in life •  7 years ago 

Real life, offline, there's really nothing like it!

Though it may be hard to believe, prior to steemit I never really spent much time online at all. Unfortunately, I think that far too many spend far too much on time, and these days many children have a hard time once they are no longer staring at a screen. Be it television, computers, smart phones, video games, or tablets, a lot of little faces see far too many pixels and are disconnected from the real world passing by all round us.


Thankfully, we can choose how to live and what to do. Our @little-peppers rarely watch movies, pretty much never watch television, and when we take long family trips in the car, they either talk, look at books, or look out the window. We figured that as soon as they had a DVD player or tablet to look at, they'd never be content without one, so we avoided that all together. A twenty nine hour drive from central Wisconsin to south Texas can be long, but there is something to be said for being content and patient too.

Recently we've been having a blast offline. Fun, spunky little goat kids can do that to you. I wish that I was better at capturing the images and gifs, but I'll still share what I do get.

I think it is interesting to remember how many games exist where you can farm or garden. Trust me, they pale in comparison to actually doing it and actually living it. Truth be told, there is no app for this. Just look at how spontaneously random these kids react to seemingly nothing and begin jumping around.

I know that not everyone has the opportunity to live the lifestyle that we've chosen, and it took a lot of work to get us where we are today. I'm not trying to badmouth anyone or any lifestyle, but rather to encourage others. There is still a real world out there, so don't get too disconnected. Take the time to feed the ducks down by the river, watch the birds at the bird feeder, or take a walk in the woods.

Also, if you are more limited with your mobility, feel free to enjoy these photos and gifs for what they are worth. We don't mind if you live vicariously. Just look at how much wild fun it is! Long before we ever had any little goats of our own, we stopped in at a farm and got to enjoy it all without actually having the animals. I'd highly recommend that for anyone, but especially for those of you with children. It's really worth it!

If you've never had the pleasure to watch little goats kids with their interesting antics, you really should sometime. Perhaps I'll try to make a video in the future, but these gifs will show you a bit of it. Honestly, I'm glad that I can take these real life experiences and share them digitally online too! They will probably at least make you smile, if not laugh out loud.

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

Don’t waste your time online, invest it with

GIF provided by @orelmely



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This is what is truly called real life, a lot of people never have the previlege to enjoy such a natural lifestyle, @papa-pepper you are such a great and unbias writer and lover of animals, nature and natural lifestyle, am really encouraged by the way you make steemit intrestine for we in this rural part of the world. We That wine and dine with livestocks, Once again thanks for the wonderful post ! You have just made my day!

Your reply made my day! Thanks man!

You are the boss sir, i will always cherish your humanitarian life, may you live long to bring more happiness to people like us and the world at large!
Long live papa-pepper!
Long live steemians!

Yes, you have a point there. In this modern and materlistic world we have become so busy that we have forgotten how to live and love.
We have destroyed nature, we are cutting trees and we are fighting with each other.

Excess of everything is dangerous but sometimes we have to watch television and use gadgets otherwise we will be left behind from others.
It has both aspects.

Yes, it is a careful balance that we must strive to maintain. Obviously I know the blessing of technology, but I'll maintain my focus on what there is in the real world too. Thanks @suf1an for sharing your input!

This is living

This is another level of showing us there is more than technology.
Actually you are suited for whatever situation that come your way.
You are a true homesteader and high reputation-er steemian.
keep on steemin'

fantastic! we almost spent most of our time in man-made environment, facing the monitor, less contact with real world. Being off line is just another way to charge our head, remove the dust, smell the fresh air and many more...thank for sharing the goat..warmest regard

Well said!

Love seeing the papa in @papa-pepper. Keep fathering your children well. That will be something that neither you or they will forget. Great investment!

Thank you for supporting my investment!

Always glad to support dads! I know how challenging and rewarding it is to raise kiddos. My wife and I have 5 littles.

Cool! I can't wait to meet up! Nice post on your last one too!


OMG THE PHOTOS ARE PRECIOUS!!! I love how the kids are all skipping! <333

Thankyou for the smiles ^_^

Glad that they made you smile! It is a precious time!

I love the goats! Cute, good with kids and very low maintenance. We currently have 7 and plan on 5 more. Here in the Philippines we hope to make it into a ministry to the very poor. Our area has almost no dairy. We give a young doe to a family. When she has her first litter (not sure of the terminology with goats) they give one of the babies back to us for a future family. The new owner can sell the kids for around $30 USD. They can drink the milk. I plan on trying my hand at cheese. 7EC47853-91E8-4B37-91D9-11B4646CFDB4.jpeg

That is a very good ministry indeed! Milk, continued ministry, and a potential source of income! I love it!

