing as population density increases.

Cities that have more than 10 million residents are identified as mega cities. How can we determine the boundaries of a city? The town in the centre of the city and the residential areas surrounding it are the main residential areas of the city. The metropolitan area of the city is defined when the associated settlement areas surrounding this area are included. This area represents a functional and economic integrity.

Mega cities have something that fascinates people. If we compare the city to the human body, we can match every dwelling or workplace with a cell. Just as in the human body, there are regions in the city that specialize in performing a function. Cities, of course, do not have a clear organizational structure as human body. Functional regions can be scattered across multiple places, and the outer borders of the city are not as clear as the human body.

By the end of 2017, there are 47 Mega cities in the world. There are 16 Mega cities in China, the country with the most mega cities. India is following China with six Mega cities. Tokyo is the world's largest city with a population of 38.1 million. Shanghai is second with a population of 34 million and Jakarta is third with a population of 31.5 million. There are 4 mega cities in Europe. These cities are listed according to population size in Moscow, Istanbul, London and Paris. The Mega cities of North America are New York, Mexico City and Los Angeles. According to population size, the first 9 cities are in Asia. 31 of the 47 Mega cities are located on the Asian continent.(I counted Istanbul located on two continents in Europe.)

Urbanization is one of the few trends that have continued consistently throughout history. As a writer of science fiction stories and novels, I am therefore interested in urbanization. In 1800, only 3% of the world's population lived in cities. At the end of the 20. century, this ratio reached 47%. When I was a child, only 30% of Turkey's population was living in cities, and now 88% are living in cities. In 2050, it is estimated that 95% of Turkey's population will live in cities.

It is possible to observe the effects of the increasing world population in science fiction. William Gibson's so-called Sprawl trilogy, Neuromancer (1984), Count Zero (1986), and Mona Lisa Overdrive (1988) take place in a mega-city called Sprawl. This city was formed as a result of the unification of all the cities on the east coast of the United States. People spend their time in a virtual environment called "matrix".

Asimov's main city in the Foundation and Imperial series, Trantor is the center of the galaxy with a population of 45 billion and a surface area of up to 40% of our world. The planet is completely occupied by the city. Asimov was inspired in writing the Foundation and Imperial series, from Roman Empire. Capital city of Roman Empire, Rome he had 1 million inhabitants in 100 BC. The population of Rome was reduced to 20,000 at the beginning of the middle age. It's out of the ordinary trend.

The world's fastest population growth is occurring in Africa. For this reason, many African cities in 2050 will be converted into Mega cities. Among these cities, Kinshasa from the Republic of Congo stands out from Nigeria with a population estimated to be over 30 million in Lagos. In 2050, the world's largest city will be bombarded with 42.4 million people. You can look full list from here .

If you are interested in mega cities, I suggest you watch the documentary Andrew Marr's mega cities.


Although Mega cities provide economic opportunities, they do not provide a good environment for their residents in terms of quality of life. Traffic jam, air pollution, concretisation and alienation into nature, high property prices are the main problems of mega cities. This may be due to the fact that mega cities are mostly part of developing countries rather than developed Western countries.

On the one hand, physical cities are growing and getting crowded, on the other hand, virtual places like "matrix" make it irrelevant which city people are in. Besides property ownership, which is the main tool for creating wealth and transferring it from generation to generation, now the ownership of Internet portals and the crypto money is important nowadays. While cities are trying to attract tourists and business people, virtual platforms are trying to attract users and capitalists.

In all this mess, we should not neglect the birds' voices and the people who make the places valuable. Because great cities create a feeling of great alienation.

Thanks for reading.

