What problems can money never solve?

in life •  6 years ago  (edited)

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"Mo(re) money mo(re) problems" - Biggie smalls

Money can't solve your problems but rich people have different kind of problems than poor people. Poor people can't sleep at night thinking about how they will put food on the table. When you are rich you don't stress about primary life needs but you have to manage your wealth, which can be stressful. 

Generally rich people have more responsibilities, it's not easy to be the CEO of a big corporation. There is also a lot on stake, the more you have the more you can lose.

Being rich is not less stressful than being poor. Life is always a struggle, it's not when you have a certain sum of money that all your problems are solved. We are all slaves of the system in a certain way.

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Try it with a Irish Stout next time!

I don't drink beer, give me champagne instead.