That’s awesome! Staring at the screen is all too common within the family unit now a days! It’s great to get out and enjoy nature! That’s the real prescription for depression! Thanks for the great reminder!

Cool! Thanks for pointing that out too!

This is awesome. When I was a kid, we played outside as much as we could. Rode our bikes from sun up to sun down. From one end of town to the other and then back again. Swam in rivers and ponds. Hated going home...

I m software developer working full-time day in front of laptop and Staring at the screen is all too common within the family unit now a days! It’s great to get out and enjoy nature! That’s the real prescription for depression
This remind me of my childhood lovely days those were
Lost somewhere now I miss those days a lot

Glad to hear that you appreciated it!

This is so great! You got the great point here......

heavens know how anticipated I'm always is waiting for your post, not for any other reason but for the fact that it points me to the next direction on homesteading. Apart from the fun of it, I learnt looking into goat rearing. For the pleasure that it gives, only the person that has never experienced such will think otherwise. I love a lifestyle with animals around. thanks for this post sir!

Excellent your comment. I am new to this community and I am very happy to know that there are people who really value the most important things in life: what you can't buy with money. Love, family, sincere friendship, health, faith and trust in GOD and the healthy enjoyment of what He has given us through nature. Today with so much career in life for obtaining material goods, for using telephones, tablets, computers, etc.., We have forgotten to live a full life and for that we do not require much money or material goods, we need to know how to enjoy the miracles that happen around us at every moment (a beautiful sunrise, a beautiful full moon, a singing bird, a blue or cloudy sky, trees, flowers and a long etc.) and we do not enjoy them because we are distracted. Excellent your reflection because the human being, instead of taking care of and enjoying nature, is unfortunately destroying the planet that serves as a home for all of us!!

I wouldnt have been more happier without this post. it actually made my morning. apart from being interesting and having a feel of what what you experienced, stuffs to learn are therein and I'very picked them. I'm loving nature, I'm living a free and enjoying the company of animal soon
well-done sir

i am flowing & please follow my post..@runa44

I confess I'm one of the people you describe as having modified her brain into that search for fast and easy comfort. Even though I like to think and read, my brain refuses to do it unless I force it to. I've used Steemit a lot for this. I for one write poems, so I also travel the poetry tag and read poems and comment on them. Sometimes, I use the poems on Steemit to inspire myself to write my own lol. So I post them as comments and then post them as full posts. It feels like cheating sometimes but it works lol.

Right now I'm reading my first e-book in some months. I'm very proud. Steemit helped me achieve this. I don't think I could have achieved it on my own. I even go to the gym and exercise, I spend time away from the screen, but I was accustomed to not thinking, to talking to people, to finding quick satisfaction in my activities. Drawing a quick picture, writing a quick story.

After I finish this light e-book, I want to go for some classics. I hope my mind will let me. :)

Very glad to hear that steemit is helping you, and I think it's clever to use really good comments you make as full posts.

Oh hooo....its natural capture.....
I'm astonishing to see your awesome photography of life style .
Lovely shot....
Love it

It's some fun stuff for sure!

I feel my boyhood life form this capture.
Really miss I my past day.


a happiness that is priceless

Real world playing with nature is very fun. It is a very positive style of educating children to adapt to the world they are sure to trace. Moreover we can give him how to care for pets while playing happily. Thanks for a very helpful post @papa-pepper.

wow nice post
i like it
thanks for sharing
keep it on

it is a very funny do you make him become very tame ??

They settle down as they grow... hopefully.

Wow! This is parenting done right. I'm really lucky to have a childhood without tablets or phones. It has to do mainly with the time I was born. I think the 90s kids were the last generation who actually lived their childhood! After that it's like the childhood phase is completely deleted from every kid. Little Peppers are really lucky to be able to have such a childhood even in these times.

Yeah I was an eighties/nineties kid, so cartoons and nintendo were about the worst of it, but I still might have gotten too much.

really nothing like that, that online and real life is what we all. should concentrate on,
leave this virtual world,
this virtual world has made us its slave,
just us and the 4 walls around us,
we forgot to do our social services, forgot to maintain our physical fitness,
all in all this virtual life is destroying us to a great extent and we people just ignore....

Too much of it these days for sure.

