in life •  5 years ago 

Why should we bother about elections?

May 2019 is definitely a politically intense time. Today is the final day of the elections to the European Parliament, which was being held all over Europe during recent days. I have recently became an adult, so this is the first time when I am able to "impact the world".

This fact led me to a serious reflection and I realized how incredibly important these elections are. As an European Union (I would even say as a whole world) we are witnessing a serious crisis nowadays. Conflict in Iran, Brexit, Venezuelan crisis, Global Warming are issues that may seem to be distant, but actually they may affect you directly, no matter from which corner of the world you are.

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This is the reason why choosing the leadership of the institution with the combined GDP almost equal to United States is so important. Apart of the global problems, European Parliament has a direct impact on decisions regarding EU citizens. Many of them are controversial and raised a lot of hype, so I think it is important to analyze them and choose an appropriate politician according to your beliefs. Even if you are not the EU citizen, I think that discussing such topics is always valuable - you never can be sure what reforms your government will come up with.


Brexit is a symbol of a current Euroscepticism among EU citizens and politicians. This attitude is constantly gaining popularity nowadays, and many people consider EU as an institution with primarily negative impact on its members. This situation is most likely caused by disagreement between EU and some member state governments (e.g. Poland's migration policy). Increasingly can be heard that Europe should only cooperate on an economic field. Therefore, current elections may drastically change the shape of European integration.

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Acta 2

Acta 2 is probably the most important in terms of Steem community. Some people claim that this directive will lead to the censorship of the Internet and smaller services will not be able to afford complex analysis of published content in respect of authors' rights abuses. Such scenario would definitely be disastrous for Steemit, DApps and similar websites. On the other hand there were plenty of fake news regarding Acta 2, so we cannot be sure how it is going to actually impact the Internet. Most of people on Steem are creators, and perhaps this regulation will bring fairer principles and prevent abuses in our work.

Global Warming

Global Warming raises plenty of emotions in my country, most likely because our energetic system is almost fully based on coal. Additionally, in December 2018, a city of my origin - Katowice - has been the host of the United Nations Conference on Climate Change which only added a fuel to the flames of social discussion.

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Some politicians claim that Global Warming does not exist, others say that it will cause the extinction of humankind. Regardless of what the truth is, we need to be aware that current elections will surely impact the Europe's approach to the climate changes. United States have already withdrawn from the Paris Agreement, and some European politicians declare similar intents.

Share your opinion

Mentioned issues are only the tip of a very interesting iceberg that we could discuss through all day. I have chosen these three topics, because they are controversial and I believe they will be significantly affected by the result of the current elections. I would be really glad to hear your view on these issues and the future shape of the European community.

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EU is a great experiment on supra-nationality, where citizens of countries agree to form a supranational body which will govern them on certain specified issues rather than their own political masters.

Should EU succeeds, it may set an example for other countries, like the Asian countries, South American and African Countries to follow suit by forming their own supranational bodies.

Eventually, all these supranational bodies then can coalesce and form a global supranational body with a Global Parliament and Global Commission, where the Global Commissioners will be required to take an oath of supranational loyalty in which they swear to act completely independent of their nation state and neither seek nor take instructions from any government, in order to act in a way that best promotes nothing but the Global interest.

Well this may sound quixotic but 70 years ago any suggestion of the present EU would have sounded quixotic too!

Well that would be a wonderful idea to move towards global citizenship without borders. With the world becoming more and more connected with the proliferation of new technologies under the 4th industrial revolution taking place now, it may not be a tall order after all.

I think something like an international Schengen Zone would be highly appreciated. Imagine traveling, studying and working all over the world without all this bureaucracy.

Great comment @invest.country

Thx for sharing your thoughts with us on that particular (and quite sensitive) topic.


Thank you for your amazing reply @invest.country!

Eventually, all these supranational bodies then can coalesce and form a global supranational body with a Global Parliament and Global Commission

Interesting conception, but do you think that as a humanity we will be able to achieve that much of unity? EU works, but it still faces a lot of serious problems. The results of current elections show that there are a lot people wanting decrease the level of cooperation between European countries. And we need to notice that EU consists of countries from the same cultural field, with the same traditions and history. I can't imagine my government cooperating with Arabic government (unfortunately).

