Quantum physics explains why death could be an illusion

in life •  8 years ago 

In death and eternal life there are many divergent theories. Until recently, science has not brought any evidence of continuity after the destruction of the body.

However, Robert Lanza, MD from Wake Forest University, a specialist in stem cell research and author theory biocentrism says that death is just an illusion, that all reality is just a mental construct of our state of consciousness and could not if there would not be collected by us. Lanza has exhibited extensively ideas in a book entitled "biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness Are The Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe".

The theory is supported by scientific experiments, says Lanza, but it was early and the texts of famous philosophers such as Descartes, Kant and Schopenhauer, who wrote about the subjective universe, as mere perception of our senses.

Biocentrism goes further and argues that no space or time are not real, but instruments of perception created by our mind and that can not exist alone, outside of this perception. Lanza refers in this regard and thinking of Albert Einstein, who said the death of a friend, physicist: "People like us know that the distinction between past, present and future is only an illusion extremely powerful. "

Biocentrism, known as the "theory of everything", he believes that life is what creates the universe, not vice versa. Because life is not simply a result of chemical processes. All objects, and space and time are forms of human perception.

Lanza theory attempts to explain by examples. For example, the sky is blue because it perceive our eyes, but our cells could be modified to see all objects as having blue red.

However, we feel that the tropics is very warm and damp, but for an animal that lives there the temperature can even be perceived as rather low. And such examples could continue: the reality is the result of our perception. A scientific experiment supports the theory biocentrism turn, says Lanza.

Researchers watch a particle passing through slits in a barrier. Like a bullet, the particle passes through a hole or another. But if researchers did not look at particle, it will behave like a wave and pass through both holes at the same time. Therefore, explains Lanza, particle behavior changed by simply observing. That's the duality wave / particle.

what are the arguments ?

Apart from that space, time and perception are relative environmental, energy conservation is a fundamental axiom of science. Consequently, energy can neither be created nor destroyed, only transformed according to the second law of thermodynamics. According to Lanza, a human consciousness is preserved from death as an energy of 20 watts, even if the body is destroyed, according to Huffington Post.

Each person creates his own sphere of reality, therefore this energy has nowhere to go. As physicist John Archibald Wheeler said, "no phenomenon is not real in the absence of an observer." This energy does not disappear from our death, but "traveling" from one world to another, thus "immortal" every human essence.

Also Lanza believes in the theory of the multiverse, that there is an infinite number of parallel universes that make up the physical reality. Thus, everything that can happen will happen in one of these universes.

All these worlds exist simultaneously, no matter what happens in some of them therefore will be the real death of a man in a universe, not in another. Forming consciousness and energy also remains a battery that feeds a projector: if the projector is turned off (dead man) does not mean that the battery (energy-consciousness) disappear or no longer good. It can be used to power another projector.

Additionally, if you would also address the emotional side, the man will live after death, by the way influence the life of relatives and friends with whom he interacted. According to quantum physics, every action causes the collapse of quantum universes possible because past and future exist only through some possibilities. This theory is supported by Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow.

Thus, each man determined by its future actions, a universe that will be even larger and more complex the more it interacts with more people. Therefore, even after his death, the universe thus created will exist for friends, man became a kind of ghost puppet that determined the existence of a world.

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It might sound very deep and appealing, especially because everyone has, to some degree, difficulties dealing with the concept of their own mortality; however, this article reports on a very questionable theory which is loosely based on a series of vague propositions, pseudo-scientific assumptions, and blatantly fallacious arguments. It is a mashup of solipsism, mysticism, Cartesian dualism and some misrepresentations of well established physics concepts (like energy, for example, which is a classic in new age quackery). I urge you to pay attention to the details and not to buy into it so easily.

Fascinating reading!

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This article really resonated with me. I am celebrating my 44th birthday this year, and it happens to be the same age my father died. I have been thinking an awful lot about life, death and the metaphysical. It's an excellent piece.

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very interesting

I agree, a nice article.


good post ! ths

Thank you!

Commenting to remember to come back and read this more thoroughly. Seems interesting to me. I like philosophical topics, especially ones related to science!

Gave this a read through, was indeed interesting. I had already given you a follow, so I look forward to future postings. Does every action close universes? The multiverse theory states that their should be an infinite number of universes relative to all possible choices for every action. So were I to take an action, the universe where I did not take said action is not closed. It exists also, just separate from the one I am in, as there is also an alternate me who did not take that action in said different universe.

Come back later and subscribe :D. I am happy that seems interesting .

There is a transformed life after death.