Image Source: https://pixabay.com/ and https://giphy.com/

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Sabah pencereyi açtığımda kulağıma çok hoş kuş cıvıltıları geldi. Bu sesleri oturduğum sitede bulunan birkaç ağaça borçlu olduğumu düşündüm. Büyük şehirlerde oturan birçok insan yoğun betonlaşma nedeniyle hayatlarını kuş sesi duymadan geçiriyorlar. Neden benim de içinde bulunduğum çok sayıda insan küçük şehirlerde doğduktan sonra yüksek ev fiyatları, trafik, yoğun betonlaşma gibi dezavantajlarına rağmen büyük şehirlere göç ediyor? Aklıma büyük şehirlerin sağladığı avantajlara dair çarpıcı bir istatistik geldi. Öyle olunca CRISPR teknolojisi yerine bugün mega şehirler üzerine bir yazı yazmaya karar verdim.

Yıllar önce "bir yerleşim yerinin nüfusu her ikiye katlandığında inovasyon ve kişi başına düşen milli gelir %10 artar" biçiminde bir formülasyon okumuştum. Bu formülün yüzde 100 doğru sonuç vereceğini iddia etmiyorum, ancak formülün ana fikrinin doğru olduğunu düşünüyorum. Formülasyon Türkiye'de yaptığım gözlemlere ve okuduğum istatistiklere uyuyor, dünya genelinde de durumun farklı olduğunu sanmıyorum. Kişi başına düşen gelirdeki ve inovasyondaki artış oranı en küçük yerleşim yeri olan köyden itibaren geçerli oluyor. Köyden başlayarak, kasaba, şehir, büyük şehir, megapole doğru gittikçe kişi başına düşen gelir ve inovasyon her seferinde artıyor. Böylesi bir formülasyonu sadece bir ülke içindeki yerleşim yerlerini kıyaslarken kullanabiliriz, ülkeden ülkeye ortalama milli gelir ve inovasyon kültürü çok farklılaşıyor zira.

Yerleşim yerindeki nüfus arttıkça kişi başına düşen gelir ve inovasyon miktarı neden artıyor? Bu soruya kısaca büyük nüfus uzmanlaşmayı mümkün kıldığı için biçiminde yanıt verebiliriz. Mega şehirlerde nüfusun geneline hitap etmeyen niche uzmanlık alanlarında faaliyet göstermek ve hizmet almak mümkün oluyor. İstanbul ve benzeri mega şehirlerde seramik ya da yoga kursuna gidebilir, bir çello tamircisi bulabilir, burun estetiğinde uzmanlaşmış bir doktora görünebilirsiniz. Ufolara meraklı insanlarla bir araya gelip son ufo fotoğraflarını inceleyebilir, özel dedektif tutarak eşinizi takip etmesini sağlayabilirsiniz. Siber güvenlik uzmanları, yapay zeka alanında çalışanlar ve kıyametin artık yakın olduğunu düşünenler biraraya gelip bilgi ve deneyimlerini birbirleriyle paylaşabilirler.

İnsanların küçük bir yüzey alanı üzerinde yoğunlaşmaları uzmanlaşma olanağı dışında da bariz faydalar sağlıyor. Bir şehri karakterize eden altyapılar nüfus yoğunluğu arttıkça daha etkin bir biçimde kullanılmaya başlanıyor. Kişi başına düşen elektrik şebekesi, kanalizasyon, internet hattı, su dağıtım hattı, yol ağı gibi altyapı yatırımları nüfus yoğunluğu arttıkça azalıyor.

Nüfusu 10 milyonu aşan yerleşim yerleri mega şehir olarak tanımlanıyor. Bir şehrin sınırlarını nasıl belirleyebiliriz? Şehrin merkezinde bulunan belediye alanı ve onu kesintisiz bir biçimde çevreleyen yerleşim alanları bir şehrin temel yerleşim alanını oluşturuyor. Bu bölgeyi çevreleyen bağlantılı yerleşim alanları da dahil edildiğinde şehri oluşturan büyükşehir alanı tanımlanmış oluyor. Bu alan fonksiyonel ve ekonomik bir bütünlük oluşturuyor.

Mega şehirlerin insanı büyüleyen bir tarafı var. Şehri insan bedenine benzetecek olursak her bir konut ya da işyerini bir hücreyle eş tutabiliriz. Aynen insan bedeninde olduğu gibi şehirde de bir fonksiyonu yerine getirmek konusunda uzmanlaşmış bölgeler bulunuyor. Şehirler elbette insan bedeni kadar net bir örgütlenme yapısına sahip değiller. Fonksiyonel bölgeler birden çok yere dağılmış olabiliyor, şehrin dış sınırları da insan bedenininki kadar net değil değil.