@neavvy, My point may sound ill and without any Logic but in my opinion crisis will not stop in this overly Materialistic world.

Now we have to make a choice and that is, let's not think in a way that crisis is faced by one geography, instead whole world can come forward to help the country which is facing crisis and these kind of steps will showcase a message that we all belongs to one tribe and that is Humanity Tribe.

When we will forget the race of Domination, Overly Materialistic and False Politics then we can see the bright side of life and without any doubt whole world can live happy lives like one big happy family. Stay blessed.

Thx for sharing your thoughts with us on that particular (and quite sensitive) topic @chireerocks


Welcome and have a great time ahead. Stay blessed.

Thank you for your comment @chireerocks!

crisis will not stop in this overly Materialistic world.

Indeed your point may sound ill and without logic to many of people, but I agree with you. Crisis may help to "clear" this consumerism approach we are currently witnessing.

Welcome and let's hope that Human Beings will awake for greater good.

Firstly, people do not understand, that EU was established (decades ago) because few people wanted more centralised power. Why would every country have its own monetary system, it's own civil/public/criminal/international laws, it's own economy....

...when one state, one center in Brussels can take over all of that. And when country is under EU, local banks, local firms, local shops are taken down - because mostly German economy wants to take over the European states.

Should I be happy about that?
Should I fall on these elections as a way out of the mess? Each vote can only mean consenting to the present situation and giving legitimacy to the further plans of the neoliberal Brussels nomenclature which acts solely in the interest of capital. Even the boycott of these elections does not change anything.

Global warming is a hoax, I hope you already know that. If we have a global warming, you better don't even ask what kind of weather was in Europe few hundred years ago, when they were planting vine on whole Britain island... that must have been hell on Earth ;) Just joking

Truth is pretty hard to find in media today. You gotta go deeper and deeper to find it. Wish you a lot of luck.

Another amazing comment @worldfinances. Love it!:)

Thank you for your reply @worldfinances!

mostly German economy wants to take over the European states.

This is very popular opinion is my country, but I thought that only Polish people have this feeling. Where are you from?

Global warming is a hoax, I hope you already know that.

Do you think so? I've read that 98% of climate scientists agree that global warming exists and is caused by the humanity. They also have pretty hard evidences for that. I am not saying that you are wrong, just want to discuss that :)

Voting is very important. We the people if this world have very little say in how things are run. Usually to the advantage of the elite.
We must always use our vote to make our lives mean something and make sure that the governments around the world see that we care.
I am always in favour of keeping trade as close to home as possible but not all things we need can be produced at close by so using a larger trading base is favourable.
Europe is a huge place and we should all work together for a better life. We only have one planet so that should always come first.
Climate change is happening whether man made or not but we are definitely impacting it in a huge way by using fossil fuels and that needs to be addressed in an age where there are better and more environmentally friendly options.

Posted using Partiko Android

Great read Andy

Thank you for sharing your insights @andyjem

there are better and more environmentally friendly options.

That's definitely the point. I hope one day governments will understand this fact and start seeing a positive long-term consequences of renewables.

We must always use our vote to make our lives mean something and make sure that the governments around the world see that we care.

Unfortunately many people don't even bother to vote. In my country 43% of population voted, which is not the best result.

Greetings @neavvy my apologies for having answered something late to the post (I'm somewhat busy with finishing the semester at the university and some personal matters that ended yesterday), thanks for sending it is very interesting and as you say is just the tip of the iceberg as of this has a lot of cloth to cut.

All the points they raise are very interesting, in some more than others I know what they are about the others I've just heard and barely read about them.

Starting with the part of global warming, I could say that the best way to solve it is for all of us to cooperate in this, since while it is true that the cheapest and most common forms of energy generation are coal and the burning of certain fuels , they are not the best for the environment, I particularly think that investment should be made in taking advantage of all those natural resources that we have that allow us to generate energy, such as wind, solar, or simply hydrological fields (dams).

