Exploring The Mindset That Guarantees Winning

in life •  7 years ago  (edited)


Success is something that we all crave for whether we are big or small from the five year old who wants to come out tops in the local street game to the sixty five year old who set out to build a business when all his mates already had their heart set on retirement

That sixty five year old is Colonel Sanders and the business in question is the Popular KFC which Introduced the whole world to the amazing world of Fried Chicken

For some that is something that looks out of this world, but for those who knows how the world works, Principles are something that works whether you are nine of ninety

What I am talking about here is beyond buzzwords that you may come across in an online Motivational video or that App on your phone that schedules motivational quotes for you. The path to success is paved with deliberate action and things that If you don't do you will remain the way you are

There are some things however that will Immobilize you and keep you from moving forward and those are the things I want to talk about in this post. They are things I used to to experience but with time I have been able to overcome them



Gaps are something that we are well acquainted with in one way or the other. The world of our Imagination is always more exciting and Interesting than our Reality

We all have our dreams and one of the most amazing ability of the Brain is its imaginative power. If you wanted to drive a Lamborghini , you can easily close your eyes and Imagine yourself driving one. You are probably already driving one as you read this

When it comes to Gaps , many people let their current situation demoralize them and they spend their days whining, blaming their parents , the government or the Society for their predicament. When they see people who have what they have they become green with envy , and sometimes wish the person badluck

Humans have one trait that amazes me. The desire for company in any unfortunate situation. That's why you feel miserable when you fail an exam, only to lighten up when you discover you were not the only one that failed

Misery Loves Company

Now instead on focusing on gaps you need to focus on the gains. Focusing on the gains involves comparing yourself not with your desired future but with your past. You have to learn to tell yourself

I may not have reached my desired destination, but I am not where I used to be

This can be simply summarized as gratitude. When it comes to assessing yourself. Gratitude is what you need not envy. Focusing on the gains is what will boost your confidence of a brighter future

Gratitude is one of the most underatted things in this Life , and in my short time on this Earth I have come across only a few people who are capable of showing gratitude .

Gratitude boosts your Happiness and also makes you develop strong bonds with people when you show it to them. It makes them feel valued. There are certain people in my Life that I have utmost respect for because of their ability to show gratitude

The thing with gratitude is that when you show it, the person will want to do more for you



Like I said earlier , the Human Brain has an amazing ability that enables it to achieve great depths of Imagination. Now this is good as far as you tend towards gains and not gaps

There is a popular phrase that is thrown about in Societal circles

Just Grow Up

This is often told to that person who will never stop talking about his lofty dreams and he/she is often told this because it is children who are often know to have an avid Imagination that are often unrealistic

The truth however is that our Imaginative ability does not wane as we mature, it actually gets enhanced. But people who cling to it are believed to be stupid because they have failed to adopt the societal system of gaps

But like the wise man said

No Dream is too Big or Dreamer too Small

Society will always want to restrict you to the possibilities of your environment ,the truth is that you can always move beyond that. You just have to believe in your dreams and work on them, while ignoring any Gap that may exist

Sometimes what you end up achieving normally surpassed the gap to begin with. If Henry Ford were spent time focusing on the Gap between him and the people that had the best Horses in Town, he may have never built his Car Company

And just like people laughed at him when he talked about Cars, Society will always laugh at you when you talk or start working on your dreams

You just have to believe and work and also add a little dose of Gratitude on your way there

Thanks For Reading

Image Source Pexels

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I really love this post.
We just have to be grateful for all things and positive step we make...

Beautiful, we really have to get our heads together if we dont want our dreams to be realities only when our eyes are closed but they become palpable and tangible reality.

Hi Ogochukwu,
Very encouraging and motivational post.
That not withstanding,
Dreams don't get accomplished in vacuum but in the right environment which on almost all occasions, is created by the visionary.

One has to move on irrespective of what people are saying.
And one has to deliberately create his own environment if the right environment the Dream needs to thrive is not there.

A healthy dose of gratitude, discipline, Wisdom and understanding can move mountains including the mountain of dream accomplishment.