2017 yıl sonu itibariyle dünyada 47 mega şehir bulunuyor. En çok mega şehre sahip ülke olan Çin'de 16 mega şehir bulunuyor. Çin'i 6 mega şehir ile Hindistan izliyor. Dünyanın en büyük şehri 38,1 milyonluk nüfusuyla Tokyo. Şangay 34 milyonluk nüfusuyla ikinci ve Jakarta 31,5 milyonluk nüfusuyla üçüncü sırada. Avrupa'da 4 mega şehir bulunuyor. Bu şehirler nüfus büyüklüğüne göre Moskova, İstanbul, Londra ve Paris biçimde sıralanıyor. Kuzey Amerika'nın mega şehirleri New York, Mexico City ve Los Angeles. Nüfus büyüklüğüne göre ilk 9 şehir Asya'da. 47 mega şehrin 31'i Asya kıtasında bulunuyor.(İki kıta üzerinde kurulu olan İstanbul'u Avrupa'da saydım)

Şehirleşme tarih boyunca tutarlı bir biçimde devam eden az sayıdaki trendden biri. Bilimkurgu öykü ve romanları yazan bir kişi olarak bu nedenle şehirleşme olgusuyla yakından ilgileniyorum. 1800 yılında dünya nüfusunun sadece %3'ü şehirlerde yaşıyordu. 20. yüzyılın sonunda bu oran %47'ye ulaştı. Çocukluğumda Türkiye nüfusunun sadece %30'u şehirlerde yaşıyordu, şimdilerde bu oran %88. 2050 yılında Türkiye nüfusunun %95'inin şehirlerde yaşayacağı tahmin ediliyor.

Bilimkurgu eserlerinde artan dünya nüfusunun etkilerini net bir biçimde gözlemlemek mümkün. William Gibson'ın Sprawl üçlemesi olarak adlandırılan Neuromancer (1984), Count Zero (1986), ve Mona Lisa Overdrive (1988) romanları Sprawl isimli bir mega şehirde geçer. Bu şehir ABD'nin doğu sahilindeki tüm şehirlerin birleşmesi sonucu oluşmuştur. Kendi iklimi ve gece gündüz döngüsü olan bu şehirde insanlar zamanlarını çoğunlukla "Matrix" adı verilen bir sanal ortamda geçirirler.

Asimov'in Vakıf ve İmparatorluk serilerinde geçen başlıca şehir olan Trantor 45 milyarlık nüfusu dünyamızın %40'ı kadar olan yüzölçümüyle galaksinin merkezi konumundadır. Şehir üzerinde bulunduğu gezegeni tümüyle kaplamış durumdadır. Asimov'un Vakıf ve İmparatorluk serilerini yazarken esinlendiği Roma İmparatorluğunun başkenti olan Roma milattan önce 1. yüzyılın sonunda 1 milyon nüfusa sahipti. Roma'nın nüfusu ortaçağın başlangıcında 20.000'e kadar düşmüştü. Alışılmış trendin oldukça dışında bir durum.

Dünya genelinde en hızlı nüfus artışı Afrika'da yaşanıyor. Bu nedenle 2050 yılında çok sayıda Afrika şehrinin mega şehre dönüşeceği öngörülüyor. Bu şehirler arasında Kongo Cumhuriyeti'nden Kinshasa, Nijerya'dan Lagos 30 milyonu aşacağı tahmin edilen nüfuslarıyla öne çıkıyor. 2050 yılında dünyanın en büyük nüfuslu şehrinin 42,4 milyon nüfusla Bombay olacağı tahmin ediliyor. Tam listeye buradan bakabilirsiniz.

Mega şehirler ilginizi çekiyorsa Andrew Marr'in mega şehirler isimli belgeselini seyretmenizi tavsiye ederim.