Another thing that could be done is to continue research to find new ways to generate energy without being so harmful to the environment.

While it is true that not all countries have these resources I think they could be used in some way or another, because if not bad memory (in a country) made a river not suitable for dams, it will work for that purpose, of course great work but that benefits all, except that it is a great source of work for all.

Continuing with the record 2, I could say that I am not very polished in the case but it is harmful for many since it deprives them of certain things (the freedom that is enjoyed on the internet) but its like everything has its benefit that it It allows you to have at some level the control of what you do or is done with your content online. While it is true that should be considered to be free on the Internet (under a certain level since this does not promote illicit activities, bad practices, etc).

Brexit is the least I dominate, I know it is very controversial but I have not had the opportunity to fully sit down to read and understand all this problematic so I will not omit comment on that topic.

Regarding what you said at the beginning of the post, politicians want or not are responsible for representing us before the world and against other countries, so it is important to participate in elections as long as the electoral system is fair, not biased nor in direct favor of any side (as is the case here with the CNE (National Electoral Council) ...) So I always comment or those who ask me about it if they have the opportunity to have a fair electoral system take advantage and get feel, give your vote and participate, if your excellent candidate wins good for you, but unfortunately you have to accept what the majority decided or what the representatives of the parliament decided. But the important thing is always to participate.

I say goodbye, not without first wish you a good day, greetings

Wow. What an amazing comment @jjqf

Thank you for this amazing comment @jjqf. And I'm sorry for such a late reply, I'm also really bust recently.

Another thing that could be done is to continue research to find new ways to generate energy without being so harmful to the environment.

That's really important approach. I'm happy to see that the growth of solar (and generally renewable) technology is exponential. It gives some hope for the future.

Brexit is the least I dominate, I know it is very controversial but I have not had the opportunity to fully sit down to read and understand all this problematic so I will not omit comment on that topic.

That's mature decision, I wish more people implemented such behavior :D To be honest I'm also not sure what to think about Brexit. It is so complex and developed issue that probably even the politicians and economists don't understand its consequences. No matter what they are, I thin that the democratic choice of the society should be respected and Britain should leave the EU (I'm not saying that it will be good, I just think that their choice should be absolutely respected).

Sup @neavvy, thank you for your memo! I appreciate it :)
Congratulations on becoming an adult and hats down that you decided to vote yesterday. I know it is very important but people from 18-24 do not often realize how important those elections are :)

I am really curious about what is going to happen when the new parliament is "constructed". In Germany, a lot of people voted for the "Green ones" and the percentage of people who actually voted are quite big :)
I am quite happy about those results.
How is it in your country? Are you happy with the results?

Great comment @mcnestler

Thx for sharing your thoughts with us on that particular (and quite sensitive) topic.


Thank you for sharing your insights @mcnestler :)

people from 18-24 do not often realize how important those elections are

Yes, plenty of my friends don't even bother to vote.

How is it in your country? Are you happy with the results?

I wish such "green ones" won in my country, unfortunately that's not the case. The winner in Poland is a current ruling party, which for example declares that Poland is not going to give up coal and other fossil fuels for the next 200 years. They completely don't care about the environment and spend an insane amount of money for social income, which results in economic stagnancy.

At least I'm happy that you are satisfied with the results in Germany :)

Hi @neavvy

Now we just have to wait for the results of those elections, as always, politics and its unfinished business. The options offered by demagoguery are always for the individual benefit of those who are elected. A status quo

The options offered by demagoguery are always for the individual benefit of those who are elected.

Unfortunately you are right @lanzjoseg. Thank you for your comment.

Hello @neavvy,
I don't have much to say about the issues you have raised as regards to the EU of which has its pros and cons but one thing is for sure, any politician at whatever level of influence that thinks that global warming is a hoax is delusional!

Thank you for your reply @straighttalk

any politician at whatever level of influence that thinks that global warming is a hoax is delusional!

I fully agree with you. Unfortunately this approach is more and more popular among politicians, as it much easier to convince people that there is no global warming than take some action to prevent it.

Well said @neavvy... some people can be very gullible!
If only they could do some research for themselves and read between the lines.

read between the lines.