Wauhhh......some times I wonder how people live in the U.S.A or Europe. In Africa, we live in a community "UBUNTU" a community of sharing and living with others. We only have only one definition of life" eating,playing,dancing and crying with others. Technology has started separated us from the society which has a negative effect to the future generation. Actually, I only knew my real brothers when I was 5 years old, and everyone was many . Everyone gave me food and everything I needed. I long to go back to my village (Rwanda) and remake that life

That sounds much better than what a lot of people do here. Here too many don't even bother to know their neighbors.

this is great fun for them, even though they do not live with online life.
but they sngat happy @papa-pepper.

very good posts, incredible information, as the economy improves, and the increase in the income of the affluent, the time becomes more valuable: every hour means more, so we feel more pressure to fill it with more work. But busyness is also the result of the kind of work that we generally do and sometimes in the field of photography.tapi your photography is very remarkable.

Good morning sir... Lovely seeing your family.
It's good to keep children active.
This post would go nicely in the weekly program I will be organizing every weekend. From next week.

Good job @papa-pepper (the best dad ever) to me..

Pretty much reminded me of my childhood... Those were the days we spent most of our times outside and playing various games. We even play out at night especially when the moon's so bright. <3 I really hope kids these days would be able to experience what "being kids" felt like back in the days. It saddens me how attached they are to their gadgets and the Internet... T_T I'm glad to know that your @little-peppers are enjoying their time outside the virtual world. Keep it up!!! ^^ Thanks for sharing this... It really brought back "nostalgic feels"... <3

Thank you @tegoshei! I used to love playing by the moonlight too!

You're welcome @papa-pepper!!! ^^

nice post @papa-pepper...

Thanks @fadhielshaqieer! I'm glad that you enjoyed it!

same @papa-pepper ..
I am the person who chats you on discord..
Greetings from me..

kiddos are really having fun with the little goats

Such happy times are really irreplaceable @papa-pepper, something money can't buy, and healthier than exposing kiddos on gadgets

As they say: Once you put down your phone , life happens

Stay awesome @papa-pepper 👍😊❤️❤️❤️

Wow! That is a good saying!

yes @papa-pepper i was really amazed on that saying too, i get that in a local beauty pageant on tv , in the q&a portion 😀

Have a great day @papa-pepper

hopefully children are healthy
and keep running after the dream

You are right @papa-pepper these are the real life fun games that most of us played in our childhood, and you are looking very sweet in your proof image,hahah.

Children at play. Always a beautiful sight.

It always is! Thanks @islandliving!

Lovely to see the children living a full life, well done @papa-pepper!

I sometimes wish there's a limit for us to use electronic devices everyday, devices will turn themselves off or something like that. People are way more comfortable staying online then engaging in a conversation. Not only kids, adults too, should spend more time offline to really live. Otherwise we are just devices' slaves. Also, it's very ironic that I have to say this online.

Yeah, it sounds interesting sharing that online, but your words are true nonetheless.

I like the goats alot. Liked and re-Steemed.

Awesome real life. Greater percentage of the younger population in the world miss a lot the natural games due to either lack of time by the parents to their children, small environment they live in , lack of interest, resources or a multiple of those and many more. In most developing countries like Uganda, many parents hardly send time with their children, they are raised by the help of the nuns or house helpers who in most cases have house dueties to acomplish in time and they also have life to lead out of work. So they tend to tunne TVs or also on social media platforms. And in this situation, the children's creativity may not be as superb as for the children more exposed and not confined within the houses.

Wow nice post

There is nothing as beautiful as being a child. I wish we were kids all the time.

Natural things are natural we never feel boring of seeing like this type of goats & their kids looking so cute. We can enjoy with them in every time, thanks for sharing this@ papa-pepper

Due to the fast changing world of technology we have really neglected our culture and tradition and move on to the gadgets like phone laptop computer tablets and other electronic goods we have almost forgotten the old good days spend by our parents and their parents playing with goat comes in that tradition too we may think we are keep the world in our finger tips but our parents and their parents enjoyed their childhood..

Awesome post i am so emotional i can't make you understand the pics are so heart touching

Good point. Thank you. Glad to hear that this post hit home with you.

In the last year i have done some traveling to places where I didnt always have internet and sometimes electricity. Feels good to disconnect from everything and reconnect with higher self

@papa-pepper that choked me up of all things, I pray you achieve your goals of living a self sufficient life.

Keep fighting the good fight, there are few of you left to teach how to!

