You want to hack life ?? here you are ;) {Part 1}

in life •  4 years ago 

1- Visualize your ideal Self. In each situation, say to yourself: what would I do if I had confidence in myself? And do it. Visualize your ideal, self-confident self, and try to act like it.

2- Create an illusion of choice. If you want someone to do something for you, ask for something more difficult before asking them your real request. Give two choices: the difficult task and the other. The one you actually want will look easier.

3- Turn disagreements to your advantage. When someone says things you don't agree with, be firm in your objection. Start by saying "I know what you mean", and continue on "But have you ever thought about it that way? ...". This allows you to present your thesis without being interrupted.

4- The love loan : Love is difficult in the 21st century. So what to do if someone you like showing no interest in you?
Ask him to lend you something (a book, for example). Repeat once or twice, and you will see that her attitude towards you will have changed, as a connection will have formed between you.

5- Look between the eyes. People don't like being stared in the eye for too long. Look in the space between the two eyes, on the nose.

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