Unfortunately this is not a common skill :(

Dear @neavvy first let me congratulate you on becoming an adult and becoming eligible to vote.

Our world is becoming an increasing complex place. Now a days the policies of one nation have effect not only for it's people but in many cases they also affect other parts of the world.
This is even more true for the case of Europe.
A United Europe is certainly what the world needs for it is the right mix of art. Culture .tech and humanity.
So vote wisely my friend because how you vote decides not only the Future of a country but also of the whole world,

Posted using Partiko Android

Thx for sharing your thoughts with us on that particular (and quite sensitive) topic @thetimetravelerz


Thank you for sharing your insights @thetimetravelerz

in many cases they also affect other parts of the world.

Indeed. I was shocked when I figured out that EU has a direct impact on policy of for example Kongo. They formally don't control them, but can make some "suggestions".

This subject is quite controversial, from the comments I've read. Some for, some against. I did not know that 427 million citizens vote to elect the European Parliament. It would be great if blockchain technology were used in this.

This subject is quite controversial, from the comments I've read. Some for, some against. I did not know that 427 million citizens vote to elect the European Parliament. It would be great if blockchain technology were used in this.

It is complicated about Brexit, on the one hand this sovereignty and part of economic control, and on the other hand it would be at a disadvantage not to have representation in Parliament.

Surely it is as difficult as agreeing in our country to the opposition and the officialism.

Thanks for sharing

Thx for sharing your thoughts with us on that particular (and quite sensitive) topic @jadams2k18


Thank you for your constant support dear @jadams2k18. Really appreciate that.

It would be great if blockchain technology were used in this.

It would be amazing. Blockchain is perfect to be utilized for such purposes.

It is complicated about Brexit

I think that the best proof how complicated is that situation is the time that has already been used to prepare for this operation. It is over a year since referendum and they don't have any agreement. It's ridiculous.

It is over a year since referendum and they don't have any agreement

It's weird. I thought the English were very organized or were the Germans? I don't remember which country was synonymous with organization. Maybe the Dutch.

Thank you for your constant support dear @jadams2k18. Really appreciate that.

Don't even mention it. It's a pleasure.

It's weird. I thought the English were very organized or were the Germans?

Germany is a symbol of perfect organization :)

Yes, I heard about that. I hope someday with can share German's perfect organization

The biggest issue facing the EU is being Amerikkka's bitch. Europe will never be free until it can throw off the yoke of US domination. NATO is an organisation which became obsolete in 1990, yet it has been maintained as an instrument by which Europe's foreign policy is enslaved to that of the American Empire.

Leave NATO, insist that all US military and intelligence garrisons be removed from Europe, put an end to European participation in US military adventures in the 3rd world, free yourselves of the Russophobia induced by US psyops, and chart your own energy policy. Then you can talk about being free. Until then you are still an occupied people.

Thank you for being so supportive @redpossum.

The biggest issue facing the EU is being Amerikkka's bitch

If you think that Eu is Amerika's bitch then you haven't seen Poland yet :D

But that's true, nowadays EU doesn't really matter in geopolitics. Or at least it's not as powerful as America, Russia and China, which somehow forces us to have a stron alliance with some of these countries.

EU could be a powerhouse if it had sufficient desire to do so.

As far as Poland, I know what you mean but let's remember that in recent months Poland has managed to righteously piss off both the Ukrops and the Zionists, and I solidly approve of that :)

Poland has managed to righteously piss off both the Ukrops and the Zionists, and I solidly approve of that :)

Haha, that's true @redpossum :D

is being Amerikkka's bitch

Wow. Straight to the point :)

Leave NATO, insist that all US military and intelligence garrisons be removed from Europe, put an end to European participation in US military adventures in the 3rd world

You think it's even possible? That any european country would even try? As an example such a country would be probably brought to it's knees (just like Haiti was when they also wanted so called "freedom").


  ·  5 years ago 

When power is separated
Those in power are only planning for themselves
Operate as he wish
He will not consider the opinions of the majority.
As long as a few people agree with him
He has excuse

Thank you for sharing your insights @cloudblade

As long as a few people agree with him
He has excuse

That's unfortunately true.

