๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜” if you're a smoker and I like you, QUIT. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”๐Ÿ˜”

in life โ€ขย  7 years agoย 
Dear Diary,

  The reality has hit. Today has been difficult. I get it. My father is 90; with COPD to boot.  Seeing him this weak. Needing help with everything. It's hard.
  I'll be honest, the vague haunting reminder that I was a smoker for 20 plus years is ... frightening. Basically he can only sit here, or lay. If he gets too excited, laughs, talks; anything that takes effort. He cant breathe. Every small movement feels like you ran and cant catch your breath. 
  Anyone who smokes; Quit. Do yourself a favor and prevent yourself from a slow, agonizing, terminal disease.  

#quit #quitsmoking #cigarettes #copd #horriblewaytogo #slow #youcandoit
With Love,


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ย  ยท ย 7 years agoย 

@prettynicevideo I'm so sorry that your father is going through this. I lost my father to lung cancer in '99 and there's seldom a day I don't think of what smoking has cost my family. I couldn't agree more that if you haven't yet quit today is always the best day.