Strive to become a V2.0 of yourself!

in life •  9 years ago 

I bet you that you are someone that wants to improve himself in any small way possible, trying to become a better person tomorrow than you have been today.

Growing takes time , especially growing the right way. Its much harder than it seems. You have to be ready for what its coming!

Reading is wisdom
Books are only a small part of someone's life who wants to embody themselves into a better person. Unlimited sources of knowledge are given in the books due to the reader getting connected, to the characters and their emotions. There is a famous quote by George R R Martin

A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.

So understanding what other's are living through their books with their feelings its something that will surely better yourself in the long-run. You will experience : Sadness, happiness, jealousy , hatred and many more emotions while reading a book. I personally recommend reading books that are for self development such as : Rich Dad Poor Dad or How To Win Friends and Influence People. These 2 books are really worth reading, and would truly change your perspective into something that most people don't think about in the day to day basis.

Polish up your skills!
You might just have finished university studied accounting and looking for a job, always look to perfect yourself on your own time too so when the real world hits you, you will be ready for it with your hands wide open. This is something that most people never think of and instead of becoming a V2.0 of themselves they always try to seek help from other parts, university teaches you good but your only doing it because YOU can , you are the one learning all them number equations and such and nobody can be a better teacher than yourself. Research, learn and repeat, become someone that your parents will be proud of! Remember this quote from : Anthony Robbins

Repetition is the mother of skill.

Acknowledge your mistakes!
Something most people don't do is learning from their mistakes, It might be something about the ego not wanting to acknowledge that you have actually mistaken by doing this you will not become a better version of yourself. Remember that everyone does a mistake once in a while, are you ready to acknowledge that and finally learn from it ?

Let's say you have made a bad decision trading, you've bought the top. You know that is a mistake once the price starts dumping, the life lesson from this and what you could learn is that never buy the top. When the price is steep upwards it will surely go down. That's how it works in real life too. It's just with different situations that people go through daily! Be a man and learn from your mistakes! This amazing quote by Albert Einstein who has made more mistakes in his theories and inventions than anyone will ever do in their entire lifetime has learned from the mistakes and has been moving on experimenting new stuff.

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new

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