Congratulations for your realization of your value as a voter. Many individuals doesnt care much on principles why they vote to someone, other that they are famous, or worse never vote at all.

But even "not voting" is a negative-voting, on which you don't give your mandate to your chosen leaders.

Here in the Philippines, we had also a midterm election. People are so emotional and critical about election that certain activities can be dub as absurd by Western voters.

Just make your statements thru your votes, and don't be afraid to talk about elections issues and policies that affect everyone, you should let other people know you have a stand on many of these things that will affect your future.

Great comment @guruvaj

Thx for sharing your thoughts with us on that particular (and quite sensitive) topic.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts @guruvaj

Many individuals doesnt care much on principles why they vote to someone, other that they are famous, or worse never vote at all.

That's unfortunately the sad true.

Here in the Philippines, we had also a midterm election. People are so emotional and critical about election that certain activities can be dub as absurd by Western voters.

What was the voter turnout in Philippines? In my country it was only 42%..

I think global warming is a real threat, but unfortunately, there are not many practical alternatives to fossil fuel. It also gets harder when you look at countries like Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Venezuela whose economies depend solely on oil exports.

Perhaps this is why many governments are turning a blind eye to the adverse effects of the gases.

Thank you for your reply @ulqu3 :)

when you look at countries like Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, Venezuela whose economies depend solely on oil exports.

That's the biggest problem. Politicians don't want to take an action because there is always some country that makes more pollution.

Interesting questions you raise @neavvy.

My own opinion is always that a true free market will always out perform centralized authoritarian control in the arena of providing solutions.

The EU (and it's central banking controlled officiators) absolutely believe that solutions are a zero sum game. That is, they believe that in order to fix something, something else must be broken. In order to help someone, someone else must be hurt. Therefore, all of their "solutions" will be "lowest common denominator" solutions and will be forever hamstrung.

EU's GDP doesn't need to match or out perform the USA's or China's. The constituent countries would benefit most by learning self-reliance, balance and harmony within their own local regions... and then advancing in productivity through inner efficiency. The EU will never allow one member country to do this without exploiting it's success and passing out the wealth to bail out other countries which haven't improved their practices. In effect, the economic authority of the EU actually keeps it's member countries down.

The EU "philosophy" has demonized achievement and success and engendered a self-defeating quality of "European Guilt" in the minds of Europeans... it is, nothing less than a traitorous pact supported by skeaving mega-bankers who've weaseled their way into influential positions in the member country's political, financial and legal circles.

The best possible answer for anyone in the EU, is to physically remove the cancer of "EU" (meaning those corrupted globalist and central banking aligned policy makers) from their countries, reclaim their sovereignty, and then go about making REAL change locally.

You definitely don't want to compare yourself to the USA (in GDP or anything else)... which is eating itself from within and will eventually suck the (petro-dollar pegged) EU economy down with it after the next big economic bubble creates a catastrophic collapse (in which the central bankers are even now positioning themselves for cannibalizing that corpse).

Thank you fot this amazing comment @jbgarrison72. I really appreciate your great efforts to share your opinion with us.

The best possible answer for anyone in the EU, is to physically remove the cancer of "EU" (meaning those corrupted globalist and central banking aligned policy makers) from their countries, reclaim their sovereignty, and then go about making REAL change locally.

That's true local changes are usually the best.

What a brilliant comment @jbgarrison72

Thx for sharing your thoughts with us on that particular (and quite sensitive) topic.


The fundamental problem with the EU is that it is unrepresentative of it's people. Parliament is impotent, with no ability to introduce legislation not to veto regulations promulgated by Brussels. And people wonder why election turnout is so low...

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for sharing your view @rufusfirefly

And people wonder why election turnout is so low...

yes, EU citizens really don't care about their parliament.

I am excited to find out the results tomorrow. I get the sense that a major change will happen.

One thing I don’t understand, however, is how voting for MEP makes a difference. The European Parliament doesn’t actually make laws, right? I understood that the lawmakers are an entirely different group of unelected people.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I would see it simply as a "wind of change" @shainemata

Current elections proved that almost entire population of europe is sick of current authorities and that's really what matters the most.