Mega şehirler ekonomik olanaklar sağlasa da yaşam kalitesi anlamında sakinlerine iyi bir ortam sundukları söylenemez. Sıkışık trafik, hava kirliliği, betonlaşma ve doğaya yabancılaşma, yüksek emlak fiyatları mega şehirlerin başlıca sorunları. Bu durum mega şehirlerin çoğunlukla gelişmiş batı ülkelerinden ziyade gelişmekte olan ülkelerin bir parçası olmasından da kaynaklanıyor olabilir.

Bir yandan fiziki şehirler büyüyüp kalabalıklaşırken diğer taraftan "matrix" benzeri sanal toplanma yerleri insanların hangi şehirde olduğunu önemsiz hale getiriyor. Servet yaratmanın ve nesilden nesile aktarmanın başlıca aracı olan emlak sahipliğinin yanına şimdi internet portallarının ve onlarda geçerli kripto paraların sahipliği ekleniyor. Şehirler turistleri ve iş insanlarını kendisine çekmeye çalışırken sanal platformlar kullanıcıları ve sermayedarları çekmeye çalışıyorlar.

Bütün bu hayhuy içinde kuş seslerini ve yaşanan yerleri değerli kılan insanları ihmal etmemek gerekiyor. Zira büyük şehirler insanda büyük bir yabancılaşma hissi yaratıyor.

Okuduğunuz için teşekkür ederim.

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I am now interested to take a look the documentary(Andrew Marr's) regarding megacities because of the facts you written here. Living in megacities are very costly because although I am living far from Tokyo but I stayed there for just a week and it is very different from Nagoya(my place) because there is no empty space that hasn't being used. Even the convenience store, I hardly see any parking space on each store and the parking of the house are all using elevated parking to save some space by any means. I told to myself that I cannot live in a place like Tokyo and still prefer Nagoya if I am planning to stay. Thanks mate

Thank you for taking about one of the biggest ignored issue. Let me state that while I think cities have a place in a modern economy, i'm against hyper-urbanization. Many villages and towns in the country side are dying. People think moving to the city is trendy, but they don't realize they're building a hostile environment for future generations.

I live in the suburbs outside a megacity. It's thousands of houses that all look the same. The developers just copy as paste them. While the parents drive to work, the children have nowhere to go. They have tiny front yard, with 5 feet of grass separating their driveway and the neighbors lawn.

The kids have to bicycle over a kilometer, just to find a small woodlot. Our ancestors use to be connected to the land. They use to surround themselves in nature, and wake up every morning to beautiful pastures, a river, and gorgeous mountains on the horizon.

What do the children have today? Endless streets, and nowhere to go, so they stay inside and play video games.

If I could recreate the world, I wouldn't let the biggest city grow over 500 000 people, and we would only have 100 000 000 on the planet. There would be plenty of rain forest left, because there would be less farms to feed the people.

We got to get people moving to underpopulated areas, instead of wanting to come to the city. Look a the havoc overpopulation has caused on India.


Cities are tiny in comparison to the farms required feed their citizens. Look at this image of South America. 1000 years ago it would be solid green. Over half of South America's Rain forest have been wiped out. If the population continues to expand northward, most of the Amazon will be wiped out. If we keep the population down, we can avoid a lot of environmental problems. If everyone on the planet had no more than 2 children, we could ethically reduce our population to sustainable levels. If the population continues to increase the price of food will skyrocket, the oceans will run out of fish, housing prices will become astronomical, and will spend endless hours stuck in traffic. We will have to work longer hours to pay for overpriced resources, when supply can't keep up with demand.


hahaha that pic tho

we should not neglect the birds' voices

agree !

I think the most important reason is convenience. If you think about life, it revolves around needs. Basic needs - food, shelter, clothing. One needs money to buy things. Then one can also include, providing for a family and sending kids to good schools. Megacities, offer better employment opportunities and economic growth. This helps us buy food clothing and shelter located conveniently near us and the places to buy these exist in large numbers due to population. Better schools as well.

