Short week

in life •  7 years ago 

Is it just me or does anyone else suffer from the "I don't know what to do with a short week" disease. I mean I like spending time with my wife, but I feel I would have rather spent more time producing toward my future and does one really need a week day to do that. Steemit comes to mind and yes, if you put in enough you for certain investing in your future. Wish I could make more off it in a hit, but then maybe I'm just not putting in enough, that's on me though.

Are public holidays dished out to freely these days and I see patterns in relation to the new free for me generation who love these off days from work. I wonder if people just don't understand the economy and or if they just don't care about the fact that work equals money? This is where I am in contemplating self employment again, well it's one of at least a few good reasons. The harder I am prepared to work, the more I'll make and no matter what anyone says there are very few employers that will give you more every time you perform better. Mostly you'll get the annual percentage and will often also hear that you could have done more so no the percentage will stay broad based, makes you feel cheated doesn't it?

Well regardless of my ranting the week is gone after for workdays and no matter what I would be willing to put in, I'll get no more than what I'll get.

Think think think and plan

Have a great weekend everyone

Improvise Adapt & Overcome

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When I lived in Germany, their bank holidays were on random days like Thursday . In May za Germans have 4 bank holidays. 4 day May we called it. Everyone just went drinking! If it fell on a Thursday which it often did then cute whores used to book Friday off work so they only worked 3 days for the week. When setting up a company in Germany we were not aware of the so called "bridge days" .Busiest days of the year .

Hahaha, everybody needs a break I suppose hey.

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Have a good weekend mate. Even the fastest Formula One car has to pull into the pits at some stage. Switch off the brain for a bit man. When you turn it back on it'll work more efficiently.

Very true bud. The best engines burn out if not rested. Just been chilling with my misses and it helps I must say.

Restart button usually works! Glad you did it . Life is short! Enjoy whatever you can. Take care!

Thank you mam. It's imperative to keep sanity. You to mam, have a lovely day.