I was thinking something similar the other day. Between cryptocurrency and the political climate, it feels like the era when the Berlin Wall came down and the news was all about perestroika and glasnost. It’s a different situation, but “wind of change” does seem fitting.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Dear @shainemata

I just realized that I never actually thanked you for your comment. Somehow I missed your reply and I only had a chance to read it now.

Cheers :)

Thank you for sharing your insights @shainemata.

I am excited to find out the results tomorrow. I get the sense that a major change will happen.

Are you satisfied with the results?

The European Parliament doesn’t actually make laws, right? I understood that the lawmakers are an entirely different group of unelected people.

In my understanding lawmakers are selected by the governments of member states. The parliament only votes whether regulations should be implemented or not. But maybe I'm wrong. Do you have any idea how it works?

We have different scenario here in Asia. We vote for our basic necessities and even many people sell their vote for just 10 bucks. So here, vote is sold by poor people as they earn maximum of 5 USD per day so if they get 10 USD per day, they sell their vote with pleasure without considering the future outcome.
In our recent elections, our current prime minister was not elected but selected by the army and now we are bearing the consequences of it.
So I must say that we take part in selection not election where a leader is selected by armed forces.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Indeed in Asia voting system doesn't work to well @arslan786

Just like you said - for most people their vote means very little. Just 10$. That only proves that your people do not believe in this system. At all.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts dear @arslan786.

if they get 10 USD per day, they sell their vote with pleasure without considering the future outcome.

That's really insane and sad.

In our recent elections, our current prime minister was not elected but selected by the army and now we are bearing the consequences of it.

Then it doesn't have much to do with democracy...

We just had our election here in our country as well. I think the most pressing issue is about environment and how to protect, preserve and save whatever resources there is left. Despite the availability of information in social media, greed still overpowers every logical reason. They say development but I say destruction.

Thank you for your comment @leeart

I think the most pressing issue is about environment and how to protect, preserve and save whatever resources there is left.

Yes, and the best prove of this statement is the result of elections in germany and many other European countries. "Green" parties won in many countries.

I do not follow news, so until I saw your post, I had no idea there were elections in Europe. They are irrelevant to my life.

I'm here from your wallet transaction. Please keep them coming :)

I'm here from your wallet transaction. Please keep them coming :)

hahahaha :) good one :)

Please tell all your friends - the more often, and the larger the better, but I am happy for it all.

Hi @fitinfun, I've noticed that you used some "SteemReply" tool. Is it useful?

Yes, it is wonderful. It is by @arcange and it has cut my time to do replies in half at least. You login with steemconnect and all your replies and mentions are there. No jumping from screen to screen. I also have 3 blogs and can have them all loaded there. Love it!!!

Edit - answering from another blog while on busy, lol

Yes, it is wonderful.

Wow, great to hear that @fitinfunfood, I will check it out :)

Edit - answering from another blog while on busy, lol

No problem :)

I'm here from your wallet transaction. Please keep them coming :)

I promise :) Thank you for being so supportive @fitinfun

Dear @neavvy

Interesting and difficult subject. It's obviously important to realize that whatever we write on Steemit, it's all here to stay. And talking about politics can be very dangerous and sensitive.

For that reason I would rather focus on trying to understand how current elections can affect EU economies and if they can also have any impact on the rest of the world.

This is what interest me the most. It's obvious that immigrationwise things will change. Boarders security is becoming a very important subject. The world is clearly changing and moving forward and it's very hard to remotly predict what will be EU direction right now.

This is the reason why choosing the leadership of the institution with the combined GDP almost equal to United States is so important.

The problem is, that authorities in US are accepting the fact that their leadership is changing and those who lose are stepping out and allowing new party to rule.

It doesn't seem to be the case with our EU authorities (which will most likely give a "heavy fight" to stay in power, dividing europe).

I'm not sure how Acta 2 would affect steem. After all, decentralized structure is going to make it very difficult for regulators. At the same time surely frontents (dapps, steemit etc) will be affected.

