Why do so many people choose to live in the past? Many people have trouble living their lives to the fullest for a number of reasons, such as not accepting truth or being stuck in the past.
All of the events that led us to this point, no matter how they got us there, make up the past. It's a vault full of memories, both good and bad, bad decisions and bad luck, sadness and joy, and people who come and go from our lives.
It's not about forgetting about the past and going on; it's about not letting it hold too much power over us, which stops us from fully enjoying the present.
There is only one thing that links us to him: our memories. When we feel like we have to live in the past, it's not good for us and stops us from growing as people.
It's not about getting rid of or losing the past, because happy memories bring back happiness. It's more about cutting this link, letting go of it, and understanding that the past is made up, temporary, and not real.
realising how important it is to remember our events, both good and bad, and use what we've learned to grow as people.
People want to live fully in the moment, without stress, shame, or pain, and they want to talk less about the past, especially the bad times.
"To know that the past has gone forever, that what you hoped for is no more, but that the present belongs to you," says an Arabic saying.
We want to stay in the past and avoid the future. How can we fight this urge? We are the only ones who can keep our present from being destroyed by our fixations on the past.
In the event that we are unable to go back in time, whether by chance or by choice, we should not become permanently sad. Feeling guilty about a choice you made in the past will keep you from enjoying the present. Are you always trying to figure out how to solve a problem that happened in the past?
John Lennon once said, "Some people are ready to do anything but live here and now." This bad link is holding you back, so try to live in the present and enjoy each moment as it comes.
Stop going back in time to try to solve problems that are too hard to solve, and stop thinking things like "if I could..." Do something right away.