How to Cultivation Pumpkin butternut

in life •  7 years ago 



  1. The land must be well cultivated, the ground is hoeed or plowed to loose.
  2. If the soil pH is less than 6.5 should be given agricultural lime with a dose of 2-3 tons per hectare.
  3. Make beds 1 m wide and 30 cm high, the length of the bed adjusted to the length of available land.
  4. distance between beds 3m - 5m.
  5. Give mature manure to the bundle with a dose of 1-2 tons per hectare or 2-3 kg per planting hole.
  6. Planting hole made by ditugal with a distance of 50 cm - 60 cm.
  7. Manure hole is made 10 cm - 15 cm apart from planting hole.


  1. Plant the pumpkin seeds in the planting hole that has been prepared as much as 2 to 3 seeds per hole as deep as 1 cm - 2cm. Then cover with soil (do not compacted) then flush.
  2. If you have difficulty with growing power, seeding / seed germination can be done first
    Basic fertilizer is given perforated holes with Urea: SP 36: KCL = 7.5 g / plant. : 15 g / plant. : 10 g / plant.
  3. Do the optimum watering by looking at the soil conditions around the plant.
  4. The seeds will grow 7 - 10 days later.



  1. The seeds that do not grow should be embroidered immediately.
  2. Add the 2-2.5 meters tall around the stem. Then, add the bamboo strung up on the wood buffer so that it becomes the interlocking boxes. The series of bamboo is box-shaped to be about 30 x 30 cm or adjusted to local conditions. The bamboo and wood buffer joints must be strong because they will support the heavy fruit.
  3. Plants that stick out should always be trimmed will not spread everywhere. Do not let the plants overlap. Apply 1 week's weaning.
  4. Dispose of weeds or grasses and other plants that interfere with the growth of pumpkin plants.
  5. Following fertilization respectively 25 HST and 45 HST with ZA 7.5 g / plant. And KCl 5 g / plant


  1. Spray the plants with pesticides and fungicides in turns every 2-3 days.
  2. Pests that often attack include: Dew flour, anthracnose, viruses, myths, caterpillars, small beetles and aphids.
  3. What is important is the observation of plants every day to anticipate attacks of pests and diseases.


  1. Harvesting can start at 75-80 HST.
  2. Pumpkin can be harvested when the fruit stalk is dry

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