How to talk to your parents about difficult things

in life •  last month  (edited)

Do you struggle to talk to your parents about the challenges you face in everyday life? Do you often think about things on your own? Discover ways to start those tough conversations so you can feel better.

Life can be hard at times. Perhaps your boyfriend has been unfaithful, or maybe you made a choice that weighs heavily on you. It could just be that everything feels dull lately.

During these times, it’s when you need others the most—especially those closest to you. Yet, reaching out for help can feel overwhelming, even when they're just nearby.


Many people find it hard to talk to their parents. You might worry about their reaction: Will they be upset, sad, or let down? And do they really understand what it’s like to be young today?

This is why so many end up facing their issues alone, even when all they want is someone to confide in.

Do you relate to this feeling?

In this guide, you’ll receive tips on how to tackle these tough discussions with your parents.

Start by deciding what you want to discuss with your parents. Take some time to think about how to best explain your situation to them. Writing your thoughts down, either on paper or on your phone, can be helpful.

If you’ve found useful online resources about your issue, consider sharing them with your parents. They can read about your situation and potentially gain a better understanding of what you’re going through.

Think about whether you want to talk to one parent or both. It’s perfectly fine to start with just your mom or dad if that makes you more comfortable. It might feel overwhelming to speak to both at once, or you might simply find it easier to have a conversation with one.

Consider what feels right for you. For instance, you could send a text to either parent while you’re at school to see if they are available later for a chat. This way, you can set a time for the conversation and won’t keep postponing it.

Sometimes, having difficult talks in a relaxed setting can help. A walk might make it easier for you both to open up.

If you’re nervous, it’s okay to admit that. You might begin by saying something like, “Dad, I feel a bit awkward discussing this, but…”

It’s completely normal to find it challenging to share your feelings.

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