Moreover, man is a social animal. By virtue of larger populations, there is an opportunity for a diverse crowd with different interests to exist in megacities. The lifestyle that we are encouraged to live can easily be achieved in a megacity. Moreover, megacities are a sign on progress (actually debatable) but overall progress in engineering, wealth, lifestyle etc. So humans love to live there. And when we want a break we head to other natural retreats but then we are so used to a busy and active lifestyle that we get bored in a secluded place if we are there for a long time. Concentration of wealth and powr attracts those who find that life aspirational.

.... Convenience, exactly; for normal people.
Normal people require so much and that is what a magacities does. But if we go deeply into the spiritual and truly important for one human person, capable of creating things and at the same time destroying what is given, the sense of belonging to what is truly important is over; the natural.

Well said. I myself want to live in big cities because it always keeps me busy and everything is available when i want. And then i keep going away to a place amidst nature when i want peace and calm. I think when megacities go an extra mile, thats when i feel weird. Like pollution in india and china, which is a direct cost of destruction of nature that has happened to build big cities. Or fale islands and ice skating in a mall in dubai. That to me is crazy and unnecessary and makes me feel we've gone too far.

Your balance is below $0.028. @dustsweeper is now disabled for your account until you transfer new funds.

I understand that some critical mass is required for a city to be diverse, but why do we keep adding people to megacities? What's going to happen after people oil, when the world starts running out of resources. Shouldn't we take ethical, but preemptive action to reverse the growth in our largest cities? Why do we need megacities to grow to 50 million? Couldn't 500 000 provide all those things you mentioned, or do we everything copied and pasted a thousand times over?

A city of 500 000 could provide you with all the amenities you need. You could have an airport, university, ethnic restaurants, yoga classes, and specialty shops. Ok so maybe will give up 100 story high sky scrapers, and the largest sport stadiums. Is it worth driving 3 hours in traffic, just to have a few skyscrapers?

Escaping the city to find adequate nature isn't a walk in the park. You have to drive almost 150 kilometers from Toronto, just to find a large piece of forest. Everything to the south has been heavily fragmented for farming and urban development. We are becoming extremely alienated from nature. We work 9 to 5, 50 out of 52 weeks of the year, just to get by. Most kids today, don't know what it's like to live with the land. They are trapped in the concrete jungle all their life.


Here's a photo of a traffic jam in China. Why would the rest of the world want to catch up?


Our ancestors use to appreciate the land that surrounds them.


Let's contrast that to a Ghetto in Bogota, Columbia. Over-urbanization sucks.


I think one reason is the the rich want to find a city they want to own. Countries like the US have a number of large or mega cities. But for smaller european countries, there is one megacity for each country, usually the political and financial capital is also the same in such cases e.g london in uk, paris in france. And most megacities will be close to sea or have a port near them.

Historically if you see, the rich people were the merchants who did global trade. They settled close to sea ports and most of the rich network built around those cities. Then as we moved to mordern times, more people started moving to these cities because of better employment opportunities. And people keep moving there because the rich never move. They keep occupying a small section of the city, for example manhattam in new york. Moreover, having an office in these areas, where real estate has gone through the roof is not only a status symbol but also the place is ripe for business.

People migrate because of facilities

I think the main reason people prefer living in mega cities is because of convenience and the fact that they live among people who they could call their class equals. Social amenities and better infrastructure is something we can't pretend to crave for to be honest.

But when everyone makes it their goal to build or move towards the rural or less urban regions, in no time development will get across all region and better life style will be achieved everywhere.

People create more people ( birds and bees ...you know) , all of them need jobs to support themselves ( existential dilemma) , jobs are in big cities ( for most part).

We all leave work at 5

For me the reason is my free time. I usually go shopping or watching movies in my free time. In megacities using these places is easier.

in addition to the city city mentioned above, the city of the next city is a big city of the world, even dubbed the megapolitan city that many people like to visit and race to race there ..


Tokyo with its current economy is the world's number 1,


Mexico store the past culture filled with history and very unique.


