Why People Become Unsuccessful

in life •  5 years ago 

Source: https://iconscout.co/icon

As every coin has 2 sides, One is Good and the other one is bad. The same is the case with our habits and it completely depends on us how's our habit.

Here is a list of things that we shouldn't do. If we have one of these bad habits, don't worry, no one's perfect. If we have two bad habits, we should worry and if we have more than three or four bad habits, we might want to change- because no one wants to be unsuccessful.

• Avoid things which always distract you
• Avoid spending time with losers
• Avoid Those Who Only Talk The Talk
• Avoid Those Who Don't Listen To Others
• Avoid Those Who Always Think Negative
• Avoid Persons Who Are Lazy
• Avoid Who Don't Want To Learn New Things
• Avoid One who accepts failure easily

Avoid things which always distract you :

Distraction takes you away from your goals. For example, if you use technology positively, it will give you a result, and if not use properly it will distract you, like Mobile Phone. With mobile phone you can access information anywhere, but if you are using a mobile phone for playing games, that's distraction. So, avoid those people or things which distract you from your goal.

Avoid spending time with losers :

If you spend more time with loser you will become one. Apply this correlation to any type of person. Let's see an example. If you want to get fit then spend time with fit people, not with lazy and foodies.

Avoid those who always think negative :

These type of people always hate everything, they only see the negative part of everything. They can't see those people who are doing well. It's all right to have a bad day - everybody gets irritable once in a while. But if you hate it all, you're going to have a poor life.

They Don't Listen To Others :

We listen to others because we care about them & want to give respect. Unsuccessful people don't want to listen to anyone. We all love ourselves. But if you are unsuccessful, the only person loving you is yourself.

Persons who are lazy :

These types of people always try to avoid doing anything and don't want to experience new things. Even they are not ready to participate with your family and friends.

Who doesn't want to learn new things :

Learning is the most difficult thing in the world and we start learning since we are born. We know that success is no accident, it is a continuous process of hard work, learning, studying, sacrificing and above all loving your work.
There is a famous quote of Albert Einstein,
"Once you stop learning, you start dying."
Now, you can be anything you wish - You Just need to learn how to achieve it.

One who accept failure easily :

The person who accepts failure easily never gets success in life. If you want success then try to do one thing every day that scares you.

"Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." John D. Rockefeller

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