Now the question is: will new growing power support Acta 2 or not? That's one hell of a question mark.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts @crypto.piotr :)

Dear @neavvy


I just realized that I never actually thanked you for your reply. I really appreciate that you're so very responsive.

I also wanted to make some suggestion.

My impression is, that the hardest part of attracting attention on STEEMIT is the fact, that our audience have very little chance to actually find our publications. Lack of solid notification system is an obvious issue. And regardless how hard I would try - there is very little chance I would find out about your new interesting publications (my feed is just flooded with to many posts).

Please allow me to share some suggestion with you. If you would ever publish content related to blockchain, crypto, artificial intelligence, psychology etc. then perhaps you could simply send me memo with link to that post.

This way not only I would have a chance to read your publication, but I will also upvote it right away with 20k SP voting power. If I would consider it interesting then I may also share it with wider audience.

Please let me know what do you think.

Cheers, Piotr

Your article is very interesting, it touches high points of the world situation.

I think that currently consider that some countries can work well without taking into account the existing trends in others, it is really an error, because distances seem to have been shortened with the massive use of networks.

The reference to Steemit is important, I think that sooner rather than later the governments will manage to enter the blockchain, because it is a source of money that is escaping into their hands.

A hug, @neavvy

Thank you for sharing your insights @mllg :)

the governments will manage to enter the blockchain, because it is a source of money that is escaping into their hands.

Well, if their approach will be "we need to get that many that is escaping through blockchain" it will bring really bad consequences. They usually don't understand the technology which may result in creating senseless and ridiculous tax and regulations. In my country they created something like anti-campaign letting people know that blockchain is "dangerous" and they may loose their money. I hope this will be the end of their activity in this field.

Thanks for your comment.
Have a nice day

Hi @neavvy,

Thanks for the memo and also for sending me the link to comment on your fantastic article.

Please pardon me for this delayed response @neavvy.

"Why should we bother about elections?"

Dear friend, please don't mistake me. The moment I read the title, I got angry. First of all, "Elections" holds the magical key to the success of Democracy and please change your opinion towards it for good.

Albeit, we can't expect the magic to happen time and again, it will happen at least once in a while.

But I must admit frankly that recently held general elections in our country were not elections actually, but were "MANIPULections". The ruling party manipulated the results and came to power throwing all the rules and regulations into a dust bin and the respective Election Commission was forced to lick their feet like a faithful dog.

But elections is a most powerful tool and we must exercise our voting power without letting it go waste irrespective of whether it produces positive results or not.

Along with the 3 issues listed by you, there is one more which can't be missed out and that is "Refugee Crisis" because France, Germany, Sweden and UK are the top 4 EU countries, which hosted most of the refugees in the world.

This factor also would have played a major impact influencing the result of the EU elections. Isn't it?

Last but not the least, this is really a great publication by you.

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you for your comment dear @marvyinnovation. I really appreciate the fact that you are so supportive.

The moment I read the title, I got angry.

Well, I didn't mean to say that elections are not important. This title was intended to bring a discussion and maybe elicit people. As I mention in the next sentence:

This fact led me to a serious reflection and I realized how incredibly important these elections are.

But I must admit frankly that recently held general elections in our country were not elections actually, but were "MANIPULections".

Wow, that's really sad to hear. Where are you from?

But elections is a most powerful tool and we must exercise our voting power without letting it go waste

Yes, every citizen of a democratic country should be aware of that fact. There is also some similarity with Steem, isn't it? :)

Last but not the least, this is really a great publication by you.

Thank you, it's really good to hear that you enjoyed it :) Have a nice day!

Hi @neavvy,

Thank you very much for your kind words, but please pardon me for this late response.

"The moment I read the title, I got angry."

Please pardon me again for expressing my opinion rather harshly.

"Wow, that's really sad to hear. Where are you from?"

I am basically from Chennai, India and currently living in Andhra Pradesh, India.

Bye for now, @neavvy.

Posted using Partiko Android

Please pardon me again for expressing my opinion rather harshly.

Haha, no problem @marvyinnovation :)

Thank you @neavvy.

Posted using Partiko Android

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