Seoul South Korea is also currently being cleaned up to attract tourism area, here also save a thousand to the land that makes eyes staring when see him.

Regional area is worth mentioning as a world tourist destinations are very beautiful and interesting.

More and more people are moving to mega cities because of lack of facilities in the small towns and due to ever increasing competition. It is fact that mega cities are keeping the people away from nature. Nice article.

I think the main reason for living in megacities or giving more prefremce to megacities is that increasing my the standard of living..
In megacities there are availablity of numerious faculties...

People like to live luxury life in big cities for them to enjoy with no limit

I live in an extremely rural area just outside of London, however have lived in the very dense and urban area of central London.

Personally, living in the countryside with clean air and a slower more peaceful environment is worth so much more than the money you would earn from any city job.

That's my two cents.

Good article!


A mega city is crowded and loud but in a way that adds static to our lives that allows many to move forward and react without much thought. In a sense that in itself helps people gain stability in life but its not for everyone.

Thanks for sharing this post, was very clear, And I belive that almost all informatiom that appear in your post is correct, and maybe at least for me the main reazon could be globalitation, and the own neccesity to live in the new world where you can see a lot of opprtunities

In Pakistan people also prffer to live in big cities because of that all facilities are avail in a big city. But increasing papulation creating problems for big cities residents.

great post and is reality post

You might like to read this article about an experiment that explains why people behave differently in cities. John B. Calhoun raised many generations of mice in an enclosed "city" to observe how their behavior changed as population density grew to intolerable levels.

The result? The mice began to exhibit many of the same neurotic maladaptations to overpopulation that humans have.

I have heard about the experiment before☺ Sometimes I miss to open my car's door freely without a car near it.

I know megacities give more opportunity but when you doing online business, then I prefer village where you are close to the nature :D

Living in mega cities is good because there lot of develop things an easy life with no stress

what does that actually means.


Government should start campaign for aware the people's because it is really very big problem. Also everyone should understand , they are not small children

Hello! Nice post! By the time I started to prefer small towns without too much clutter and laugh.

to live in the world, i think you must be follow the rules from your post. A man cannot be fulfill without traveling and enjoing worldside.

Ben de Mecidiyeköy'de var olan bir kaç ağacın yanında oturuyorum. Fakat yazınızı okuduktan sonra kuş seslerini fark edebildim. Sanırım kuş sesleri olsa da şehir gürültüsünden duyamıyoruz :)

Ben Sarıyer'de oturuyorum. Ortamım görece sessiz :)

Hocam kahveye beklerim. Eminim eve döndüğünüzde çevrenize olan sevginiz artacaktır :)

Bütün iş imkanları ve yaşamın orda olduğunu düşündüğümüz için akrabalarımızın orda çok güzel evlerde ve çok güzel hayat sürdüklerini düşündüğümüz için bence

so cool!

That's a very interesting post! I just recently thought about this topic and I explained myself that many young people move to bigger cities to experience the "other" world - most of them study in another country or another city, but most likely move back to their hometown. Whereas the older generation tends to move outside of cities to be able to live their life in silence and to enjoy the little bit of nature that is left! In my opinion the big increase isn't good for our planet, but I'm sure that this will not be increasing for another 20 years. I think that people will soon realise that the smaller cities & towns have a lot to offer too :)

Actually people who want to live in mega cities are people who live in small town or cities vice versa, it is human's desire to get what they don't have yet

Megacities offer more things to us, that means we have more entertainment and fun stuffs

I think we're all social creatures and if we isolate ourselves for a long time, most of us will feel the weight of it and we would not be happy by ourselves. That's why live in big communities or cities. If you listen or watch countless lectures, it is scientifically proven that we do need to socialize to keep functioning normally. Of course, there are exceptions here and there.

It also depends where you were born. People from small towns or villages usually run away to big cities to feel the hype and what they we're missing for most of their childhood lives, while the city kids tend to move out to the suburbs.