By the way love that logo gif

I love how you said there is a real world out there, we shouldn't get too disconnected. Here is my son.
He was so excited on this day. We were at my uncles plot where he has a few animals roaming around. My son's silence at that particular time worried us as hes the loudest in the whole family! I was on my way out to check on him only to bump into him and his new friend in the kitchen. He looked up at me and first thing he said was "look im sharing mommy". I just melted. I realised he knew exactly what a goat was because he's learnt that at school... but the experience of being so close and interacting with it was so interesting to watch. We live in the city of Pretoria. (Not much nature so we take him out of that as often as possible) He is also an outdoor child and luckily has parents that can keep up with his kind of energy and curiosity. Im such a fan of children, and I agree that we need to keep them outdoors experiencing what life has to offer. Its hard with today's life... but like you mentioned... WE ACTUALLY HAVE A CHOICE ON THE LIFESTYLE WE CHOOSE.

Modern science and technology gives us lot's of things but take away from us our joy of life.but in this time some of them live a healthy and happy life like you.Thanks for memories my childhood bro.

I couldn't agree more. Kids in my town are still enjoying the real life most of the time however, I've seen lots of kids in the city who are very hooked to gadgets. I wish they could also enjoy what I enjoyed when I was a kid.

Yeah, these ones are enjoying a lot more than I did, but I chose to sit around watching cartoons.

It is. I used to do those when I was little since I have been living in our small town for almost all of my life. Since, my grandfather had a farm, even until now, I had experienced riding on a carabao. That was fun. :-)

thank you for sharing @ papa-pepper

Very beautiful Photography and cute goat And funny, I will resteem your information to my blog.

I agree with you 😊
Very nice post and the kids look so happy running around with the cute lil goats!
I hope everyone could have the time and space to enjoy the outdoors!
Keep it up!
IMG_9410.PNG post thanks for.sharing...

When I was a kid, we played outside. We had a swingset in the back yard, and a creek that we could block. It was loads of fun. We climbed trees and built forts. I think it's cool your kids get to do some of the same things too.

I loved the creek behind my parents house as a child. So many fun memories.

How interesting this post. How many kid in my country lost their real life as kids just because gadget. I hope parents care about it more.

yes it is true no app can capture this freedom ,fun and paly with animal is really awesome

now days morden technologics capture all happiness of ours

Yes! I can't wait to have goats again! Those babies are too much fun! We too limit our screentime. It gets harder as the kids get older and of course the younger ones want what the older ones have so there are some good learning moments there.
Btw, I have to thank you because you gave me some good advice my first week here that helped me with my posts. Then you had the Steemit song performing contest that really helped me dive in and feel like a part of the Steemit world. (btw, who ended up winning that contest?)

About 5 weeks in, I finally got around to writing my intro post if you're interested in checking it out. Thanks!

You ended up winning that song contest, it was a draw. You should have gotten a payout in your wallet. Please check it and verify.

Thank you! I didn't think to look there. I was looking for a post, lol! Well, that's a pleasant surprise. Thank you! Now you know I wasn't being ungrateful, just ignorant! I didn't know to check my wallet when I was first posting on Steemit.
As I mentioned above, thank you for giving me advice about tags when I was just starting out. It immediately made a difference so I really appreciate it. And here's the link to my introduce myself post. I think our families have a lot in common.

You've got some great kids...
The children aren't bad either :)
That looks like fun times.


@little-peppers are gonna be so thankful when they grow up that you actually enabled them to live an awesome childhood!

Awesome Parenting 101

This is great and I totally agree. It's a constant battle with my wife to limit to screen time and unfortunately she doesn't share my level of worry about it.

Did she ever actually look at what is on that screen? That's just a tongue in cheek joke, but it reminds me of Itchy and Scratchy from the Simpsons. The were basically just taking Tom and Jerry to the logical conclusion where kids just watch two cartoon characters try to kill one another all day long... I wonder what effects that had on our society....

I wonder the same thing, there's so much more to to be learned from away for the screens and the outdoors. I'll just keep doing my part!

This post reminded me so much of my childhood. When there were no cell phones, internet, not even cable network. Lol but we had so much fun playing outside, climbing on rocks, cycling, neighbour hood friends. But now when i see my kids half of their time is spent in front of screen. Technology has taken away real fun from kids. Alas!

I like your style, your kids will grow up all the better without technology.

Thank you for the support and encouragement!

It's true that kids spend too much time onscreen these days.

How about fusing your life n Steemit? You matter, your thoughts matter, your knowledge matters, your opinions matter, your understanding of life matters, your fun matters, your games matter, your expertise matters, your talent matters, your hardwork matters, what can you not share or post on Steemit?

Whether you enjoy playing high-end video games or outdoor sports, dance, sing, trek or anything. Share it with the world through Steemit.

