How partnerships at work make your job more interesting?

in life •  2 months ago 

The labor market of the future will transform into a place where employers and employees see each other as partners in a community of interests.

The worker of the future is not looking for canteen schemes, bonuses, prestige and titles. They are looking for the companies and organizations that have the resources and networks that build bridges to the very path they want to move outwards to be able to make a difference in the world.

If you see yourself as a person who makes the world/society/community a better place rather than a person with a toolbox and a title, your job scope will be much larger and your learning curve will be steeper.


“What does it take to change a more traditional goal-oriented mindset to one focused on the difference you can make in people's lives?”

The candidates you remember are often not the ones who are just excellent, but the ones who stand out because they have something on their mind and want to create something better, no matter how hard it may be.

"Sometimes it is necessary to move both mentally and physically to see yourself. And when that happens, it is as if the battle with yourself stops and it becomes easier to take the next step."

The first assignment I got in my one-man business was to help a huge Chinese company provide input for a research park within Health Care, which they were going to establish around their existing company.

I initially wondered why such a large company would hire me (the company services 80% of all hospitals in China with medtech solutions). I didn't come with a huge corporate apparatus behind me.

I was welcomed like a queen and the meeting program was extended so that I could create an even closer relationship not only with the founder but also all the directors from the subsidiaries.

Through the above experience, I began to understand that when people meet, who have something in common, it becomes the driving force and magnet in the relationship. In the meeting in China, I saw myself and became aware of the power of wanting something that others were also interested in.

Today, when I help smart and passionate people focus on what matters to them in their working lives and find the partners they should collaborate with, I use the insights I gained in China.

I see a job market where people are looking for meaningful activities, networks and knowledge that align with the difference they want to make in the world. I see people who can easily work for multiple companies, where the common ground is the direction of the collaboration.

Are you, like me, a person who seeks partnerships, who wants something better rather than something more, then we are in the process of creating a movement?

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