For me personally, I like to have it 50-50. I love the countless options of the bigger cities, but on the other hand it's also nice to retreat to quiet place and relax once in a while.
Cities will grow even larger in the future, unless something or someone knocks us back to the stone-age.

As other people here have said here, it's probably a combination of convenience, social, and more job opportunities. For me, the attraction of megacity is the energy the city offers.

Apt Analysis towards the present scenario of world's largest cities. They are facilitating the communities but not taking any measure for population control.

Very interesting to know these information. Thanks friend

nos hemos acostumbrado a vivir en ciudades donde la vida nos pasa considerablemente rápido y justo en estos lugares tenemos acceso a fuentes de empleo, digamos que no es que lo deseemos es una necesidad

Good article. A deep analysis of great needs. It must be observed that man destroys himself and when he is lost, it is very late. The megacities are fabulous; while the physical, the mental, the emotional and the spiritual remain united in one person... then will be a hell.

that's so interesting...
thank you for share

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Mega city all features
all Public Transportation & Walkability,Access can be considered the main perk of living in an urban center.
Attractions & Entertainment.
Restaurants & Shopping.
Social Possibilities & Networking.
Medical Care & Service for Seniors.

People prefer megacities because they are beautiful and full of opportunities.

City is the purpose of earning a living, Conversely Village is a place to find peace so said the city people who experience fatigue life in the city. Compare With the atmosphere in the countryside. Unspoiled soil and grass when touched with bare feet. Fresh Air, clear sky unhindered tall buildings, clarity of rivers, rice fields or gardens stretched out. The sound of birds chirping, animals like crickets, chickens, and poultry increasingly make the village atmosphere more and more missed.

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very well expain really its true fact

The attraction of Big Citys is a nice Topic to talk about i guess. There are a lot of benefits concerning your work if you life in a big City. You are more flexible you have better chances to climb up into a better payed position but everyone has to decide if he want to take all the bad influences such as Noise, Polution, anonymity etc. to make a good kareer. For example a lot of people who make creative work have to live in a bigger city because the cultural sector is bigger and its easier to get known even internet is doing the most work. There are a lot of examples like this. But there you have always to decide if you need this kind of work.. there are always alternatives which will fit you.

A big Problem i guess is that the modern ideals, transported in social media, influences young people to move to big cities and "Live the dream" (not only in America) even there is work where you have to live in a big city to get along. You are always in comparison to the young influencers on social media and this pushes you in the mood to live in an big city where a lot is going on (in fact thats not the reality). But actually you don't do your self a favor. The noise (in the city its ALWAYS about 70db) will damage your ear if you hear it for years so the young generation living in big cities will all need devices which help them to hear in their future.

To sum it up you have to decide do i want a lot of opportunities or do i need a traditional life, which is more like it used to be and in fact it meant to be. Second will give you more positiv feelings in long terms and it will keep you more healthy physically and mental. If you want to be a big person you will have to get to a big city where big decision are made but you should always ask your self then: "Why do i want to be a big person?" (there are not really good answers for that question)

...my opinion

Thanks for reading also my english i think could be much better ;)

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This post has received a 27.71 % upvote from @boomerang.

So how do you choose to enforce two children per family? What do you do with the people who want to live in mega cities but have neither the skill or will to work hard to live there? That is the puzzle that has no solution. I moved out from a megacity and decided to live small and peacefully. Namaste

@muratkbesiroglu such an amazing article and an eyeopener for me. Thankyou for posting. I am working for smartcity project in India and I have taken some of useful input from above. :)

I'm glad to hear that☺

Thanks for sharing @muratkbesiroglu.
This post is very insightful about the mega cities in the world

People prefer to live in megacities because there is always a lot to do. They are also great tourist attractions, I love visiting megacities on holiday.
I can't even fathom living in a city with 10 million people. That is just mind-boggling. Give me a small town any day. I live in Athens Georgia which has an estimated population of 209,000. It's a college town and where some elders flock to for retirement. Also has a very low crime rate. It's a great place for me to enjoy my grandchildren. I have lived here since 1999.

I think you are right.
Well said.
I am also said thak.
Yes I like too.
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