Workforce Levels--

  1. Enslaved in chains and forced to work to avoid pain.
  2. Work for pennies and no growth prospects.
  3. Unskilled and earning, but limited growth.
  4. Skilled, but corporations making all the profit. Nor do you necessarily love your job.
  5. Doing what you love n loving what you. Immense growth prospects. Not being misused by a corporation.

Steemit allows everybody to do what they love.

My suggestion to every Steemian - Just do what you love n share on Steem what you're good at. You matter, your voice matters, your work matters..

With the help of Steemit, you can follow your passion n nake good money. Passion cannot fill your belly, you need money.

However, when you make money with your passion & it starts filling up your belly, there's nothing better than that.

Steemit gives you the platform you need whether you are a writer, marketer, singer, musician, developer, gamer, geek, scientist, doctor, nutritionist, lifecoach, fitness coach, etc.

It's just the beginning, we all will see the power of Steem in the next 3 years.

living your real life is the best thing that can happen to someone.

Amen to that!

That looks like fun. My boy would absolutely love playing with those goats. When we took him to Animal Kingdom in Orlando he loved petting the goats with brushes.

Cool! I like how many places like have animals like goats too. They can be a lot of fun for sure!

I am not surprised with how you are handling the little peppers because you are a man of deep understanding who appreciate nature and the simple things of life. Life should be lived and enjoyed and we shouldn't let life pass us by.

Thank you for the visit sir...i hope you enjoyed the write up?

I have been opportuned to watch kids of goat before and it is so exciting how they leap and jump around in excitement. You still managed to capture them so well .

I enjoyed my visit over there! Glad that you've seen kids jumping like this in real life too!

Thank you so much. Really and always appreciate you sir.

This gifs and photos are a joy to see. The children are being given the chance to be children, to live life to the fullest. Many children today are attached to electronics and don't know how to interact with the real world, which is sad. Children should be allowed to grow up at their own pace. Not through video games and movies that expose them to the adult world when they are not ready.

Haha you look so happy with that kid! I do love the gifs. Technology has a place and a purpose, but to connect is a real experience can't compare to anything else! Hope you guys have a lovely day!

Amen to that! Hanging out with you guys in person was ever better than online too!

One little goat brings whole lotta happiness.

They really do, and we've got three now!

When I see your post, it reminds me of my childhood. The innocence as kids, running around and not being scared of anything. Going into the woods, be away from home for hours without a mobile phone. Taking our bikes and be gone.
It's a pity that most kids nowadays can no longer enjoy that freedom.
I'm happy to see you're able to live like that.
Enjoy it.

Thanks @fonteynb!

Beautiful very post it, I really like ,

Thank you @good-darma!

Same same, I am new beginner, father for uvote me yes ,, I you fren ,,,,,

These gadgets have bettered our lives in one way or the other and that's why I'll never say these gadgets are curse because they've helped us immensely. But, there's a thing called 'moderation' and it should be the order of the day in anything we do.

But still you deciding not to use them at all will make you outdated and not knowing what's happening in your society and when one talks people will wonder what planet He/She is from.

I never said that we do not use them, it's just that my children are ages seven and below. They can still use a computer or operate a DVD player, they just do not do such things all day long. You can see my online presence here throughout the day every day too, so obviously I use technology.

Moderation is key. We need balance. Far too many are becoming very disconnected from a lot of real things in the world and have settles into a digital existence. I was just recommending that they unplug once in a while, not forever, if that makes sense.

Thank you for your comment and for taking the time to read my post.

You're welcome, its really a pleasure having you reply my comment.

thanks for your post, very useful

happy smile radiated from your photo

Glad to hear it!

Yes I agree with what you think and instill a social sense of the children to the natural surroundings because now we find that many children no longer care about social life because parents or older adults do not forbid playing gedget, tab and preferring to spend time in the house rather than spending time out with friends or family. it is very sad if we leave it too long. over time he will not have kinship spirit with his neighbor, with this post I hope that children should not be too often in the house, introduce with the natural surroundings, because with him to recognize the nature around to make children get a lot of knowledge and have social soul, thank you, good luck

Yeah, a real connection to the world around us in becoming rare, and more people and children are struggling with face to face interaction these days.

Good morning! I am new to Steemit and my mother tongue is Spanish. However, I clearly understand the essence of your reflection. The important thing is to enjoy nature as a family, that our children spend less time in front of a computer or video game and enjoy all the wonders that nature has to offer.

So beautiful to see the joy and excitement in all of those kids. Woo Hoo!!!